The Stained Omega

Chatper 221

Chatper 221

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 54.


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Walking into the kitchen I’m impressed with how much the women have gotten done while I’ve been in

the cellblock. There are fresh muff ins on the breakfast bar, along with eggs, bacon and sausages. I’m

pretty sure one of the younger girls is pulling some biscuits out of the oven as well.

“Eva hasn’t been down?” I ask the room as I pick up one of the blueberry muf fins from the pile.

“She’s been on the old high street since sun up, saw her from my kitchen window.” I hum at Sally as I

look around the kitchen, thanks to how busy I’ve been, it’s been a good while since I’ve been up here

during meal times.

“Where is everyone?” Apart from a handful of warriors there is no one eating breakfast, even when my

father was at his most tyrannical this kitchen was full of people.

“This is normal for these days, I always cook more just in case some come but I guess I should stop as

it just goes to waste.” Sally’s wrinkled eyes follow me as I carefully pull together a plate for Eva, I try not

to let my unease show. “Don’t worry, they will come.” I just smile at her as I walk from the kitchen, I

can’t help but let the doubt seep in, are the Pack not coming because of me or because of something I

don’t know about. Either way I don’t like that the Pack house is so empty and that it’s taken me so long

to realise it.




His Rogue Omega Chapter 54

2018 Nouchers

I’m so used to walking around this land naked and barefoot that I don’t bother putting on any shoes as I

leave the Pack house. It’s a quick and quiet walk down to the old high-street, I have contractors coming

in a few weeks to help start the work, the Packs have a special company we use so Pack members

don’t have to hide themselves while we have visitors. It doesn’t take me long to notice Eva, she’s

slowly walking down the high-street and keeps bending down now and again before standing again.

“You missed breakfast Angel.” I instantly regret walking up behind her when she screeches and drops

the small bag she has in her hand. “S hit, I’m sorry Eva. I didn’t think.” I look down in shame and notice

little purple flowers on the floor that have tumbled out of her bag. Eva seems too stunned to actually

speak as she hunches over and tries to catch her breath.

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted like that.” Her words come out around gasps, I want to put my

hands on her to calm her down but I don’t think that will help right now.

“Look at me.” Holding the plate in my hands I wait for her blue eyes to meet my brown ones, it takes

her a minute but eventually her flushed face looks up at me. “Good, now take a deep breath in and

then out.” Stare at each other we breathe together until Eva has control of her breathing and her

natural pale colour starts to return. “How about we sit and eat?” I nod at the ground, there is a bit of a

footpath, just enough to sit on while looking over at the demolished building.

We sit in companionable silence as Eva picks apart a blueberry muffin and fiddles with the bacon, she

doesn’t seem all that bothered by the food and I wonder if that’s because I just scared her half to death.

Trying to think of a way to take her mind off it, I lean over and pluck up one of the small purple flowers,

it still has its roots attached and looks more like she’s dug it up rather than picked it.

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Omega Chapter 5-4

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“Lavender?” I ask her as I sniff the familiar scent.

“Wild Lavender,” I arch my eyebrow at her, I had no idea there was such a thing. “It is growing all up

and down this high-street and it smells amazing. Selena said you were redoing it so I figured they

would be destroyed.” Eva’s voice is low as she looks off into the distance, I’d love to know what she’s

seeing but I’ll settle for her speaking normally for now.

“You want to replant it?” I can’t say I know much about flowers or gardening but if this is something she

wants then it’s definitely something I can support.

“I thought maybe around the cottage but then I thought maybe at the Pack house where everyone can

enjoy it,” Her cheeks flame as she subtly asks me if she can plant this purple flower around what she

sees as my home.

“Sure, maybe in the front garden? Next to the drive, it will look nice and visitors can enjoy the scent

too.” I smile as her face splits into a massive grin. I don’t know what reaction she thought I would have

but I’m glad she’s happy.

“That sounds amazing and thank you for bringing me some food.” Since we’ve been talking she’s eaten

half a muffin so I call this little chat a win.

“Why didn’t you come to breakfast?” I want to ask her why she thinks the Pack didn’t come but she

won’t know, she only knows a handful of

the members.

“I got busy with Ghost last night and then when I woke up I just wanted to get moving. I like the sunrise

and I haven’t had a chance to enjoy it much, you said I can walk around the Pack right?” Her blue eyes

have widened in panic as if she’s waiting for me to start shouting





His Frogue Omega Chapter 54

783 Voucher

at her.

“Will you stop, of course you can walk around the Pack land. This is your home, not your prison, I only

ask that you take someone with you if you leave the Pack land.” I would rather her not leave at all but I

don’t think I have the right to put that order in place just yet.

“Sorry, it’s just with Jeremy,” Eva shakes her head as if unable to finish her sentence.

“I’m not Jeremy, Eva.” I can stop the way the words spit from my mouth, I don’t like being compared to

that human, not in any capacity.

“No, of course you’re not.” Her words have sparked yet more doubt inside of me and I push the plate at

her before standing from the pavement, “wait, Cas, I didn’t mean it. I swear.”

“I just have some things to do. Eat.” I don’t give her a chance to call me on my bullsh it as I quickly walk

away from her.

I’m feeling all out of sorts this morning and I think it has a lot to do with banishing Sookie last night.

She’s the first wolf I’ve banished from anywhere and it’s not something I did lightly, yet I can’t help but

feel I maybe did it too rashly.

‘Doubt doesn’t suit an Alpha.’ I roll my eyes at Storm as I break through the trees just off from the Pack

house, stopping once I’m out of sight, I drop my joggers and pull my socks and black t-shirt off.

‘Don’t need you barking at me today, Storm, let’s run off some steam so I can go talk to this human

without killing him.’ I relax my shoulders and call Storm forward, he doesn’t come like he normally does


‘Not this time, you need to face this doubt. You can’t just keep running each time you feel a little

insecure.’ Sighing I start to pull my joggers

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Has Big Dogs Chap


back on in jerky, stiff movements

“The one time I need something ‘I mutter to him as I push back through the trees and stomp my way

over to the Pack house, ‘if I kill this human then it’s on you.’

‘You won’t kill him, he’s not yours to kill and you know it.’ As I reach the porch I look in the direction of

the old high-street. I could go back and apologise to Eva and she would probably gladly accept it. I

don’t deserve her forgiveness though, I was really rude to her so I’ll punish myself by staying away

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