Married At First Glance: I Am Not Ugly

Telling Anderson

“I knew that he must be trying to find out if we were really telling the truth so that he could use that to make us give up on the contract. So I had no choice but for us to look like we were actually married and intimate.”Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Woah man……. That’s messed up……” Anderson said, then sighed.

“What did Marissa say after the um… um…you know”

Alexander placed his hand on his head and was silent for a second before he responded to Anderson’s question.

“Uhm…. she surprisingly acted quite professional. She didn’t act up at all, but I guess it’s because she doesn’t feel anything for me to have butterflies in her stomach right?” He asked.

“Alex, may I remind you that what you and Marissa have is just fake. She is your fake wife and you are fake married. So I don’t want you to have any idea alright. Don’t make her start growing feelings for you, Alex. We both know what would happen if she does and if you do as well.” Anderson explained. “You know you love Jessie and she’s all that matters to you aside from your company. So don’t drive Marissa on with all those kind gestures alright Alex… It would only confuse her. And I know that you don’t want her to get hurt do you now?”

“No… Of course I don’t want to hurt Marissa. She’s been so great to me and my company. I know I can’t keep leading her on like this, but I also don’t want to make things weird. I don’t know how to tell her that I don’t have feelings for her without hurting her.” Alexander said, his voice heavy with guilt.

Anderson could hear the pain in Alexander’s voice and knew that he was struggling with what to do next.

“Alexander, it’s going to be tough, but you need to be honest with her.

You need to redefine your fake marriage thingy that it’s just a business deal and nothing more.” Anderson said.

Alexander nodded. He knew Anderson was right.

“Do you think you could have that conversation with her? Do you think you could tell her that you see her as a friend and business partner and not as a romantic interest?” Anderson asked.

Alexander took a deep breath and thought about it.

“I think I can do it. I’m just worried about how she’ll react. I don’t want to make her feel like she’s not good enough or anything like that. I don’t want to hurt her feelings.” Alexander said, his voice full of concern.

“I know that’s the last thing you want to do. So that she won’t get her hopes up because of that um… K…” Anderson stammered.

“I was going to say, maybe we should come up with a script for that conversation. That way you’ll know exactly what to say and how to say it. We could practice the conversation so that you feel more comfortable with it. Does that sound like something that would help?” Anderson asked.

Alexander considered it for a moment. He had to admit, it sounded like a good idea.

“Yeah, I think that might help. I just don’t want to hurt her. I really value her as a person and as a business partner. I don’t want to lose that relationship.” Alexander said.

“Maybe you could start the conversation by saying something like, ‘Marissa, I really value our friendship and our business partnership. But I want to be clear that I don’t have any romantic feelings for you. I want to make sure that we’re both on the same page so that we can continue to have a great working relationship.’ Does that sound like a good way to start?” Anderson asked.

Alexander thought about it and agreed that it sounded like a good way to start.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good way to start.

“Do you think that you could say something like, ‘You’re an amazing person and I really value our friendship. I just want to be clear that I see us as friends and nothing more.’ Do you think that would help make your point without hurting her feelings?” Anderson asked.

Alexander felt a weight lifting off his shoulders. It was as if Anderson was helping him find the right words.

“Yes, I think that would help. I really appreciate your help with this.

“I’m glad to help. It can be really difficult to have these kinds of conversations, but it’s important to be honest and clear about your feelings. It will save both of you from any unnecessary pain or confusion down the road.” Anderson said.

Alexander nodded, understanding what Anderson was saying. It was true, it was better to be honest and clear from the start.

“You’re right. I don’t want to hurt her and I don’t want to lead her on either. I just want to be her friend and nothing more.” Alexander said.

“I’m glad to help. It can be really difficult to have these kinds of conversations, but it’s important to be honest and clear about your feelings. It will save both of you from any unnecessary pain or confusion down the road.” Anderson said.

Alexander nodded, understanding what Anderson was saying. It was true, it was better to be honest and clear from the start.

“You’re right. I don’t want to hurt her and I don’t want to lead her on either. I just want to be her friend and nothing more.” Alexander said.

“So when are you coming back dude?” Anderson asked.

Alexander relaxed on the couch.

“Um… tomorrow.” Alexander replied.

“Since we are done here, I think we should return back to reality. Don’t you think so?”

“Yeah… You both need to not be spending time together.

It would only complicate things.

Anyways, I gotta go.” Anderson yawned.

“Yeah, you’re right. I think it’s best if we don’t keep living in this fantasy world. Reality can be hard, but it’s important to deal with it head on.” Alexander said.

“Exactly, and I’m glad you’re being rational about all of this. It’s good to know you’re not letting your emotions take over.” Anderson said.

Alexander smiled, feeling grateful for Anderson’s support.

“Thanks man. I really appreciate you helping me through this.” Alexander said.

“Anytime. I’m always here for you.

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