Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 67

Esther was worried about Karen.

For the past week, she hadn’t set eyes or spoken to her. It seemed like she disappeared off the face of the earth – herself and her daughter.

As a result, she couldn’t find it within herself to pick the calls of her daughter for fear she might have questions she didn’t have answers to.

The entire week was a torment. Living alone and void of human contact, she naturally gravitated towards the only available option.

This time around, Daniel was persistent. He showed up time and time again despite her outright hostility towards him. After that night, they came to a silent agreement never to dig into the matters of their past.

Nothing good seemed to come out of it.

Today, she was worried for an entire other reason. Daniel had returned to his role as a friend and in that position, demanded for what he described as a friendly day out. Something they both knew was an act to cover the real deal but no one cared enough to point that out.

Or they didn’t want to.

Daniel arrived in a car she’s never seen before. Esther touched up her face, feeling like a girl again. Something told her she was digging deep into a hole that would swallow her but she brushed the thought off, and walked out the door.

“You look beautiful.” Those were simple words, overused even, But coming out from his mouth, it took on another meaning, and caused the wings of her heart to flutter.

“Thanks.” She said in a small voice, eager to get out of his scrutinizing gaze. “Where are we going?”

“Good things come to those who wait.” he tsked, and there was that smile that made her swoon.

They got on their journey, and arrived at an exhibition. Esther lets herself enjoy their time out, something that wasn’t hard with his charismatic personality. By the time they got to their final spot, she was convinced he was the same person.

He didn’t change.

The way he spoke, joked, thought, they were still the same. His fire didn’t dim, he became an inferno that threatened to willingly consume her.

The couple sat at a park very close to her house, watching people enjoy their evening.

His vision was darkened by the shades he wore – an attempt to blend into the crowd without problems. There weren’t a lot of people around but he still took measures – The last thing he wanted was to draw attention to himself and ruin what they had going on.

“Look at him,” Esther said, barely containing her smile as a little boy attempts running away from his mother, “He thinks he’s fast,”

Daniel smiled, taking in the scene before them. “Which do you prefer, a baby boy or a girl?”

“Boy.” her answer was instant. “I’ve always wanted to have a boy,” she smiled, “they are such an energetic ray of sunshine.”

“True.” he agreed,

She turned to face him, “Why do I feel like you have more to say?”

“You know me too well.” he snickered, “I don’t know if I want to have children with anyone…”

With anyone other than you. He added in his heart, aching to voice it but smart enough not to ruin the atmosphere with another one of his selfish thoughts.

He continued, “If I was to have one, I’d want a little girl.”

“Why?” her voice was still and pregnant.

Daniel chuckled, “Would you believe it if I said I don’t know?” he took off his shades, “I just know having a little girl in my arms will be perfect. She’ll be a spoiled daddy’s girl.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Esther’s heart gripped, “It’s getting late, I need to go,” she announced, aching to get out of his sight.


Aaron and Deloise grew inseparable.

As the weeks passed, their popularity grew and so did their understanding of each other. They went on dates, crediting it to their need to keep up their act, but deep down, they knew it was more than that.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

They naturally fell into a routine, none felt the same without speaking or hearing from the other.

Together, they built themselves, challenging the other to greater heights and levels of achievements. Their audience grew, and soon, they couldn’t live on campus – all of which drove Stella to an all time high, searching for the best time to strike and separate them.

Deloise was in the bath when a realization dawned on her. She couldn’t stomach the idea of not being with Aaron. As they drew towards the end of their filming, the thought of what happened afterwards posed a huge question mark she didn’t want to explore.

Or she couldn’t stomach exploring.

She decided it best to avoid him, and gradually cut him off until she got a hold of her feelings- but it was easier said than done. Every plan to avoid him failed and she was angry at herself. It seemed like he was unaffected and happy while she embattled these feelings.

It didn’t take long before Aaron noticed her withdrawal. He had a hunch about what was going on and thought of the best way to reassure her.

One day, he showed up in front of her door, and Deloise felt caught with nowhere to hide.

“Aaron,” she blinked, “What’s going on?”

“You are avoiding me.” he cut to the chase, “You’ve been for a while. Is there something I did?”

Deloise opened the door and he stepped in. “Where’s this coming from?” she feigned ignorance,

He corked his eyebrows, “I should be asking you.” he circled her like a cat to his prey, “I’ve wrecked my head, thinking on what could cause such disconnect in our relationship, and came up with a couple theories, but I figured I might as well ask you directly.”

“I don’t know what you’re getting at.” she said softly, tingly from his proximity.

“We both know that’s a lie.” his eyes fixated on hers, “I want to take you out.”

Soon enough, the duo were on their way to God knows where. They stole glances at each other, catching themselves every single time. Deloise couldn’t help the feelings that overwhelmed her senses at his proximity. In times like these, she was led to believe there was something more between them.

Something more than they had admitted to.

His gaze embraced her and she fought the urge to acknowledge him, surely, she wasn’t the only one feeling it. Surely, he was as breathless as she was in his presence.

Why else did he seek her out? Why else will he notice her withdrawal? He had to feel something or she might as well be crazy.

Through their dinner date, Aaron showered her with attention, seizing every opportunity to be handsy and connected with her.

She saw herself falling deeper into the abyss of immense attraction and willingly so. They finished eating and Aaron drove to their final destination. He parked his car by a cliff, and they sat in the hoof of his car.

“It’s so beautiful.” Deloise smiled at the twinkling skyline, she turned to him, impressed, “How did you find it?”

“My mother.” he smiled, “She brought me here as a child to meet my father.”

Deloise didn’t know what to say to that, “It’s fine if you don’t want to speak about it.” she said, knowing it wasn’t an easy conversation for him.

“I want to speak about it.” he held a cynical smile, “Ms. Ema happens to be my mother.”

He searched her face for a reaction, calculating her thoughts.

“Why?” Deloise replied with a question that clawed her senses, “Why are you telling me this?”

“You should know that by now..” Aaron jumped off the hoof of his car, his height balanced with hers, “I don’t want to keep anything away from you. No more secrets.”

“Why?” she pressured, searching his eyes, looking for something else, something they both knew, “I need to hear it, Aaron. Please..”

“Because I’m crazy about you.” He held his head, “Because I can’t seem to think straight when I am around you, because my every waking moment is littered with thoughts of our next meeting, our next date, our next kiss.” He let out a breath, “Believe it or not, somewhere in the middle of this mess, I fell totally in love with you. I get it if this is too soon, and you don’t see me in that light, but-”

Deloise shut him up with a kiss. The longer it lasted, the rougher and deeper it became. By the time they disconnected, they were both out of breath and sporting messy smiles.

“I love you too.” She said, and his eyes glowered, “I love you so much it hurts.”

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