Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 69

It was finally the first showing of the movie. Over the span of time, intense marketing efforts were made to promote the film; ranging from media adverts, to billboard placements and promotional appearances.

With everything else going on regarding the authenticity of Aaron and Deloise’s relationship, ample publicity and anticipation for the movie was garnered.

“It’s your first movie, how do you feel right now?” Doris asked with a big grin, holding out her phone as she recorded the moment.

Deloise was clad in a robe with her hair and make-up done to perfection. She managed a smile as she said, “It feels so unreal,” her eyes watered, “I can’t believe it’s happening, I’m getting ready to watch my own film after-”

“Don’t cry! You’ll ruin your make-up. This is supposed to be a happy day.” Doris dropped the phone and covered her in an embrace, “I’m so proud of you.”

That was enough to set the waterworks flowing. She didn’t realize how much she was pining to hear those words. With the current drama that was her life, she found herself feeling much lonelier than ever. Although work also helped alleivate the loneliness, she couldn’t help but feel like something’s missing.

Soon enough, the duo were ready and on their way to the theatres to watch the first showing of her movie- Scorned. With her new status as a young and rising star, she racked up a following wherever she went. Today was no different.

Deloise walked into the theatres after taking pictures with fans littered in the area. She saw a poster of the movie and couldn’t get over the feeling of seeing herself on a poster. Cast members also made an appearance for the showing, including Aaron, Stella and some others.

She found her seat, with Doris by her side and soon, they were lost in the magic of the world before them. Deloise watched herself and a sense of achievement filled her heart. She did that, she was able to immerse the audience with her passion and above all things, her hardwork paid off.

“We need to leave,” Doris whispered a few minutes into the movie, “Now.”

Concern clouded her features, “Is everything alright?”

“I’ll explain later. We need to leave now before it becomes impossible.” Doris picked up her bag and led the way, while she followed behind.

Due to the ongoing movie, many people weren’t distracted by their movement but they caught the eye of Stella who immediately got on her phone with a cynic smile, one text later, she dropped her phone and proceeded to enjoy the rest of the night.

On the other side of things, Deloise was losing her mind. Getting out of the theatre was no easy feat as reporters swarmed the area.

“I’ve called for security, we’ll be leaving through the emergency exit.” Doris took her by the arm and led the way to the exit where two suited man laid in wait, “Where’s the car?”

“I’m afraid we have to go through them, the car is parked by the gates.” One of the security men answered.

Doris lost it, “How do we get through the mob?! These people will pounce on us at the slightest opportunity! This was supposed to be a smooth transition.”

“What the hell is going on? Please tell me, what do they want with me?” Deloise pestered, and fear filled her heart.

“There’s a scandal. I’ll get into it as soon as we leave this place. The longer we remain here, the harder it becomes to leave.” she turned to the men, “Let’s get going.”

Doris threw a scarf at her. “You’ll need to cover your face. There will be a lot of pictures.”

She grimaced and covered her hair, “Let’s go.”

The men nodded and led the way out of the building. It didn’t take time before they were recognized by the press. Immediately , the lights began.

“Stay back!” one of the men ordered as they swarmed the women, taking non-stop snapshots.

“Is it true you are a fraud?!”

“Are you Daniel Greenwood’s daughter?”

“Did you take advantage of your father to snag the lead role from Stella Davis?!”

“What is your relationship with Aaron?!”Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Did you get into a fake relationship with Aaron for fame?!”

With each question, Deloise felt more confused. What the hell was going on?

“Here! Look here! Deloise! Deloise!”

The car was shut but the reporters swarmed them.

“Go!” Doris screamed and the driver zoomed off.

The car stood in front of Doris home, and the driver left them per request.

“Let’s go inside.” Doris said but she didn’t respond.

After a while, Deloise looked up, “Tell me what’s going on or hand over my phone.”

“It’s been a long day. We can discuss this tomorrow-”

“Stop stalling!” She sat up with blazing eyes, “Tell me what’s going on already! Please…”

With one look at her, Doris pulled up an article on her phone and handed it over with an apologetic look. It read;



Deloise Tanner, the latest addition to the Evolve Talent Management group has been exposed to be the daughter of Veteran actor Daniel Greenwood!

According to reports, the young star, who starred as the lead actress for the first project led by the Veteran actor, shot to fame after snagging the role from Stella Davis without taking part in the screening exercise.

After thorough investigation, it was revealed that the veteran actor single handedly brought her in as the lead actress with a scholarship into The Royal Arts Academy. The reason and motive behind his actions remain unclear.

Furthermore, it was brought to our notice the public relationship between Deloise Tanner and Aaron was contracted and holds no iota of sincerity. More news shall be communicated after…


“This isn’t true…” Deloise muttered in shock, “This can’t be true, don’t tell me you believe in the crap they’re saying.”

“Calm down.” Doris took her phone, and sighed, “Welcome to the industry.”

She shook her head, “No. I need to do something.”

“We’ll release a press release soon. I believe Daniel’s team are preparing something. For now, you just have to stay silent and out of sight.”

“You don’t understand! I don’t have a father, Doris! Never did! If they have something to say about my father’s identity- whoever it may be, I need to be sure.”

“What are you getting at?”

“I need to go home. I need to see my mom.” she meant every word.

“That’s funny. Do you think these vultures aren’t on the lookout for you?”

Doris’s tone was stern, Deloise could sense her authority coming off strongly.

“Please…” she stuttered, “My mother has no idea what’s going on. She thinks I’m in some law school in Chicago. She can’t hear this before I tell her. Please.”

“You can’t travel. The reporters would be lurking around the airport. This scandal doesn’t just involve you, Daniel is also getting hounded and according to reports, he isn’t in the state. Going to the airport is an accident waiting to happen.”

“Then I’ll take the bus. By dawn I’ll be there and everything will be settled.” Deloise clasped her hands together, “Please. Help me this once.”


Esther and Daniel were on another one of their friendly hang outs. This time around, they were having dinner at a light house in a rented beach.

“All my years as an Actor, I’ve never met a fan so crazy, I mean, she almost raped me.”

Esther let out a howl of laughter, “No way! You are making things up.”

“Made that up? Shesh! Look at me, I feel traumatized remembering how scared I felt. I was an inexperienced 20 year old on a strange land.”

“Don’t blame the women, you were a snack at 20.”

Daniel did a double take, “Did you just compliment me?”

“Take it as whatever you will,” She took a sip from her glass. “Your continued stay in Chicago is concerning. Did you fall off your career or is this one of those vacations celebrities take.”

“Don’t act like you don’t know why I’m here.” He remarked, slicing a piece of meat.

“We’ve been through this.” Esther said and their eyes connected.

“I know.”

“And we came to an agreement.”

Daniel perked at her words, “We didn’t come to an agreement. I can never be your friend, and you know that.”

“There’s no chance of us getting back together. I thought we established that.” she sighed, “I might have to end this friendship if you refuse to accept it.”

“Why can’t you just- You know I can’t let what’s between us die,” he grabbed her hand across the table, sweet sensations sparked within her, “not when I can feel its intensity, even right now, you can’t deny it, you feel it too.”

His phone rang, and he silenced it.

“What do I have to do for this to be over?”

Daniel scrunched his nose, “This can’t be over. Eighteen years apart is proof of that.” He said in a surly tone.


Hearing her say his name in such a needy manner evoked his most primal instincts, “I know it’s hard to trust me after everything. But please, give me a chance to set things straight, to get it right.”

Esther dropped her spoon, “I need to go, we aren’t getting anywhere with this.” She got up and he followed her.

“Why are you fighting this? Huh? Why are you fighting us?”

he held her arm, preventing her from picking her phone.

“Because there is no US!” she seethed, “Let me go or I will file a complaint.”

“Just one night. One night is all I need.” He begged, “One night and if you decide you don’t want me anymore, I’ll disappear from your life.”

Esther couldn’t believe her ears, “Is that what this is about? Getting inside my pants?” She scoffed, “I can’t believe you.”

“You know very well how I feel about you.” he dragged her close to him, so close she could feel his body parts. “You just need to remember what you feel about me. And if one night with me isn’t enough to remind you, then I wasn’t worthy of you to begin with.”

“I’ll grant you one night.” she pushed close to him, baring her fangs. “One night and this is over.” She gestured between them, “10 pm, my house.”

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