Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 79

I spent a little more time with Brax. Quality time.

“Tll be right back, don’t go anywhere okay? Just stay here and look pretty” He whispered and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I sat there on his bed staring at the wall and smiling to myself, feeling like the belle of the ball. He came back with a tray in his hands and a big a** smile on his face.

“I got you food!” He announced with a big smile on his face acting all gooly, I could not imagine how cute he must have been as a kid for him to act this way.

“Thank you!” I responded trying my best to match his energy. He unfolded a bed table that I didn’t even know existed unfil he picked it up and he caged my legs between them before placing the food on the table, when you we done, he looked so proud of himself. I wanted to pinch his checks and treat him the way I treated were pups that came to the palace with their parents. They were such a bundle of joy even when they were causing trouble which made me want to have mine that I could not even protect


The memory of how a living being used to be inside my stomach and I failed it still haunted me but I was trying to be strong about it and to pretend like it didn’t happen.

“Care to join me? This is enough food for three!” I said marvelling at the amount of scrambled eggs that was in the plate in

front of me.

“I would say something cringe like watching you eat fills me but I’m hungry to so I’m digging right in.” He said and I found myself laughing heartily. We ate together, doing our best not to get in each other’s way and spill the eggs on the bed. We ate in a comfortable, healthy silence and we were done before we knew it. I didn’t know what to do when he started to stare at me without blinking so I decided to make into a staring contest. I screamed that I won when he blinked and it was the most awkward thing ever because he didn’t even know we were in a contest.

As I walked back to my room, I felt a sense of unease wash over me and it didn’t even have anything to do with the embarrassment that I put myself through. My legs were jelly as I walked our of there after the nonsense that I pulled. I didn’t know how I was going to face him the next time we saw each other..

That was the least of my problems though, I needed to find a way to tell him how I really felt. I felt bad lying to him like this.

I reached my room and closed the door behind me, eager to take a shower and wash away the embarrassment that I was feeling. A knock on the door prompted otherwise. I wondered who it was, it had been ages since anyone knocked on my door.

I reached for the knob and slowly twisted it revealing a guard. My heart raced because I knew the implications of a guard at my doorstep.

1 had just been summoned by Aston, and I knew I wasn’t

i ready to face him. I had done nothing but think about him all week

and now that I was being finally summoned by him, I didn’t know what to do.

“Can I at least take a shower first?” I asked the guard who was glaring at me for no real reason,

“No, you can’t. The alpha demands your presence right away!” he barked and I wondered for a split second if I was going to be able to get away with stabbing him for the way he was speaking to me but I quickly perished the thought. I could not afford to add to my already existing problem.

My mind was still reeling from the night before, spent in Brax’s arms. I could still smell his scent on my skin, and I knew Aston would notice. I felt a flutter in my chest, my heart racing with anticipation. I didn’t know what Aston wanted, but I knew it couldn’t be good and not that it should matter who I smelled like since he already moved on but I still had a bad feeling about it

I offered to go shower and change first, this time nicely but the guard remained as adamant as ever as he told me Aston was impatient. My heart sank at the thought of facing him, knowing wasn’t prepared. But I had no choice, so I made my way to his office, my feet heavy with dread. The corridors seemed to stretch on forever, and I felt like I was walking to my doom.



10:21 Wed, Oct 9This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Chapter 79


When I entered, Aston regarded me bitterly from across the room. His eyes seemed to bore into my soul, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

“Where are you coming from?” he asked, his voice cold and detached. His eyes narrowed, and I knew he suspected something.

I hesitated, not wanting to answer. But Aston’s eyes seemed to pierce through me, and I knew I had no choice. “I was with Brax,” I let out, my voice barely above a whisper, I felt a blush rise to my checks, and I knew Aston noticed just like I wanted him to. I wanted him to feel the jealousy that I did when I heard of his escapades with Mara.

Aston’s expression darkened, and he strode towards me. His eyes blazed with anger, and I could feel his rage emanating from him like a palpable force. I still didn’t understand why I was standing in his office or what he summoned me for but I felt weird being in his office again, it had been so long.

He picked up Brax’s scent on me, and his eyes narrowed. “So you’re sleeping with him now?” he spat, his voice dripping with venom. “Just like you slept with me?” I didn’t know if I owed him any explanations or if who I was sleeping with was any of

his business,

I felt a surge of rage and embarrassment. How could he speak to me like that? Didn’t he care about my feelings at all? “Aston, please… I began, but he cut me off.

“I don’t owe you any explanations, Aston especially after what you did to me. You slept with me and went radio silent for weeks, who I decide to sleep with is none of your business!” I blurted out feeling the raga rise inside of me.

“You’re so easy to forget, Kira,” he sneered. “Irrelevant. Only a fool would be thinking of you.” His words were like a slap in the face, and I felt tears prick at my eyes. But I refused to cry. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

“It was easy to move on to Brax,” I said, my voice steady. “He protects me, takes care of me. Sex with him is better than anything we ever had.” I knew I was being bold, but I couldn’t help it. I was tired of being treated like dirt by Aston.

“You don’t want me then let me the hell out of my freaking cagel Let me f*** go, you can’t stand the sight of me then let me freaking go. Let me the hell out of this f**g place! The only reason why I was respecting with your slimy as** was because I thought I could gain my freedom but that proved futile so I moved the hell on, just let me the hell out of this place.”

Aston’s face twisted with rage, and he closed the distance between us. His eyes blazed with fury, and I could feel his breath on my face.

“You’ll never be freed from me,” he hissed. “Never.” His words sent a chill down my spine, and I knew I was in grave danger. I gasped, remembering who I was talking to and the horrible yhinhs he could spontaneously decide to put me through. “I- I’m sorry, Aston. Please just free me.” I tried to backtrack, but Aston just laughed.

“You’ll never be free, Kira,” he repeated. “Never.” His words echoed in my mind, and I knew I was trapped. Trapped in a web of deceit and slavery, with no escape in sight. I felt a wave of despair wash over me, and I knew I was doomed.

Aston’s laughter sent a chill down my spine, and I knew I was in trouble. I tried to think of a way to escape, but my mind was blank. I was trapped, and I knew it.

“You’re mine, Kira,” Aston sneered. “You’ll always be mine.” His words were like a prison sentence, and I felt a wave of despair wash over me.

I knew I had to think fast, or I’d be trapped forever. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, thinking of a way to speak better and plead my case. But Aston’s eyes were on me, boring into my soul, and I knew I couldn’t outsmart him.

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