Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 81

My chest was heaving from the intense argument or from being in Aston’s intimidating presence. One of it, I was not sure which. My mind was reeling from the anger, Aston had done nothing but insulted me from the minute I stepped foot inside his office and my head was about to explode just replaying his words.

I don’t know what I was expecting while I dragged my way from my room up here but it was sure as hell not this, I did not expect the rate in his eyes after not seeing me for so long. I came here with longing only for him to look like he was perfectly fine taking my life.

I wanted him to clear up the rumours about him being with Mark but he admitted to more than just being with her. He admitted to not ever wanting to be with me. He admitted to never letting me go either.

Confusion. I know thy name.

Just when I thought it was all over and he would stop bashing me with his words, he proceeded to speak and shatter me completely.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“And just a little piece of advise for you, Kira, spreading your legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry is not going to get you the freedom that you so desperately desire and just in case I was not clear the first time, nothing is going to get you the freedom that you desire. Read my lips Kira, I will never let you go!”

I seethed with anger as Aston’s words dripped with malice. His words burned into my skin like hot coal. He was the one sleeping with as many girls as he came across but somehow, I was the ***? Why the hell did his words hurt so much? Why was not punching him in the face like I wanted to?

“Its not your business what I do okay?” I spat trying my best to sound assertive but having my **d voice betray me.

“You think you can just screw your way out of this, Kira?” he sneered. “You think Brax can save you?” his voice dripped with mockery and the look on his face was a bully’s nightmare.

“My body is mine alone.” I spat, my voice soaking with venom. “Not yours, not Brax’s, not anyone else’s. And I’ll do whatever it takes to get free from you even if it means spreading my legs for Brax.

Aston snorted. “You’re delusional if you think you can escape me. You’re mine, Kira. Forever. You’re my slave! My sl**ve! There’s no way on this earth that sleeping with Brax can save you from me!”

I laughed, a bitter sound. “I’ll screw every alpha on earth to get away from you. And I’ll enjoy every minute of it.”

Aston’s eyes narrowed, his face reddening with rage. “You’re nothing but a s***e, Kira. A piece of property. And you’ll do as I say.”

I took a step closer, my heart pounding. “You’re a monster, Aston. A coward and a monster. And I’ll never bow down to you.” I tried to get him to feel half the pain that I was feeling, half the hurt that his words were causing me. I was doing my best to hurl hurtful words in his face but my words seemed to be doing nothing to him at all other than annoying the shit out of him and it seemed like he was going to explode out of anger soon and it was not looking good for me.

“Even if you sleep with all the powerful men that step foot in this palace, you won’t be able to set yourself free, no one is going to be able to set you free from me, not Brax and not anyone else you decide to spread your legs for.”

“I’ll keep trying Aston.. I’ll just keep spreading my legs over and over again until I find someone that’s powerful enough to get you out of the f***g way and free from your slimny a**.”

“On top of sleeping with all the men in my palace, you’re plotting treason too.”

Aston’s hand shot out, grabbing my throat and shoving me against the wall. His fingers wrapping around me and threatening to take out all the air in me.

“You re pushing your luck, Kira, he growled. “You’re going to regret ever crossing me.” I hated how controlling he was. How he wanted to be the boss over everything that had to do with me How he had my life under his thumb and I could not even

him to stick to ***g just me.


I was so mad that I could feel the vein at the side of my head throbbing

Our eyes locked in a fierce stare-down, the air thick with tension,

I was ready to die by his hand and just end it all but the space between us had other thoughts running through my head. My heart was pounding hard and I wonder if he could hear it. I could feel his breath on my face and my thoughts were all clouded with the smell of his breath.

Then, without warning, Aston’s lips crashed down on mine. 1 felta rush of desire, my body betraying me. I had missed the taste of his lips, I hated to admit it but I had and I wasn’t able to think with his tongue threatening to drive me crazy.

But as soon as I realized what I was doing, I pulled away and slapped him hard across the face. The shock on his face was evident and I was still panting hard.

“Don’t ever touch me again,” I spat, my anger and humiliation boiling over.

Aston’s eyes blazed with anger, but he said nothing. He just kept staring at me, his grip on my throat tightening. I knew I had to break free, to get away from him before it was too late. But for now, I was trapped, held captive by Aston’s grasp and my own traitorous body.

I struggled against his grip, but Aston’s hand only tightened around my throat. I felt a surge of fear, my heart racing in my chest. But I refused to back down, refused to show him any weakness.

“You’re a monster,” I spat again, my voice barely above a whisper

Aston’s eyes flashed with anger, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he pulled me closer, his face inches from mine. I could feel his breath on my skin, could feel the heat radiating from his body.

And then, without warning, he kissed me again. This time, I tried to fight it, tried to push him away. But Aston’s grip was too strong, his lips too persuasive. I felt myself giving in, felt my body responding to his touch.

But as soon as I realized what I was doing, I pulled away again, my hand slapping him hard across the face. “Don’t ever touch me again,” I spat, my anger and humiliation boiling over.

Aston’s eyes blazed with anger, but he didn’t move. He just kept staring at me, his chest heaving with exertion. I knew I had to get away from him, knew I had to escape before it was too late. But for now, I was trapped, held captive by Aston’s and my own traitorous body.


I took advantage of Aston’s momentary stunned state and pushed him away, creating some distance between us. My heart raced and my breath came in short gasps as I struggled to process what had just happened.

“Don’t ever touch me again,” I repeated, my voice shaking with anger and fear.

Aston’s eyes narrowed, his face twisted in a snarl. “You’re mine, Kira,” he growled. “You’ll never escape me.”

I laughed, a bitter sound. “You’re delusional, Aston,” I spat. “I’ll never be yours. I’ll never belong to anyone but myself.”

Aston’s face reddened with rage, and he took a step closer to me stood my ground, refusing to back down. But as he raised his hand, I flinched, expecting the worst.

Instead, he simply pointed a finger at me, his eyes blazing with fury.

I wriggled free from his grasp, my heart racing with fear and adrenaline, I knew I had to get out of there, away from Aston’s suffocating presence. I turned to run, but Aston’s hand shot out, grabbing my arm and spinning me back around.

You’re not going anywhere, Kira,” he snarled, his eyes blazing with anger.

I tried to shake him off, but his grip was too strong. I felt a surge of panic, my mind racing with a shit load of terrifying things. But Aston’s grip only tightened, his fingers digging into my skin like claws.

And then, without warning, he pulled me close, his lips crashing down on mine in a fierce, possessive kiss. I felt a rush of resistance, my body rebelling against his touch. But Aston’s kiss was relentless, his lips burning with a fierce passion that left the breathless.

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