The Stained Omega

Chatper 217

Chatper 217

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 50.


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‘You look like a cheap bride.’ I stick my tongue out at my reflection, Ghost clearly isn’t a fan of the dress

Cas picked out. I can’t say I am either, it’s pure white which makes my already pale skin seem almost

translucent. The lace detailing on the hem makes it seem even shorter than it is. I’ve worn sexier and

more low cut stuff than this while working at the club but this is a different level. It’s s exy without being

in your face, it screams virginal sacrifice and begs for you to come and see what’s under the tiny

spaghetti straps. Turning so I’m looking over my shoulder I try to pull the dress down in the back in the

hopes of it covering more of my as s but no such look.

“Oh my Goddess, you look amazing!” I cringe at Selena’s squeal as she comes running into the

bedroom, after today I’ll have my own place and people will be made to knock.

‘Ask her what time the ritual slau ghtering happens.’ I roll my eyes at Ghost and plaster a smile on my

face as I turn to see Selena in her normal leggings and t-shirt combo.

“You don’t like it?” Selena stops near the bed and drops her leather jacket on top of the now red

comforter, the black one was ruined thanks to the whole bleeding out thing a few days ago.

“It’s just a lot or maybe not enough.” I pull at the hem again but I feel it slip down my chest so I quickly

pull at the top to keep myself from spilling out of the low cut front.

“I mean it is unusual but it’s still very pretty, it looks beautiful with




Roque Omega Chapter 50

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your dark hair.” Selena’s muttering catches my attention and I stop her as she reaches out a hand to

feel the fabric, her wide eyes tell me she’s surprised I’ve grabbed her wrist.

“What do you mean unusual?” I watch her closely so I don’t miss how her eyes shift to the door like

she’s hoping someone will come in and save her.

“It’s nothing, come we need to get going.” She looks down at her wrist but it’s bare, “forgot my watch

but I know we start soon and the run takes place on the other side of the Pack.”

“Selena, you’re keeping something from me and as my friend and soon to be neighbour you need to tell

me.” I let go of her hand and she quickly steps back from me, her lips press together and I can almost

see the cogs working in her brain. “Don’t think about what to say, just tell me.”

“Fine but can we walk and talk?” I nod my head and follow her out of the room, I don’t bother with a

jacket because I already know this night is ending on four paws not two. My little flip flops sound loud

against the stairs as I follow Selena up to the lounge. I’m not surprised to not see anyone in the lounge

but the large Christmas tree gives me pause.

The da mn thing is so tall it’s bending at the top where it reaches the ceiling, it’s got no decorations on

it yet. It looks like someone has just dumped it in the corner of the room and walked away.

“It’s almost Christmas already?” I hadn’t realised it had come around so quickly and honestly I didn’t

realise shifters celebrated it.

“Oh, not yet. It’s only the last week of November, Cas insisted on it. I think he has something planned

for decorating it. Now can we go please, we really will be late.”. I look over at the door to see Selena

looking rather flustered so I take pity on her and turn away from the






4s Rogue Omega Chapter 32

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tree. I don’t know why it’s bothered me so much but it has, I don’t understand why Cas would want a

Christmas tree. I’ve seen him flinch and cringe when I use the word G od or Jesus. The man has some

serious issues with the Lord and that’s on him but why would he want to celebrate a holiday all about


“Where is this happening again?” I try to keep up Selena but my flip flops don’t make it easy as we walk

down the drive. The sun is just going down and soon it will be very dark out here, “is there a reason this

Pack seems devoid of any street lights?”

“Afraid of the dark?” Selena chucks as she looks back at me.

“I’m not overly fond of what hides in it, seriously though, what’s with this place? The Pack house is nice

but everything else is so spread out and almost like time has forgotten it.” Selena laughs loudly as she

stops and grabs my hand once I get in line with her.

“Cas’s father was very set in his ways, he closed the Pack off to the outside. He wouldn’t allow any

influences to come inside and he used the Bible to keep the Pack members already here in line.” I look

around as we turn down what looks like it used to be a street full of houses, now there are just two or

three brick high walls showing the base of the buildings. “This was a high-street back in the day but his

father had them knocked down, they had a café, a bar and even a small library but he said it was the

devil’s work and got rid.”

“Sounds like a lovely guy.” This was clearly a thriving Pack before Cas’ s father got his hands on it. I

can’t help but feel this is yet another man who used Go d’s words to ruin people’s lives. “So what did

you mean by unusual?” Selena stops as we reach what looks like a very dense patch of trees. I can

hear murmuring just beyond my eyesight so I know the Pack is somewhere in there.

“So when we get new members, the Alpha takes them aside, reads

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 50.

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them the oath and gives them some of his blood. That’s it, done and done, they are Pack and everyone

is happy we have new blood in the pool.” I feel my eyebrows crinkle together as I look into the dark

trees, if it’s that easy then why all the theatrics and this stu pid dress. “Having you be brought in while

the Pack watches is a statement so is the dress.”

“What kind of statement?” I feel like I already know but I need to hear it outloud from someone other

than a muscled Alpha who clearly wants in my panties.

“Eva he just wants what’s best for you, he wants you to have a home and somewhere to belong. Cas

just wants you to be comfortable while you’re here.” I can tell by the way she’s shifting her weight from

foot to foot that she doesn’t want to be the one to tell me what’s happening.

“Selena, I want this. I want to be Pack, Ghost might not be fully on board but she will be. I want a home

and somewhere to belong, I just need to know what I’m walking into so I can prepare myself.” I need

her to understand that I can’t just walk into those trees completely blind. I know I can trust Cas but I

don’t know if I can trust his intentions when it comes to me. He’s made how he feels about me perfectly

clear and I also know that it’s hurting him that I haven’t just dropped to my knees and bared my throat Còntens bel0ngs to Nô(v)elDr/a/ma.Org

for mating.

“He’s claiming you in the eyes of that Pack,” I close my eyes and tilt my head back towards the darling

sky as I let her words wash over me. “After tonight there isn’t a single Pack member who won’t know

you will be his mate one day.” I open my eyes when I feel Selena’s warm hand grab the tops of my cold

arms, “it also means not a single male will come sniffing around you. You will have the Alpha’s

protection until you are ready to be his mate.” Her eyes are pleading with me to understand so I just

gulp and nod my head. I won’t pretend I’m not scared of being publicly claimed but I also understand

why Cas feels he has to do this. And I won’t lie, if it keeps men from knocking on my

“Eva, you ready?” Rowan steps through the trees, he’s wearing only a pair of jeans and nothing else.

Clearly he’s ready to shift once Cas has done his speech. I smile at Selena so she knows I’m not mad

at her and push away so I can walk over to Rowan.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I try to smile but again it must not be convincing because Rowan looks at me

with concern.

“You sure? You look terrified.” I look over at Selena and silently beg her to come to my aid, I need her

to be my friend right now and come

to my rescue.

“She’s great, really excited to run with the Pack. Right?” I smile at her as she clasps my hand, the three

of us walk into the trees along a dirt path I didn’t even notice in the darkness. We walk in silence and

it’s not long before the trees start to thin a little and a small clearing comes into view. We have come in

behind Cas so I can see his muscled back along with his star tattoo as he faces his Pack. The Everfur

Pack itself is pretty small but gathered together the sixty-three members looks a lot more now I have to

stand in front of them.

“Everfur Pack,” Cas’s voice booms across the crowd, they all stop talking and look towards their Alpha,

Rowan puts a hand on my shoulder making me stop. “Tonight will mark the first Pack run held by me

and also a few new changes. I’d like you all to welcome Rowan as my new Beta,” Cas sweeps his hand

back and Rowan walks towards the group waving his hand. There is some polite clapping from the

older members, the warriors and younger members are all shouting praise and hollering their joy.

Clearly some of them are very happy with this change, “in a few days I will appoint a new Head Warrior.

We also have a new member with us, she’s very special because in the near future I expect her to be

standing on this stage beside me.” Cas

looks back at me, he winks at me as the crowd starts to whisper. I pick up the odd words like rogue, wh

ore, harlot but I also hear some that say pretty, cute and Luna. I don’t know which ones terrify me more

but instead of running the way I came I slowly and carefully walk toward Cas’s outstretched hand.

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