Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

1 decided to try a different approach, one that didn’t involve yelling and screaming because that could have my head in a tray in a matter of seconds. I tried to form the words. I tried to put the words into a sentence but I could not think.

1 stared at him, the cold determined look in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to drive a stake through my chest and feed my body to dogs. My wolf clawed at my chest raging in fear of what he would do to me. I let out all the pent up air in my chest and let the words flow out of me.

“Why do you hate me so much?” I asked Aston, my voice shaking with anger and hurt. The things he was saying to me were really tampering with my emotional stability. It felt as though he was ripping out my heart shred by shred.

“You clearly despise me, yet you slept with me and saved me countless times. Why? What could I have possibly done to make you hate me so much?” What I really wanted to ask him was why he playing with my emotions. Why he was reeling me in and spitting me the f**k out. I was confused as hell and I needed him to clear it up, did he hate me? Did he not? I needed him to decide and stop being so wishy-washy. I had a freaking life to live and I didn’t want it to revolve around his wickedness

“I did all those things that I did because I was bored, do not try to give meaning to meaningless things. I was bored and I decided to have a little fun with my slave. You can’t question an Alpha’s authority.” He spat and I felt my heart ache from the pain of his words.

“You clearly hate me so why hold me hostage, why keep me around when you can get rid of me forever and never have to see the a

e again.”

Aston sneered at me, his eyes cold and hard. “I don’t have to explain myself to you, slave.” he spat. “You’re mine, and you’ll do as I say until the day you die. You’re nothing but a piece of property, a tool for me to use as I see fit.”

It was clear why he didn’t want to let me go now. His insistence on keeping me locked up stemmed from the hate that he felt towards me and I was groaning just having to take all of that information in. My sadness morphing into anger

I felt a surge of rage at his words, my heart racing with anger. “You used me for your own entertainment, didn’t you?” I spat. You were bored, so you played with me like a toy. Well, I’m not a toy, Aston. I’m a person, and I deserve better than to be treated like this.”

Aston shrugged, his shoulders barely moving. “You were willing to do whatever it took to gain your freedom. Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it too.” He spat and I wondered if he really meant the words that he was saying to me. It was clear as day what his intentions were but it was still hard to process it. I was an even more bigger fool than I thought and it hurt like hell. I was so freaking embarrassed standing in front of him knowing that the sex that I thought meant as much as it did to me to him was just a joke

I was no more than a fling he used to while away time. I was mated to this f** man!! How could he not feel even a little bit of empathy towards me?!

I laughed, a bitter sound that echoed off the walls. “Enjoy it? You think I enjoyed being used by you? I did what I had to do to survive, Aston. That’s all I was desperate, and you took advantage of that. You used me, and you threw me away like trash but guess what? I found someone much better than the monster you are. And you were right. I only slept with you to try to get the hell out of this place, you don’t mean that much to me either. I didn’t even get much out of you any way and f**k like a girl. I had to go through that twice!” I lied, everything I said was a lie but had to save what was left of my pride.


Aston’s eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing through me. “You’re just mad that you didn’t get what you wanted in the end. You thought you could use me to gain your freedom, but it didn’t work out that way. Now you’re stuck with me forever.” The way he said it both confused and disgusted me.

took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. “I want you to officially reject me, Aston. Sever the bond between us so I can move the f***k on with my life. I’m tired of being your plaything, your slave. I want to be free.” I practically begged but it fell on deaf ears.

Aston laughed, a cold, mirthless sound, “You think I’d let you go that easily? You’re mine, Kira. Mine. And I’ll never let you



Chapter 80


“I’m tired of being treated like a piece of property,” I continued, my voice firm. “I’m tired of being want to be free, Aston. Free to make my own choices, free to live my own life. I didn’t come here of my own accord, yourContent © NôvelDrama.Org.

ed and discarded. I men hauled me here like I was a sack of potatoes and you have done nothing but made my life miserable. I have lost so much staying here and I don’t intend to lose any more.”

Aston’s laughter grew louder, more mocking. “You’ll never be free, Kira,” he sneered. “You’ll always be mine. And even if I did release you, you’d never survive on your own. You’re weak, helpless. You need me.”

I felt a surge of anger at his words, but I kept my cool. “I’m not weak, Aston,” I said, my voice steady. “I’m strong, capable. And I’ll prove it to you. Reject me, Aston. Sever the bond between us. Let me go.”

“Its none of your business if I survive or not. Will it not make you happier to see me die? Is it not what you wanted since the beginning?”

Aston’s eyes

narrowed, his gaze piercing through me. “You’re just trying to get a rise out of me, Kira,” he said. “You’re trying to make me angry. But it won’t work. I’m not going to reject you. I’m going to keep you, forever.

I felt a wave of despair wash over me, but I refused to give up. I knew I had to keep fighting, keep pushing. “You’re a monster, Aston.” I spat. “A monster, and a coward. You’re afraid to let me go, afraid of what might happen if you release me.” I was trying to hurt him with my words but it was like shooting plastic bullets on a metal armour, my words had no effect on him whatsoever.

Aston’s eyes flashed with anger, but I didn’t back down. “You’re just mad because you know I’m right,” I continued. “You know that I’m strong enough to survive on my own, strong enough to thrive. And you’re afraid of that. You’re afraid of what might happen if you let me go.”

Aston’s face twisted with rage, but I didn’t stop. I kept pushing, kept prodding. “You’re a monster, Aston,” I repeated. “A monster, and a coward. And I’ll never stop fighting until I’m free

Aston’s face turned red with rage, and he took a step closer to me: “You’re pushing your luck, Kira,” he growled. “You’re going to regret ever crossing me.”

I stood my ground, refusing to back down. “I’m not afraid of you, Aston,” I said, my voice steady. “I’m not afraid of your threats or your anger. I’m only afraid of being trapped with you forever.”

Aston’s eyes narrowed, and he laughed. “You’re already trapped, Kira,” he said. “You’re mine, and you’ll never escape. But keep dreaming, keep fighting. It’s amusing to watch.”

I felt a surge of anger at his words, but I kept my cool. I knew thar Aston was trying to provoke me, trying to get me to react out of proportion so he could give me the worst punishment of my life. But I refused to give him the satisfaction. I refused to allow him put me through more shit than he already he had. I was not.

“I’ll never give up, Aston,” I said, my voice firm. “I’ll never stop fighting. And one day, I’ll be free.” Hot tears pricked at my eyes but my pride was at stake.

Aston laughed again, his eyes glinting with amusement. “We’ll see about that, Kira,” he said. “We’ll see about that.”

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