The Stained Omega

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Chatper 220

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 53.

✩ Cas✩

“You kicked Sookie out of the Pack?” I moan as I pour my dark roast coffee into a massive cup, a few

drinks with Rowan and Heath turned into a few bottles of Jameson and Rowan falling asleep on my



“Can we not do this now, I have a banging headache.” I cringe when I turn from the coffee pot and see

my mother standing there with her hands on her hips. Her lipstick is smeared and her hair is a mess,

her low cut top and jean skirt tell me she’s just got back from her own night of fun.

“She was your intended and when she approached your supposed mate you banished her, what kind of

example does that set to your Pack?” Her voice is shrill and is making my eyes blink rapidly as I try to

process what she’s saying, thankfully it’s still early and Sally hasn’t arrived to start her day yet.

“She was banished due to her disrespect and downright awful behaviour, I never claimed her as my

intended mate. If anyone has an issue with it they are welcome to come and see me about it.” My voice

comes out snappy but I don’t care, between Sookie, Vince and my mother, I’ve had enough of my past

slapping me in the face. Walking around the kitchen counter I push past my mother and head for the

kitchen table, all I want is some peace while these painkillers kick in and if it wasn’t for Rowan still

asleep I’d be downstairs.

“Just reconsider,” it takes everything in me not to push her off me as she walks behind me and places

her hands on my shoulders. “It’s good






to have options and not everyone thinks having an Omega in the Pack is such a good idea.” The gin on

her breath overpowers every tw smell coming off her as she leans down to whisper in my car, “Sxxkie

could give you pups, carry on the blood line and strengthen the Pack Having heard enough I jump up

from the chair and spin on my shricket mother

“I need you to hear me.” I put my coffee cup down before I cra ck the cup and stare at my mother. She

swaying slightly on the spot, I hope she’s not so drunk she will forget this, “Iva is staying, she is my

fated mate and she will help me carry on my bloodline. She needs me as much as I need her, Sookie

needs no one but herself, the only reason she wants me is because dear old father is dead and she

needs an Alpha to screw.” I don’t see the slap coming until my head is craning off to the side, opening

and closing my jaw, I try to remind myself that I don’t hit women,

“Don’t talk about things you don’t understand.” I look up just in time to see my mother running from the

kitchen as fast her heels will take her

‘Well that was a disaster, are you determined to push everyone from your past away?’ I snarl at Strom

as I retake my seat and down the rest of my coffee,

Last thing I need is for you to start on me, that woman is lucky I didn’t kick her and Vince out the

second I took Alpha.’ The vivid memory of my fathers Beta locking me in the cupboard in my fathers

office enters my mind. I can still remember the laughter from my mother as they joked about leaving me

there until I starved to death, I still think they would have if Sally hadn’t let me out.

‘At some point you have to let go of what happened to the boy and focus on what’s happening to you

as a man.’ I roll my eyes at Storm, I have no idea when he became so insightful but it’s a really





Het Rogue Omega Chapter 53

288 Vouchers

moment for it to happen.

‘Alpha, John is awake and Selena says he’s good to be questioned.’ Heath’s voice comes over the

Pack link in an annoyingly chipper way.

‘You sound too good considering there are six empty bottles of

whiskey in my office.’ Heath laughs as I raise myself from the kitchen table and stretch, I can hear the

women coming in the front door so might as well go and talk to John while they cook. ‘Meet me in the

cell block, might as well get this over with.’

The wet grass soaks into my soak covered feet as I quickly jog over to the cellblock, I hate that this is

so close to the Pack house but this morning I’m thankful for it.

“Suffering Alpha?” I shake my head as I reach the blonde haired, broad shoulder Head Warrior, I

haven’t told him yet but last night I made my mind up to give him a trial.

“Like a drum is playing in my head, is Selena in there with him?” Heath just nods his head so I quickly

pull the door to the cells open and entire the damp and urine smelling building.

“I can’t tell him, I don’t know who it was.” John’s voice sounds small and like he’s only just starting to

come back to himself.

“Just tell him what you know and hopefully you will just get a slap on the wrist.” I know Selena is trying

to help but I wish she hadn’t promised such a light punishment, he put the whole Pack at risk with his

behaviour. Rounding the corner with Heath on my heels I see Selena standing in the doorway of his

cell in her blue scrubs while John is sitting on his small bed. He’s finally dressed and devoid of his

normal vomit soaked clothes, he actually smells clean so I wonder if Selena helped clean him up.

“John.” My voice seems to shock the young lad as his head swivels

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His Rogue Omega Chapter 53

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over to me and his dull green eyes go wide.

“Alpha.” John quickly drops to his knees and bares the back of his neck, it’s a sign of submission to his

Alpha but not one I care about right now.

“Selena you can leave, John get up.” My tone leaves no room for

argument so Selena quickly grabs her medical bag and scurries past me and Heath. John slowly gets

up from the floor but doesn’t look at either me or Heath, together we must make an impressive show of

force. Neither of is what you would call small or dainty.

“Alpha, I’m so sorry. I was weak and allowed myself to become consumed, I didn’t know how to say no

once I knew what it felt like. It was like this fire inside of me that I couldn’t control but I had to keep

feeding.” John’s words are falling from his mouth so fast I can barely keep up, looking back at Heath I

raise an eyebrow and he just shrugs. He has no idea what to do to make John stop talking either.

“That’s enough John, this is how this talk is going to go.” I lean against the bars on his cell door, John

keeps his eyes on the floor, he’s refusing to meet my eyes. “You’re going to tell me who gave you the

drugs, when and where, you are then going to tell me how you kept getting them while locked up inside

of here.” No matter how much me and Rowan have tried, we haven’t been able to figure out how John

was getting the drugs.

“I don’t know who gave them to me, he kept his face covered the whole time, like he didn’t want me to

know who he was.” John runs a hand through his dark hair but keeps his head down, “he was human

though but he had a scent on him that was a shifter. So he knows a shifter, at first I was going to bring it

back to Rowan to let him know but then he told me it would work on my kind too.” John looks up at me

with sad deep blue eyes, “I was weak and I wondered, so I tried it.”





His Rague Omega Chapter 53

288 Vouchers

“And then you couldn’t stop?” I look over at Heath as he walks closer to the cell and looks in on John.

“Addiction is a slippery slope John.”

“I tried to stop but the little packets just kept coming, they would be mailed into my letterbox. One of my

kid brothers almost got one of them but I still let them come, I kept sending the money.” John’s voice

breaks as he starts to realise how much he’s messed up, “I swear I don’t know who it was, I never saw

a person again. When I came in here they just started turning up under my water cup.”

“Where did this guy first approach you?” I feel bad for John but for now I think he needs to stay put,

Heath is right, addiction is a slippery slope and John needs our help not our anger.

“I was on patrol outside of the club the rogue female was working at.” I start walking away as soon as

John mentions the club, everything keeps coming back to Jeremy and that da mn strip club.

“He stays in here for now Heath, daily check ups and three meals. Keep him clean and sober and I’ll

consider letting him out,” I call out to Heath as I walk towards the exit of the cells. Seems I need to

speak to Rowan about a visit to a certain club owner, I just have to keep my temper while I do it.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

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