Married At First Glance: I Am Not Ugly


“I’ve trusted you and believed in you for so long, and now I’m just not sure what to believe anymore.” She said, her voice cracking with emotion.

Alexander’s heart ached as he heard the pain in her voice. He wanted to tell her the truth, but he knew it would only make things worse. He had to find a way to prove himself to her without revealing his secret.

“I’ll be coming back to New York tomorrow so we can spend some time alone. What do you think?” He asked her

There was a long pause before she responded.

“I think… I’d like that. But please don’t lie to me. I need you to be honest with me if we’re going to make this work.” She said, her voice soft but firm.

Alexander felt a mixture of relief and dread. He was relieved that she wanted to spend time with him, but he dreaded the thought of spending time with her while keeping such a huge secret from her.

Meanwhile, Marissa had heard their conversation and wasn’t happy.

She gently closed the door so that he wouldn’t know that she eavesdropped on their conversation after all it wasn’t her business.

Her relationship with Alexander was a business deal and nothing more.

She went and lay on her bed covering herself with the duvet she felt a sting of pain in her heart.

Was she feeling hurt by the words he said to Jessie on the phone?

But why? After all, it wasn’t like they were married and he was cheating on her.

They were fake married which would be over in two months.

Despite trying to convince herself that she didn’t care about Alexander, she couldn’t deny the truth: she was developing feelings for him. And as much as she tried to fight it, she couldn’t help the way she felt.

As she laid on her bed, she found herself thinking back to the time they spent together.

At first she did find him annoying and hated his guts, but when she began spending time with him, she saw a different man.

She saw that he wasn’t who she thought he was. He was different and nice.

And as they worked together, she began to grow feelings for him.

She began to look forward to seeing him every day, and dreaded the thought of the day when their fake marriage would end.

She knew that what she was feeling was wrong. After all, she was just supposed to be helping him get a business contract and that was it. She wasn’t supposed to develop feelings for him.

But no matter how hard she tried to convince herself otherwise, she couldn’t deny the truth. She was falling for him.

She knew that she needed to stop it before it went too far, but she didn’t know how.

She felt like she was trapped in a never-ending cycle of emotions, and she didn’t know how to get out.

“Marissa snapped out of it!” She hit her cheek trying to snap herself from feeling anything for Alexander. “He’s not into you at all. So just drop the feelings and move on. You have your brother and other things to worry about. You shouldn’t be thinking about a man. A man who isn’t yours for that matter. His heart belongs to someone and not yours.” She told herself.

She tried to convince herself that she was right, but a small part of her knew that she wasn’t. No matter how hard she tried to deny it, she couldn’t deny the feelings she was developing for Alexander.

She knew that he wasn’t hers and that she shouldn’t be feeling this way, but she couldn’t help it.

She tried to bury her feelings, but they kept resurfacing no matter how hard she tried to push them down.

She felt trapped, like she was caught in a never-ending cycle of emotions.

She decided to sleep and forget all about what she was feeling.

Meanwhile, Alexander after he ended the call with Jessie he wasn’t happy about everything.

But he couldn’t deny his new feelings for Marissa.

So after he ended the call, he decided to call Anderson, checking if it was alright to, because of the time difference here in Switzerland and in New York.

The time was around 10pm and wondered what the time would be in New York.

But he decided to call anyway to tell his lawyer turned friend about what happened today.

Anderson answered the phone and Alexander could hear the confusion in his voice.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Alexander? Why are you calling so late? Is everything alright?” Anderson asked.

Alexander took a deep breath and told Anderson about what had happened earlier that day.

“I can’t believe it. I thought it was going to be easy and now everything is a mess.” Alexander said.

“C’mon man, talk to me. What’s going on?” Anderson asked.

Alexander sighed heavily.

“I kissed Marissa today.”

“You did what?!” Anderson yelled on the phone, surprised.

“Yeah, I kissed Marissa today, but it wasn’t like that. Jaime is around Anderson. He came to discuss the deal with the client but realized we were one step ahead of him and had signed the contract. He wasn’t happy. So when he walked to our table, he saw me with Marissa and you know how inquisitive he can be. He asked who she was to me and I had to tell him she was my wife. Because if I told him that she was my business partner, he would realize that I had fooled those clients into signing the contract and they would be pissed and sue me for deceiving them. So I had no choice but to do that.” Alexander explained.

Anderson sighed on the phone and Alexander could tell that he wasn’t happy about the development between myself and Marissa.

“So what happened next?” he asked after much hesitation on the phone.

“Well, after we left the restaurant, and went sightseeing which was so fun by the way, we decided that we should head back to the hotel room to rest because we had an early morning flight to catch. So while walking towards the hotel, we saw some men following us. I just guessed that it was Jaime who sent them everywhere we went. We saw them following us…

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