The Stained Omega

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Chatper 216

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 49.


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“You got that list for me?” I don’t look up from my laptop as Rowan enters my office, I’m busy

responding to Darryl about the Elders. We still haven’t heard anything back and it’s got me on edge.

“Yes and no, not much of a list to be honest.” Rowan sits across from me, I don’t miss how he eyes up

the two empty bottles of Jameson and various dirty glasses and plates on my desk. “Sally is going to

have a heart attack if she sees this mess.” I chuckle as I turn from the laptop and take in my new Beta,

I’m feeling good about the decision and so is Storm. We just want to make it official now.

“I can deal with Sally, the list?” Rowan leans across the desk and hands me a folded piece of paper.

Opening it I see one name on the page, I flip it to make sure I’m not missing anything. “Are you sure

about this?”


“I am, he comes from a strong shifter line and he was trained in Grey Pack. He’s a strong warrior and I

think he will really step up.” I can’t say I disagree with Heath’s training but I don’t know him well enough

to commit to him being my Head Warrior yet.

“Invite him over tonight, we can get some whiskey flowing. I’ll get to know him and if I like what I see I’ll

consider it on a trial basis.” I laugh as Rowan pulls out a small note pad and pen, the da mn thing still

has a plastic shine to it. “That didn’t take long, don’t think I’ve ever met a Beta who didn’t have a

notepad of some sort.”

“I take this seriously,” I nod my head at him, I can see the seriousness




His Rogue Omega Chapter 49

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sitting on his face, he’s ready to step up to the plate on this one. “Want a run down for the week?” I

wave my hand in a go ahead gesture and lean back in my chair ready to take my first proper Beta week

run down. “Two more were fired for drug use, Harry sent over the documents so we can see if they

have a link to anyone in the Pack. So far I’ve not found a connection but I’ll keep at it.” I purse my lips, I

hoped this drug thing would go away but sadly I’m not that lucky. “John is finally cleaning up thanks to

me having only my most trusted guard. I’m confident we can talk to him soon. Selena has put in a

request for a medical building to be part of the high street reconstruction, I think she just wants

somewhere Pack can drop in for minor illnesses. It will stop her running back and forth all day and

night.” I nod my head, that’s a good idea and if it’s on the old high street then it will be smack in the

middle of the Pack.

“Get me some numbers on that, I like that idea.” Rowan scribbles something in his notepad before

flipping the page.

“The decorating of the two bed cottage is done, it’s ready for Eva if that’s what she still wants.” It might

be what she wants but it’s not what I want, she woke up from her wolf attack two days ago and talked

about joining the Pack. She wouldn’t even entertain me mating her and insisted she needed to get to

know the Pack and let her wolf be part of it. Thanks to this amazing idea she decided to move from the

Pack house and into her own home where she can get to know the Pack on her own terms. I don’t like

it but at least she will still be on Pack land.

“The CCTV I asked for?” Rowan nods his head before digging in his pocket and handing me a small

smartphone looking device.

“All attached there, you can see all directions from her home and of course me and Selena are just

over the road from her.” I turn the device in my hand before laying it on the desk, it’s the main reason I

picked the cottage I did. If she’s close to Selena at least I know she wont isolate herself.






His Rogue Omega Chapter 49.

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“The human? Is he still looking for Eva? Any news on his drug activity?” I know he already said about

the workers being laid off but thanks to Eva’s tip about the club we’ve been watching him with regards

to drugs too.

“As far as we can tell it’s business as normal, he takes a different female home each night and each

morning she walks out on her own two feet. There are no new faces, no alarming activity at the club,

the guy is clean.” I hear what Rowan isn’t saying.

“Too clean?” Rowan nods his head, “whether Heath or someone else I need the new Head Warrior to

understand how important it is that we keep eyes on this guy. Chances are he wants Eva back so she’s

under his thumb, worst case it’s to sell her off to whoever has him pushing the drugs.” There is no

doubt in my mind that someone else is behind the drugs, Jeremy is too small time to be leading

something like a sex trafficking ring.

A knock on the office door has Rowan leaning back in his chair, his t- shirt rides up to show his

chiselled torso. If I was less of a man I might be jealous of this male living across from my future mate.

“Hey sweets, come on in.” Rowan has opened the door with one hand while leaning his chair back, I’m

not sure why he didn’t just get up. Eva’s intoxicating scent has me sitting up straighter in my chair.

“I was wondering if I could have a moment?” I like this shyness on her, this isn’t the same as when she

first came here, it’s because she’s remembering what I did to her before her wolf turned.

“What can we do for you Angel?” Rowan stands from his chair and waves for Eva to sit down.

“Are we still on for tonight?” I look over at Rowan, he flicks through some pages in his notepad and

nods at me.






His Rogue Omega Chapter 49

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“We are, you ready to become a part of Everfur?” It takes a second but Eva squares her shoulders and

looks me directly in the eye. For a split second I could swear her blue orbs were actually violet.

“Very. Ghost is finally on board and I think the idea of living alone has something to do with it.” I try not

to cringe as I remember Eva won’t be sleeping in my bed tonight, “I’m a little worried about what to

expect. Selena went through everything with me but I mean the actual eticate of the Pack and stuff.” I

look over at Rowan again and arch an eyebrow, he just shrugs his shoulders which means he has no Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

idea what she’s talking about either.

“What do you mean Angel?” I put my forearms on my desk and lean closer to her, “what’s worrying you

about the Pack?”

“I don’t want to upset anyone,” she goes back to looking at her hands instead of at me. “Selena said

you have classes for the younger Pack members, to teach them what to expect when they come of

age. I never had that and I know I’m much older but I was wondering if I could sit in on the lessons.”

The blush on her cheeks betrays how hard it is for her to ask for something she needs.

“I don’t think so.” I lean back in my chair as her eyes fly up to me, “those classes are for pups Eva, you

as a full shifter won’t get much from them. How about I get you a private tutor? Say twice a week to go

over anything and everything Pack related?” Eva’s shoulders drop and she lets out a big sigh, I don’t

think she expected me to offer her any help.

“I would really appreciate that, maybe they could add in some stuff about mates?” Her cheeks flame as

she casts a side eye to Rowan, much to my appreciation my Beta doesn’t say anything. He just stands

there and writes notes, I’m assuming what we are discussing.

“Of course, anything else Angel?” I’m begging her with my eyes to ask






His Rogue Omega: Chapter 49.

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for some alone time but much to my annoyance she just shakes her head and gets up from the chair.

“Thanks for your time Alpha Cas.” I manage to keep the hiss off my lips as she walks from the office,

two days ago I was Cas and now I’m Alpha Cas. I understand the distance she is forcing between us

but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

“Alpha Cas? Since when are you Alpha Cas?” Rowan drops himself back into the chair and watches

me with concern as I pour yet another drink and slam it down.


“She’s pushing me away, she’s scared. Her wolf scared her and now she’s running as fast as she can.”

Rowan looks at me with sad eyes as my laptop dings telling me there is a new message, “I don’t know

what the hell happened while she was out but something has really ruffled her fur.”

“She hasn’t told you?” I shake my head no, Eva has barely said two words to me the last few days.

“That was the most we have talked in days, don’t bother looking for a tutor.” Rowan closes his notepad

and gets up from the chair, clearly intending to leave, “don’t forget about Heath coming over.


“Can I assume you will be teaching?” I nod my head at him, I’ll be teaching Eva something but it won’t

be what she thinks she needs. It’s time she understands, I am the Alpha of this Pack and what I say

goes, I want her as my mate and by everything holy, she will be.


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