Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 68

Mr. Austin was seated in his office, addressing Aaron and Deloise.

“So far, your job has been impressive,” he looked between them, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you are the best couple I’ve come across in my 40 years of life.”

Aaron took Deloise hand in plain sight, “I’m glad we exceeded your expectations,”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Wipe that smug off your face, boy. Great or not, it’s all an act.” Mr. Austin took a sip from his mug. “A very convincing act.”

“Sometimes, I forget that’s what it is.” Deloise mumbled, eyes fixed on their interlocked hands.

“Whatever, let’s get to the business of the day.” Mr. Austin said and brought out a file from his drawer. He placed it on the desk when a sound came from the door. ” Who’s there?” he asked aloud, and headed towards the door when he got no reply.

“Are you expecting someone?” Deloise asked as he made his way back to his seat.

“None that I’m aware of.” He replied with a huff, “Where was I?”

Mr Austin continued the conversation on the business that brought them to his office, unknown to them, a little news had gone viral in the school community and beyond.


Time passed and soon, it was the final shoot for the movie. The set was unusually joyful that day, and the good mood was contagious. After the final shoot, the set prepared for a celebratory dinner to mark the close of their job after three months.

What was supposed to be a dinner somehow turned into a house party held by Stella. Aaron and Deloise arrived together, and were welcomed by a cheerful Stella who made it a point to announce their entry to all and sundry.

“Come on! I prepared a special spot for us!” She said and dragged them towards the staircase, up to her room.

Deloise wasn’t comfortable with the way things were headed but she held her peace as they were led to the room.

“Why are we here?” Aaron spoke as soon as they got into the room that held a few cast members, including Tony.

“Hello gorgeous!” Tony called and Aaron rolled his eyes. “It feels like you disappeared off the face of the earth.”

Deloise smiled at his warm address, “It’s been a while,” she said as they hugged. Two seconds into the embrace, Aaron guided her over to sit beside him.

“Way to be a caveman, bro.” Tony said and the group burst into a fit of laughter.

Aaron couldn’t be bothered about his friend’s remark, Stella on the other hand couldn’t wait to take the light off them, and she did just that.

“We are complete. Let’s play a game.” she clapped, “Any suggestions?”

“Truth or dare?” Tony remarked with a bored expression, “We might as well get drunk and say shit about each other.”

“Sold! That’s the best game for tonight.” she said and pulled an empty bottle from under her seat, evidently prepared. “I’ll go first.”

The room was silent as the bottle spinned to a stop, facing Flora, Stella’s roommate.

“Truth or Dare.” Stella asked with a grin, already knowing her choice and the perfect task.

“Dare,” Came the little voice of Flora.

“I dare you to sit on his lap for the rest of the night.” she pointed to Tony and Flora went fifty shades red. “Quick! We don’t have all night.”

Flora made her way to Tony while they cheered her on. Noting her wavering confidence, Tony tapped his leg, encouraging her to sit.

“Spin the bottle, Flora.” Stella handed the bottle over to her. One spin later, it was Flora’s turn to ask the question. It landed on Stella.

“Truth or Dare.”

Stella didn’t skip a beat, “Dare.”

“I dare you to kiss Aaron.” Flora’s words came as a shock to others who didn’t see it coming.

“I don’t think that’s wise..” Tony said, gauging the look on Aaron and Deloise’s face alike.

“What? It’s just a game.” One of the set members opined and others concurred.

Aaron didn’t move an inch, his gaze crossed that of Deloise- who maintained silence. Soon enough, Stella stood in front of Aaron, seeking consent with her eyes.

“Do it already-”

To the surprise of everyone, Aaron closed the gap between them, giving her a swift kiss. Hoots erupted from the others and Deloise stomped out of the room.

Aaron smirked, happy to have elicited a reaction. He gets up and Stella holds him back, “Where are you going?”

“Don’t touch me.” He pulled his arm away and went after Deloise.

Aaron watched Deloise enter into a cab and drove off. He made way to his car and a message came into his phone.

“Grandma is dead.”

Aaron re-read the message, trying and failing to make out anything other than what was said. For the first time ever, he dialed his father- who picked in one ring.

“Is it true?” he asked, praying it was a sick joke.

“She’s gone.” the Elder Steele affirmed in a miserable voice.

Aaron didn’t need to say anything as two beeps signaled the end of the call. There in the car lot, memories of his childhood filled his senses, he saw her everywhere. He couldn’t believe she was gone.

He got into his car and drove recklessly to his Gran’s house. It was a miracle he didn’t get ticketed. What he saw made him regret seeking her out. He walked through the open doors and nostalgia washed over him. He was here a few days ago, cooking and having lunch with her.

They’d cooked an excessive amount of macaroni which got placed in the fridge alongside several others. She was having the same meal tonight.

How did he know? Because it laid on the floor, mixed with broken shards from the ceramic plate she used to dish it.

She collapsed seconds before dinner. A blind person could tell by the set dinner table and the now-wasted food. Aaron ran out of the house with his head hot. This couldn’t be happening. He needed an escape.

Aaron mindlessly drove to the city, bought packets of drinks and headed back to Stella’s. He parked his car outside and consumed alcohol till his mind was a haze. Unable to think, he staggered to the front door and knocked incessantly, waiting till the door opened.

Stella ushered him in with a confused look. After sitting him in her room, she opened her hidden stash and helped herself with some liquid courage to aid the success of the plans that formed in her heart.

“I knew you’d be back.” Stella giggled as she drank out of her glass. “Watching you with her sucked life out of me because I knew you deserved better. Fake or not.” she slurred, and her hands caressed his chest and torso. “I’ll just get you prepared and show the world exactly whom you belong to.”

Stella laid Aaron on her bed and took care of her clothes. It was finally the moment she’s been waiting for. She picked up her phone to commemorate the moment before sealing the deal. Just when she planted herself on top of him, Aaron wriggled in his sleeping state, causing her to lose her balance and hit her drunken head on the bed-post. Knocking her out cold.


Days passed with no word from Aaron’s end. Deloise was at her wits end with thoughts on what his attitude meant. Ever since his kiss with Stella, things weren’t the same. With the growing rumors of their fake relationship, it was harder to carry out their jobs with the unresolved conflict that brewed between them.

Their relationship was reduced to mere acting for the audience/cameras – a sharp contrast from what it used to be. Had she taken their acceptance of feelings to mean they were something other than what they were?

The weeks following that night was torture to be around Aaron. With the gloomy countenance he wore, she believed if she approached him, things would get out of hand. She opted to avoid him for as long as possible, but even that wasn’t working out well for her.

After much thought, Deloise made up her mind to call quits on whatever it is between them. It was evident she couldn’t handle things and that was grounds enough to bring the nightmare to an end.

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