Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate




I waited with bated breath for her to push me away. Her lips were as soft and pillowy as always and I could have gotten lost in them. I savored the taste like it was my last because I knew she would push me away. When she lifted her arms, I was prepared to feel them but to my shock. she placed them tentatively on my shoulders as if she was unsure of whether she should pull me closer or push me away.

I didn't want to give her the chance to over think. I grabbed her waist and pulled her flush against me. Her hands wrapped around my collar as a gasp left her lips and I used the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth. She kissed me back albeit slowly as if she were still indecisive. I poured everything I had into the kiss. I wanted her to know how I felt about her and that I was sorry for what happened with Lucy. I had never been good with my words so I showed her with the kiss.

She seemed to understand because her hand trailed up from my collar to my neck. She was still hesitant and I understood that so I let her be. I wanted so much more than that kiss but I forced myself not to act on those impulses. I wanted nothing more than to rock my hips against hers so she would feel how badly I wanted her but I didn’t. When I pulled back for air, I was grateful I didn't because there were storms in her eyes.

“Kaden,” she began slowly. I knew she was as affected by the kiss as I was. “That shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have kissed you. Especially not after- I should go.

She tried to side step me but I stopped her.

‘I'm sorry,” the words felt foreign on my lips. It had been a long time since I felt the need to apologize to anyone. The nature of my position did not leave space for apologies. "I should have never kissed her and I don't know why I did. You are the one I want. I don't feel anything for her.”

“She was on top of you,” Amelia spat then she gasped when she realized what she had done. “My apologies, Alpha, I should have never spoken to you like that.”

“You have more right than anyone to speak to me that way.” I grabbed her palms tightly in mine. “You are right, I was wrong but Amelia, you are my mate, not her. You are the one I want. I am trying to be patient with you but it is hard.”

She bit her lower lip as she pondered over my words. It was a simple action but it had me hardening in my pants. I tilted my head back and let out a groan. I was trying to take things easy but she was not helping matters. She was leaning against my desk with me standing between her legs and biting her lips. I wanted nothing more than to flip her over and claim her as mine. Instead, I reached out and softly tugged on her bottom lip until she released it.

“Don't do that,” she scrunched her brows in confusion but I offered no other explanation save for five words. “It can be very distracting.”

Her cheeks heated as if she understood what I meant. “This is happening too fast. I need some time to think. One second you were kissing her and the next you were kissing me.”

I closed my eyes but nodded. She was right. If I pushed her any more I knew I would lose her so I took a step back from her and discreetly adjusted my pants so my bulge would not show. She was shocked that I agreed to her request so easily and I could tell that she had a million questions

“I have one request,” I spoke up and she hummed. “I want to take you out on a date.” “Are you sure?” she asked and I nodded. “You want to take me on a date. Why? Where?"

"Why is because you're my mate and I can't tell you where or it won't be a surprise. Just tell me that you agree. We can scrap out our weekly reports for dates instead. What do you think?

“I think that's a great idea.”

“Shall we seal it with a kiss then?” her cheeks heated as I leaned in and kissed her softly making sure to graze my teeth over her bottom lip as I pulled back. “Have a good day, Amelia.”

She rushed out of my office quickly after that. As soon as the door shut behind her, I ran my hands down my face in frustration. I could have grossly messed things up with Amelia because of one stupid mistake with Lucy. I needed to keep Lucy in check and get her out of the way without raising suspicion with my mother. Amelia would never truly be mine as long as Lucy was in the way.

There was a knock on my door and I was prepared to tell the person to fuck off when Caleb walked in. His nostrils flared and confusion took over his features. The room smelled like Amelia and Lucy and I could tell he had plenty questions but I had no intentions of answering them.

“Do I want to know?” Caleb asked but I stayed silent. “Fine then, I just wanted to let you know that Amelia just left. Clara will let me know when she gets home.”

“What do you want, Caleb?”

“I want to know if you know what you're doing. Lucy might get suspicious and if she does then so will your mother. I’m just trying to look out for you and Amelia.”

“I can handle myself and I can handle my mother. Thank you for your concern but it is not necessary right. Focus on not letting things slip to my mother.”

He discreetly rolled his eyes then bowed and walked out of the office.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

I stayed in the office for as long as I could. I tried te avoid going home because I didn't want to see Lucy but I knew at some point I would have to stop avoiding my home because of her. I left the office around ten p.m. hoping that she would be asleep when I walked in through the door but she wasn't.

Instead, she was seated on the couch with my mother. She was dressed in a skimpy black nightgown and I resisted the urge to groan in annoyance. She smiled widely at me but I ignored her and turned to my mother. I could see the hurt on her face but I couldn't bring myself to care.

“How nice of you to join us, Kaden,” mother said as she rose to her feet. “I had to come and keep Lucy company because she was lonely. Haven't I taught you that it is rude to keep a lady waiting?

“I didn’t ask her to wait.”

My mother flushed pink at my words and she quickly ushe ed Lucy away. I tried tos ide-step her to retreat into the comfort of my room but she < S oped ine with a hand on my.> upperarm. I didn’t want to ~N disréspect her by walking away so I tuétied to her and made sure ike) p aster on the most unbothered expression I could muster. Content belongs to swnovel.ne

“That was utterly disrespectful, Kaden,” she chided. “Lucy has done nothing but be kind to you and from what I heard, you were taking an interest in her today. I thought things were finally going to work out between both of you.”

“Do you not find it weird that you are discussing your son's sex life with a stranger? Why can't you just stay out of my business and let me handle myself?

“lam just looking out for you Kaden,” she reached up to stroke my hair. “I want what is best for you and Lucy is what is best. You just need to give her a chance.”

She smiled at me and gave my shoulder one last pat before walking out. When the door clicked shut, Lucy came out of her hiding place. She had the audacity to pretend to be innocent as she cast her gaze to the ground

“I ordered in dinner for us.” she began in a faux innocent voice. “I was thinking that maybe we could eat together and watch a movie. There is this-”

“lam only going to say this once,” I cut her off. “Stay the hell out of my personal business. What happened between us today was a mistake and I would appreciate it if you didn't go telling my mother everything that happened.”

“I didn’t tell her. I don't know how she found out “Save your lies for someone who believes it.”

She bowed her head even lower. “I don't know why you have such a bad idea of me. I have only tried to be kind towards you. I thought we had a real connection

She reached gut for the collar of my shirt but I slagped her hands away. She looked‘Aurt and there was, somethigg else nidden beneath her carefukmask, it looked more like’ annoyance. Before I had the chance to.analyze it, her mask slipped back isto place and she squaree her shoulders and stood up St aighter.

“I know you don’t like me,” she began and I opened my mouth to speak but she continued. “The reason for that is because you do not know me yet. All I am asking for is a chance to get to know each other. We could have dinner together and maybe we can continue from where we stopped earlier today.”

I knew what it was about immediately and I scoffed. Before I met Amelia Kwould have taken her up on herolfer I always liked NN women, ‘iho were bold with their desires but something about Luty put mé off. Somehow, I had a developed a liking for shy \ women Wfio couldn't meet my eyés. I had developed a liking for Amelia and merely being around Lucy had my wolf protesting in my head. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Lucy reached out for me once more and this time, I grabbed her arm in a harsh grip. “You are going to stay the fuck away from me. The only reason you are still in this house is because of my mother. If you dare cross a line again, I will throw you out on your ass. Is that clear?”

She gritted her teeth as she responded. “Crystal clear.”

I let her go and ran my hands through my hair. I had barely spent five minutes in my own house but I needed to get out. I could not bear five more seconds in her presence. I turned on my heels and made my way towards the door.

“Where are you going?” she yelled out as she followed me but I ignored her and made my way into the car. "Kaden, you can’t just leave. I don’t even know where you're going.”

“I'm going anywhere you aren't present.”

I drove off before she could mutter another word. I needed to see Amelia to calm down. My only hope was that she was asleep.

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