Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate




Clara was waiting for me in the living room when I arrived. She didn’t say a thing but she was perceptive as ever and she watched me with raised brows. I knew without a doubt that she had some suspicions about what happened. I trusted her and I needed her advice so without saying a word, I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into my room.

She allowed me drag her and once we were in the privacy of my room, I locked the door behind us. I gestured for her to take a seat next to me on the bed and she did without hesitation. It took me a minute to find my words and within that minute, she did not speak or push me. She waited quietly for me to gather my bearings and it only endeared her to me further.

‘I kissed Kaden,” I said finally and she just raised her brows in amusement. “He was kissing Lucy when I walked in then he was kissing me. I don’t know what's happening. I don’t understand what is going on. Everything is too fast. He’s may mate and I feel the attraction towards him but-

“Slow down.” she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and I took a deep breath. “The semantics will give you a headache. I would ask how Lucy got into the picture but I am not sure I want to know. The real question here is do you want him?

I didn't need to think before I nodded. Wanting Kaden was not the question, the question was whether or not I could have him. There were so many things in the way of our happiness- Blake, Lucy and my father.

“If you want him then have him. You don't have to rush things and Kaden isn’t going to rush things if you tell him you want to take things slow. You have all the time in the world. Just take a deep breath and see where things go. Do you know how he feels about all of this?

I shook my head slowly. “I think he wants me too but there’s Lucy.” “Forget about Lucy. This is about you and Kaden. If you are certain that this is what you want then Lucy will be handled in due time.” ‘I don't trust her.”

“I don’t trust her either. Just focus on yourself and your relationship and everything else will fall into place.” I nodded and she gave my shoulders an affectionate squeeze. “I should go, there’s lunch for you on the table.

She disappeared from my room but I didn’t have lunch. I traced my fingers over my lips as I relived the kiss I had with Kaden. There was something about Kaden that continuously pulled me in. I didn’t know if it was the mate bond or something stronger. I flushed pink whenever I thought about him and how he felt against me. I couldn't step my lips from curving up into a smile.

I wanted Kaden and he wanted me. I was going to do what Clara said and focus on that. I couldn't wait for our date. He hadn't given me a day but I knew he would soon. I wondered what he had planned and I couldn't wait to see it.

I fell asleep without having any meals. The next time I woke up, it was around two a.m. and my stomach was grumbling in hunger. I would have slept through till morning but a noise woke me up. Breeze was blowing in through my window and I scrunched my brows in confusion because I remembered it being closed when I fell asleep.

I immediately shut it but not before looking out to be sure that no one was spying on me. Once I was sure that I was safe, I grabbed a robe and made my way into the kitchen in the hopes that I would find a snack. I opened the microwave but came up empty. I moved to open the fridge when I felt a presence behind me.

I turned to see Caleb standing behind me and I had to slap my hand over my mouth to prevent from screaming as I jumped in fright. He had a sheepish look on his face as if he didn’t plan to scare me.

“Are you okay?” he asked and I nodded. I didn’t trust myself to speak yet. “I’m sorry, I heard footsteps and I came to investigate. I got home not too lang ago and I was worried that someone had followed me. Are you sure that you’re alright.”

“Yes,” I assured him as soon as my heart was not beating a mile a minute. “I was just hungry and I came to get a snack. I am so sorry that I bothered you.”

He waved me off. “Rubbish, there's some lasagna in the fridge. If you want something less heavy, you could go for some cake slices. I had one a few minutes ago and it was amazing. Don’t tell Pamela I said so, but she is the best baker I know.”

I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. “Thank you, I will be sure to have one.”

I opened the fridge and sure enough the cake slices were there. I took out two and poured myself a glass of orange juice. It wasn’t until I was closing the fridge that I realized that Caleb had not left. He was staring at me intently and I had to cross check to be sure I was not indecently dressed.

“Is everything okay?” I asked him and he seemed to snap out of his reverie.

‘I'm sorry for staring, I just. I just needed to see,” I was more confused than ever and he seemed to notice that because he explained. “I needed to see what Kaden saw. I have never seen him ready to damn it all to hell for someone before. Don’t take this the wrong way but he has not been the same since you stepped into this pack.”

“I'm sorry.”

“No, it's a good thing. He is less of an asshole now that you're here,” he winked and I chuckled. "I think you're good for him and I may not be sure but I think he is good for you too. Just be careful, I don't think everyone will be so supportive of the both of you being together.

He spoke like there was someone in particular he was worried about but before I could ask any questions, he tipped his head in a respectful nod and walked out of the kitchen leaving me standing there alone. The air felt colder and I felt more alone than I had in a very long time.

I couldn’t fall asleep again after that. I sat cross legged on my bed and stared at the wall until the clock hit five then I stood up and got dressed for training.

Pamela and Clara were awake and I made sure to compliment Pamela on the cake slices. She beamed at me like I had made her day and I almost told her that Caleb complimented her too. I would have told her if not that he chose to walk out of his room at that exact time.

I drove to the training ground excited to be there. Tfaining had a way of taking my nsind offthingsand =. helping me focus. I was also excited to have-an area of my life that was not dominated by Kaden’s presence. Someti mes I needed to be away to think and that was what training brought to me.

I was shocked however when I got there and I saw Kaden talking to Ronald. They were so deep in conversation that they didn't even notice I had arrived until I cleared my throat. Ronald beamed at me and pulled me into a warm hug but my eyes never left Kaden’s.

“What are you doing here?” I couldn’t stop the words from leaving my mouth and Ronald gasped. “That is the Alpha,” he whisper yelled.

“It is fine Ronald,” Kaden held up a hand and practically shooed Ronald away. Once it was just the both of us, he closed the gap between us. “I came to see how your training was going.”

“Do you always do this or is this because of me? I don’t want any special treatment.” “I will not interfere with your training at all. I do this occasionally. I haven't done it in a while and I figured today was a good day to check it out.”

A part of me knew he was lying and was annoyed but another part of me found it endearing that he wanted to check on me so I decided to play along. I nodded and he stared at my lips as if he wanted to kiss me. I wouldn’t have stopped him if he tried but he stepped back and cleared his throat.

“Ronald is waiting for you, the others are arriving.”

This time I was the one who flushed pink because I didn’t notice the others were there.

By the end of training, my bones were sore and twas tired. I was so distracted by Kaden’ S presence that

I had my.ass handed to me by oO Ronald. {Could feel Kaden’s = apprehension each time I was thrown to the ground or disarmed butt he never interfered. I was grateful for that becausé there was no way I would learn without being


“You seemed a little distracted today,” Ronald told me at the end of class. “If you're sick then you can take the next few days off.”

‘I'm fine,” I assured him. “I just had my head in the clouds. I will get you back tomorrow though.”

He laughed and ruffled my hair softly before gsing to pack up. I would have-Helped him but I had an early class.and I didn’t want to be =~ ate. I gotinto my car and I was. > aboutto start it when Kaden knosked on my window. I jum mped at first because I wasn't expecting him but when I noticed he was the one, I quickly unlocked the passenger seat for him.

He got in and shut the door behind him. before I could even ask what he wanted, he cupped the back of my head and pulled me in for a deep kiss. He didn’t pull away until my brain was fried and I was gasping for breath.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“I wanted to do that all morning.” he murmured and kissed me again. I flushed pink when he pulled away. “Why did you really come here this morning?”

“For you,” the words left his lips easily. “I wanted to see how your training was going. Ronald told me that you were ready to progress to training with the teenagers.”

“What do you think?”

“I think he has a point,” I beamed wide. I was glad that my hard work was paying off. “There is one more thing.” My blood ran cold. “Did I do something wrong? What is it?”

“Friday by six,” my brows scrunched in confusion at his words. “That is the time for our date. I will pick you up.”

Without another word, he walked out of my car leaving me sitting there in silence.

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