Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate




I was anticipating Friday but when it came, I got so nervous that I feared I would throw up. I had been on a few dates before with Blake but something about Kaden made this feel different. Maybe it was because he was my mate or because he was Alpha. maybe it was both but I was freaking out.

Kaden did not appear at training and when I asked about him, Caleb simply said he was handling some pack work. He offered to give me Kaden’s number but I promptly refused. He was the Alpha, there was no reason why someone like me should have his number. Caleb insisted that Kaden wouldn't mind but I was not willing to take that risk.

I had classes to take my mind off things but I didn’t want to go. I had successfully avoided Aiden the rest of the week but I knew that he was only biding his time. I rushed out of class before anyone else and if I saw him coming down the hallway, I turned the other way. There was only so much I could do before he caught up to me and I knew it. Serena tried her best to help me but I knew she wouldn't always be around.

After my first class, I tried to escape just like I had done but I felt someone shove me hard. I fell to the ground and the contents of my bag spilled out in front of me. People snickered as I retrieved my pens off the floor. I looked around but I couldn't see any indicator of the person that had shoved me

“Do you need help?” I looked up to see Aiden standing in front of me. He bent down and retrieved the last of my pens then handed it over to me. "I had no idea you were so clumsy.

“Thank you but I wasn’t clumsy, someone pushed me,” I took a step back to create as much distance as I could between us. “Why would someone want to push you?” he asked and I shrugged. “Thanks again but I have to go, I have another class.

I tried to leave but he reached out and grabbed my arm keeping me in place. His grip was not bruising but it was firm and I knew I wasn’t going to get out of it. He smiled at me as if he was unaware of how he was holding me in place.

“Have you been avoiding me?” he asked and I shook my head. “Are you sure because I could have sworn that you were running away from me? Is this about the study group? I’m not upset, I can understand how demanding it can be to have to bow to the whims of Kaden.”

“This isn’t about that, can you let go of me?”

He glanced at my arm that he was holding and for a split second, I thought he was going to refuse but he snatched his hand back. I rubbed my arm trying to get rid of the sting. I expected an apology from Aiden but he did not offer one.

“I have another study group session today. We usually hold them every Friday. This one will be happening at my house.”

“I don’t think I can make it Aiden,” he opened his mouth to give a response but I cut him off. "I really have to go, Serena is waiting for me.” “I thought you said you had a class.”

I flushed pink once I realized he had called me out on my lie. “I have to meet Serena so we can go to our class. I'll see you around Aiden.”

I turned on my heels and rushed into the throng of people before he could utter another word. Despite being in a sea of people I could not help but feel that his eyes were fixated directly on me. The eerie feeling of his stare did not leave me the entire time.

I was better at avoiding Aiden for the rest of the day. Although we had the same classes, I made sure to stick close to Serena. She was more than happy to help me stay away from him and judging by the death stares they sent to each other, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the story than I knew. I wanted to ask but whenever I breached the question, she was quick to shut it down

By the end of the day, she grabbed her bags and practically high tailed it out so I wouldn't ask any other questions. I was forced to navigate the halls by myself and thankfully. Aiden was pulled into a conversation with a strange boy so I was able to avoid him. Classes ended by two so I had exactly four hours to get home and get ready.

I didn't know where Kaden was taking me but I was eager to find out. As soon as I got into the house, Clara was waiting for me. She practically dragged me into my room and into the tub of hot water that was waiting for me.

“Take a long bath, I'll get the makeup things,” she seemed more excited for the date than I was. She had practically been floating in the air when I told her.

The bath smelled like roses and when I got in, I almost moaned as the hot water hit my skin. I stayed in longer than I needed to and if not for Clara banging on the bathroom door to tell me that we were running off schedule, I would have stayed longer.

I came out wrapped in a robe and she showed me a few outfit choices. She had a much better fashion sense than I did so I asked her to help me pick what to wear. Judging by what she chose, I knew I had made the right choice.

I settled for ripped jeans, a white corset top that accentuated my breasts and made them look fuller than they were and sneakers. I tried to find out from Clara where he was taking me but she was being tight lipped about the entire thing.

For my makeup, she settled for a natural look with glossy lips and nude shadow. When she was done, she cur edhy hair into a pretty < ponytai Land left a few strands down to frame my face. I couldn't belteve thathwas staring at myselfin i the royror. looked beautiful, Wooked perfect. I couldn't stop mijself from smiling and pulling her into a wide hug.

“Kaden will not be able to take his eyes off you,” she whispered and my cheeks heated. “Just remember to have fun. This night is all about the both of you.”

Just as she finisned speaking, the

doorbell rang~l knew immediately

that it was Kaden. A bundle of

nerves shobup nside me and my >

palms bégan to sweat. What if he

changed his mind? What if he oY

decidéd that he didn’t want me to be

hissmate? My mind was conjuring up

afPthe worst case scenarios and I didn’t even realize I had forgotten to breathe until Clara’s hands rested on my shoulders.

“Breathe, Amelia,” she instructed me and I inhaled deeply. “Everything is going to be fine. You are worried over nothing. “What if,” I began but she cut me off.

“Forget about the what ifs and just enjoy. If you ever feel like it is too much then shout down the mind link and I will come to get you with no questions asked."

“Thank you, Clara.”

She smiled at me then opened the door for me to walk out. Kaden was standing there talking with Pamela and Devin. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt. He paired it with grey sneakers that were identical to mine.

When he saw me, his eyes widened and he swallowed down a knot in his throat. I noticed a bouquet of flowers in his hands and he handed it over to me. They smelled fresh and I knew they were handpicked.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“lll put that in water for you,” Pamela said as she gently took the bouquet from me. “Have fun, don’t come back too late.”

Kaden held out a hand to me and I ingerly took tt-Sparks danced across my skin f rom where he held me and I felt my cheeks heat. Kaden ed me over to his car and opened the deor for me. His entire demeanor was soft and careful as heRelped me into the car. He drove in silence and every few seconds, he would glance at me through the corner of his eyes. Content belongs to


“You look breathtaking,” he breathed after a second of silence. "I've been tongue tied since the moment I saw you.”

“You don't look too bad yourself,” I managed out and I saw the corner of his lips quirk up. “Are you going to tell me where we are going?’

“Not quite, I want it to be a surprise,” I pouted and he laughed. “You look adorable when you do that. We will be there in a few minutes, Amelia, be patient.”

It took us ten minutes to get there. I was confused when the car stopped because we were in the middle of the forest. Kaden helped me out of the car and I realized we were in what I could have described to be the densest part of the forest. I could barely see in front of me save for the path where Kaden was driving on.

“Are we in the right place?” I asked and he hummed

I chose to believe him and follow as he led me through the forest. I began to wonder if maybe I was a little over dressed until we got to a clearing. If someone had told me that somewhere like this existed within the forest, I would have called them a liar.

Right in the middle of the trees sat a large expense of land. There was green as far as the eye could see with a small lake by the side. In front of the lake sat a large picnic blanket with two baskets on them. There were also two lawn chairs next to the blankets. My mouth fell open and I turned to Kaden only to see him glancing at me nervously.

“Do you like it?” he asked and I nodded. ‘L love it.

I threw my hands around his neck. When I realized what I had done, I pulled back with a soft flush on my cheeks but Kaden refused to let me go. He had his arms around my waist as he pulled me in for a soft kiss. I kissed him back immediately, wrapping my arms around his neck

I could tell that he was holding himself back in the kiss. He was taking it slow just like I had asked and something blossomed in my chest. All my life. Kaden was the first person to actually take my thoughts and opinions into consideration. It warmed my heart.

I pulled back for air and he rested his forehead against mine. We stayed like that in complete silence for a full minute before he finally pulled back.

“Would you like to sit down?’

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