Married At First Glance: I Am Not Ugly

Clearing The Air

After Alexander ended the call, he lay down on the couch and rested for the night wondering if he would be able to get the feelings he was beginning to have for Marissa under control and just accept the fact that he and her are just business partners.

The next morning, Alexander woke up feeling a little less anxious about the situation. As he went through his morning routine, he resolved to stay professional and not allow his feelings to get into the way of their deal.

He also knew that he had to redefine their agreement so that Marissa won’t take his current action as him expressing his feelings.

As he got ready for their departure to the airport, he thought about how he would approach the conversation.

He wanted to be clear and direct, but also gentle and compassionate. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he also didn’t want to lead her on or give her false hope.

As they drove to the airport, he thought about all the ways he could explain his side of things without hurting Marissa’s feelings. He knew that this was a delicate situation and that he had to tread carefully.

When they arrived at the airport, they went to the counter to check in and get their boarding pass.

As they waited in line, he couldn’t help but feel nervous. He was worried about how Marissa would react when he explained everything to her.

He just hoped that she would understand and that they could still have a professional relationship.

Since they were flying first class, they entered before others and sat down. He noticed that Marissa was silent all through and wondered why.

“Should he ask her? Or he should just mind his own business?” he asked himself as he stared at her.

As he debated with himself about whether to speak up or not, Marissa suddenly spoke up.

“Are you okay?” she asked, her voice soft and concerned.

Alexander was taken aback by her question. He hadn’t expected her to be the one to start the conversation.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

“Uh… yeah, I’m fine. Are you okay?” he responded, trying to sound casual.

Marissa hesitated for a moment before responding.

“I’m a bit worried about our business arrangement and where it’s headed,” she said, her voice betraying her anxiety.

Alexander’s heart sank as he realized that Marissa had picked up on his change in behavior. He knew that he had to be honest with her, even if it meant risking their business relationship.

“I’m worried about that too,” he admitted. “I know that I’ve been distant lately and I want to explain why.”

Marissa turned to face him, her expression serious but understanding.

“Okay, I’m listening.” she said.

Alexander took a deep breath and then spoke.

“You see, Marissa, what we have going on between us is just a business partner relationship and nothing more. I’m sorry about the kiss but it meant nothing but an act to show those men Jaime sent that we were a couple even though we were fake. I’m so sorry if I have put you in a difficult situation.” He apologized.

Marissa was quiet at first as she processed everything Alexander had said.

“I appreciate your honesty,” she finally said. “And I understand that this whole situation is complicated. But I think it’s important that we’re both clear about what we want and what we’re comfortable with.”

Alexander nodded. “I agree. And I want to make it clear that I respect you and value our working relationship. I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.”

Marissa smiled. “I appreciate that. And I want you to know that I’m here for you, as a friend and a business partner. We can get through this together.”

Alexander was happy that she took those words well. He had thought she would be angry and not speak to him, but she handled everything in such a professional and mature manner which made him respect her the more.

He couldn’t stop staring as he admired her person and how beautiful she was both inside and out.

Her dress also was stunning.

Alexander’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the plane boarding.

“We should probably board now,” he said, looking down at his ticket.

Marissa nodded and they both stood up. As they walked towards the gate, Alexander couldn’t help but feel a little bit of regret.

Regret that he had let his feelings get in the way of their business relationship.

He knew that he had to focus on the task at hand and not let his emotions get in the way.

But even as he tried to focus on the task at hand, Alexander couldn’t help but notice how stunning Marissa looked as she walked ahead of him.

Her long, dark hair cascaded down her back, and she carried herself with a confidence that was both alluring and intimidating.

He knew that he had to keep his head in the game, but he couldn’t help but feel drawn to her in a way he couldn’t explain.

As they boarded the plane, they took their seats and prepared for takeoff.

Alexander tried to put Marissa out of his mind, but it was no use.

He couldn’t stop thinking about her and the way she had handled the situation with such grace and maturity.

He had never met anyone like her before and he found himself wanting to know more about her.

As the plane took off, he tried to focus on the work that awaited him, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Marissa.

He wondered if she was feeling the same way, but he knew that it was unlikely.

After all, she was just his business partner, nothing more.

The plane landed with a bump, jolting Alexander out of his thoughts.

He gathered his things and followed Marissa off the plane.

They made their way to the baggage claim area and waited for their luggage.

As they stood there, Alexander was struck by the silence between them.

It was a comfortable silence, but it was still strange.

He couldn’t remember the last time he had spent so much time with someone without talking.

Finally, Alexander couldn’t take it anymore. He had to break the silence. Just then he heard a familiar voice behind him.


Alexander turned around and saw Jessie, looking at him with a mix of surprise and delight.

“Jessie! What are you doing here?” he asked, not quite believing that she was really there…..

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