The Stained Omega

Chatper 215

Chatper 215

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 48.


# 299 Mouchers

I’m back in the cage, I can feel something heavy and metal around my waist, feeling with my finger tips

I feel the deep grooves of a heavy chain. Ghost has tied me down and left me in the dark, it’s my

punishment for yet another slight towards her. My moment of bliss with Cas has caused my wolf pain,

more pain that I can even comprehend or even pretend to understand.

“Ghost?” My voice comes out pained, I can feel the pain in my arm and leg but I can’t feel the blood

anymore. “Please come out, let’s talk about this.” I’m met with a deafening silence, I’m alone,

completely and utterly alone. Last time Ghost let me out so I have no idea how I’m going to get out this

time. She seems to have taken extra precautions to ensure I won’t leave without her saying so.

I’m not sure how long I sit there alone bound in chains but the sound of nails on the floor and a familiar

voice has me jumping as much as I am able.

“And I thought we were a mess back in the day.” I try to see who is talking but it’s useless, I can’t see

anything through the inky darkness that surrounds me. “At least I took you to an open field, this place is

just dank.”

“Don’t be so judgemental, Winter. Help me find Eva.” That voice I do know and it fills me with

confusion, all the times I dream of Anna, Luna of Swiftmane Pack, I’m alway’s running as fast as my

legs will take me.




His Rogue Omega Chapter 48.

288 Vouchers

“She’s over there, her wolf has locked her down good and tight.” I hear the clicking of something and

the room is lit up with the warm glow of a candle.

“Okay, that’s better.” Anna’s beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes come into view, she’s wearing a pair of

leggings and a sports bra. She looks no different to the last time I saw her, actually that’s not true, she

looks happier than the last time I saw her. “Goddess, what is this place?” Anna recoils as she stands on

the bones of a dead rat.

“It’s where I kept her apparently.” I try to turn away from Anna as she slowly walks closer to the cage. If

there is one person who I don’t deserve to look in the eye it’s her. “She said I kept her trapped and

silenced. She’s leaving me to the same fate.”

“I’ll go and find the wolf, you deal with this mess.” The big white wolf standing next to Anna turns and

shows me the port wine patch on her rump as she runs off into the darkness.

“Quite the mess you’ve gotten yourself into.” Anna brushes the rat bones to the side with her foot and

sits down in front of the cage, she places the candle in front of her so it bathes both of us in it’s warm

glow. “You know I felt you a few days ago, it was like this pop and I just knew there was a new Omega

around us.” I don’t say anything as I keep my eyes cast down at the floor, “I see you’ve not done very

well for yourself since leaving Swiftmane.”

“I didn’t leave.” I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth, “I’m sorry, Luna, I just meant that I

didn’t leave of my own accord.”

“I’m not your Luna, Eva. You’re not part of my Pack and I’m not part of yours, we are both Omega so

we are connected but otherwise we are nothing to each other.” Even though she’s not speaking to me

in a mean way her words still slice me like she’s cut me with a blade. “That being said I knew you

regretted what you did and I made the decision to






His Rogue Omega Chapter 48

288 Vouchers

forgive you long ago. Now we need to figure out how to tame your wolf before she tears you apart or


“She’s so mean to me, if she isn’t belittling me then she’s trying to force me to leave the one place I

think I can make a home.” I sniffle as I try to keep the tears at bay, I don’t want to cry in front of Anna

but I don’t think I can hold back the physical and emotional pain I’m feeling.

“Tell me what happened, Cas gave Fraction a brief run down but it’s always best to hear it from the

source.” I look up at her and see nothing but concern on her face, she might not like me much but she’s

worried for me.

“How are you here?” Anna shakes her head and laughs.

“As someone once told me; a story for another time. Now let’s talk about you, I have an Alpha and two

pups to get back to.” Anna puts her hand on the floor but instantly brings it back up with a small shriek

when she nudges a rat bone.

“Sorry, guess my wolf isn’t the cleanest.” I feel myself blush even though I have no control over what’s

happening. If I did I wouldn’t be sitting across from the one woman I wronged more than anyone else in

the world and especially not while bound in a chain and naked. “Ghost came to me when one of the

Pack females said something that rubbed me the wrong way,” I stop for a second and shake my head.

“That’s a lie, she was whispering to me for weeks before then I just didn’t realise it.” Anna just nods her

head to tell me she’s listening, “Rowan asked me to stay in the Pack to help him heal Cas but I think I Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

stayed because I enjoy Ca s’s company. He makes me feel safe, I’ve never been safe, not once.”

“So you like him? Not unusual considering he’s your mate.” I’m actually shocked Anna knows, I would

think she wouldn’t care to know anything about me.





His Rogue Omega Chapter 48

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“I’m not sure about all of that, I just know that when he kissed me it set me on fire in a way no one has

ever done to me. We were intimate,” I feel my face flame as I cast my eyes back down to the floor. “It

was amazing but afterwards Ghost was pis sed, she wanted me to run while Cas was in the shower.

When I refused she attacked me,” I look down at my arm but I can’t see the marks, I can’t see my leg

but I assume it’s the same. “It hurt so much, like she was standing right in front of me while tearing into

my skin.”

“Has she told you to hurt anyone yet?” I shake my head no, “that’s good but it will come Eva. When I

was at my worst, Winter wanted me to kill Fraction so I could take my son and run. She was convinced

it was the best thing for me and I almost listened to her.” The bite mark on her slim neck tells me that

she found a way to fix her wolf.

“How did you fix it?” I’m desperate to know how to control

my wolf.

“As an Omega you have a different connection to your wolf, not all shifters can dream of their wolves

like we do. Omega’s also need a Pack, it’s a longing within us, it helps our wolves in a way nothing else

can.” I hear some growling behind Anna but I can’t see what’s happening thanks to the darkness. “The

guys will tell you to mate, that the only way to fix this is to link yourself to Cas. They aren’t wrong but

you could try something else first.”

“Tell me, I’ll do anything. I just want the pain to stop.” Anna nods and leans forward a little, her voice

drops to almost a whisper.

“Tell Cas to bring you into the Pack, as a full member. Be around them, get to know them and their

wolves. Run with them and eat with them, your wolf will soon feel at home.” I shake my head knowing it

won’t work, Ghost will never allow Cas to make me Pack.

“Ghost will never allow it.” Anna just looks at me with sad eyes before standing up, she holds out her

hand and Winter pads back over to her.





Omega Chaph 25

“Just try and Eva?” I look up at the two of them standing before me, bathed in candle light. They look

like something out of a mythical story. “Remember it’s your dream, you are in control. No one else,

even I’m just a visitor.” I blink my eyes and Anna vanishes along with her wolf. I’m left alone with the

soft candle light flickering against the metal bars.

I sit in the candle light for a long time, I think about what Anna said over and over again. If this is my

dream and I can control it then surely I can just get up and walk away: Closing my eyes I try to imagine

myself dressed in leggings and a t-shirt, standing outside of the cage and unbound. I’m not sure how

long it takes but eventually I feel the metal weight drop from around me, opening my eyes I see I’m now

standing next to the candle on the other side of the cage.

“Ghost?” I call out to my wolf as I pick up the candle and walk the way Winter came from. The ground is

hard against my feet, the little rat bones keep poking up into my skin but I ignore them when I spot the

white fur pile next to a door. Carrying the candle I run over to Ghost and drop to my knees, running my

hands through her fur. I can’t find any wounds but I’m concerned when she doesn’t move.

“I’ll try, just don’t let that wolf come back.” For the first time I’m seeing the vulnerable side to Ghost,

whatever Winter did it scared my wolf half to death.

“What did she tell you?” I start carding my fingers through her fur, I can feel her vibrating with fear.

“She told me what happens if I keep on going down this path. I don’t want that for us, so let’s try this

whole Pack thing, I’ll try.” I just nod my head as I lean down and push my face into her warm fur, me

and Ghost might not get along but it doesn’t mean I want her hurting either. I lay there for a while until I

hear Cas talking to me and I force myself

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