The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


Even after bearing my child, she still looked flawless and in shape. She was still the same girl I fell in love with in Milan, during a one night stand.

Damn, time goes by so fast. Things changed so fast.


“I’m hungry.” Amari poked me on my leg and looked at me with pouting lips. “Hungry.” She looked so much like her mother when she needed something.

I lifted her up and kissed her nose. “What do you want, Princess?”

“Cake.” She said happily. There’s no doubt that she got her cake obsession from Ximena.

“What kind of cake? Red velvet, chocolate, vanilla?” I asked as I showed her all the types of cakes on the desert table.

“All!” Amari looked at me and smiled. “I want all!”

I chuckled softly. “You can’t have it all, princess.” I poked her stomach. “Otherwise you will get a stomach ache.”

She pouted. “Dad, I want all!” She wiggled and pointed at the floor. “Down.” I put her down and before I could stop her she ran towards the desert table. I was about to ran after her when my dad called me.

“Flynn! Emergency family meeting!” he called out as he disappeared in the dressing room. I called my guard to watch over Amari as I followed my dad to the dressing room.

Jill, Ximena, my mom, and Ellie were sitting on the sofa. They were all firing tons of questions at Jill.

“Where were you?”

“Why didn’t you tell us about Amari?”

Jill was very uncomfortable and I could just sense it. I cleared my throat and they all stopped talking. “It’s better if I can talk to Jill first.”

My dad nodded. “He’s right. I just want to say—” Dad paused and gave Jill a small smile, “I’m happy you’re back and blessed us with a granddaughter. We’re very grateful.”

Jill smiled back at him. “I’m happy to be back and that Amari can finally meet all of you.” She looked around and panic was written all over her face.

“What is it?” I asked worried.

“Where’s Amari?”

“Oh.” I said. “She’s outside with the guard. Don’t worry.”

Jill calmed down. “Oh thank god. At this age she likes to explore, so she always need someone by her side to keep an eye on her.”

“You know, Jill.” Ximena said, smiling. “Before the wedding I told Flynn to get you back. I didn’t know he would literally do it!”

“That was just pure coincidence, Ximmy.” I chuckled. “It was just pure coincidence I met her at the bakery shop.”

Rodrigo shook his head and wiggled his eyebrows. “Nah. More like faith. You two are meant for each other.”

I glared at Rodrigo and Jill coughed dramatically.

“I—uhm will go to see what Amari is doing.” Jill stood up and walked to the door, but it swung open making Jill take a few steps back.

My guard was standing at the door half his face covered in cake. “What the hell is going on?” I asked my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

“Your daughter threw cake at me because I tried to get her off the table.” he answered and pointed at the desert table. “She couldn’t reach the cake, so she climbed on a chair to get to it.”

Oh god! Not even fifteen minutes has passed by and this happens.

“I told you to watch over her!” I said through gritted teeth as I walked out of the room followed by Jill and my guard.

“I did!” He said. “When I tried to get her off the table she threw the cake at me! It was not my fault!”

I facepalmed myself when I saw Amari. Jill let out a loud gasp and her eyes widened.

In the middle of the desert table sat Amari with Vanilla frosting on her face and chocolate cake in her hand, grinning at us.

“Mommy, Dad, Cake! She squealed and stuffed her face with a big piece of chocolate cake, looking all cute and adorable at the same time.

How am I supposed to be mad at her?

Jill Malik P. O. V

Oh god, seeing Amari on the dessert table was too much. She was covered in chocolate and vanilla cake.

“Mommy! Cake!” She squealed happily. Flynn took her from the dessert table and she smeared the frosting all over his face. Oh my goodness!

“What happened… Oh my god!” Ximena stood behind me, shocked.

“I’m so sorry Ximmy.” I apologized. “I’m really sorry for ruining your special day.”

“Ruining?!” She said and laughed. “I’m so happy you’re finally here. And Amari definitely got her cake obsession from me. If I was her, I would do the same honestly.” Ximena chuckled as she said that.

“Is there a bathroom here?” I asked as I took Amari from Flynn. Rodrigo nodded. “Yes, there’s one in the back. Flynn will you show where. He needs to take a bath too, his whole face is covered in frosting.”

Flynn grunted and grabbed a tissue to wipe it off. “Follow me.”

I followed him and gave Amari a bath. Then I ask Flynn to bring clothes for her. I dressed her up and then we went back to the wedding reception.

Many of McCallister and Vasilios family were here.

“Bloody hell, you have child? You never told me about your wife, Mr. Vasilios.” A british guy, with a very colorful outfit said in a thick british accent. He was handsome. Not as handsome as Flynn, but on a scale of one to ten he would be a nine and a half.

“I’m not his wife.” I said to him.

“She’s my girlfriend.” Flynn said and put his arm on my shoulders. “She was… oversea.”

My eyes widened. Girlfriend. He really is out of his mind.

“Ahh, that explains.” The british guy said. He then looked at me and smiled. “I’m sorry, I’m Harvey Martin. I’m your boyfriend’s business partner. Pleasure to meet you Miss—,”

“Malik. Jill Malik. The pleasure is all mine Mr. Martin.” I said smiling at him. Flynn’s grip on my shoulder became tighter. I’m not even his and he acts all possessive.

“You look stunning and so does your daughter.” He looked at Amari. “I should say, she looks a lot like Flynn. How sad that you carried her nine months and she comes out looking like her dad.” He laughed out loud.

“She doesn’t mind Harvey. She loves me a lot, right pudding?”

Pudding. He called me pudding. It brings back memories, I try to forget.

I smiled tightly at him. “Yes, I do. Now, if you will excuse me Harvey. I’ll get some food for my daughter.”

I took Amari from Flynn and walked to the buffet. I was not really hungry, but I just wanted to escape the awkward conversation with Harvey.

And then I don’t understand why Flynn pretended that we were dating. Why did he do that? He could have just told Harvey something, but not that. I’m pretty sure I’ll see Harvey more often, because he is the business partner of Flynn.


I arrived at the apartment late at night. Flynn came with me, because he held Amari the rest of the night. She was sleeping in his arms and even though I told him he could have put her on the couch, he insisted to hold her.

“Put her there.” I opened the bedroom door for Flynn so he could put the sleeping Amari on the bed. I put the blanket on her and quietly exited the room. The room was still pretty empty. Tomorrow I would do some decorating and other stuff.

“Do you want to stay for a drink?” I asked as we entered the kitchen. The apartment was small, just enough for two people. It was beautifully decorated and it was also child-friendly. Just what I needed for Amari. Of course I like the mansion in Jordan better, but for now this should do it. Later on, If I can afford it I’ll buy a bigger apartment or maybe even a house. And then I finally could bring Milan to study in the states.

“Sure, what do you have?” he asked as he settled on the bar stool. “Have I told you that you looked stunning tonight.”

I blushed when he said that. I will probably never get enough of his compliments. “No, but thank you. Uhm there’s coffee. I didn’t do grocery shopping yet.”

“A coffee will do.”

I made coffee for the both of us and when I served it to Flynn, an awkward silence followed. Flynn was the first one to speak. “I’m truly sorry, Jill.” His eyes was filled with remorse as he said that.

“I forgave you.” I told him. “A long time ago. Don’t worry.”

“I just don’t know what else to say then. So much happened today, I met my daughter, you came back. It’s so overwhelming. Why did you decide to come back after all these years?” He stared at his coffee as he asked me that question. His eyebrows were furrowed in a frown.

“Amari is getting bigger. She asked about you. I can’t and I don’t want to keep her away from you. You deserve to know her, Flynn.” I answered softly. “You have done me wrong, not her.”

“Did it ever crossed your mind to start over again?” Flynn looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

I sighed deeply. Have I? Of course. It happened a million times. I wanted to come back to New York, forgive him and be with him. He was all I will ever need. He was my soul mate. I knew it. And the feelings I have for him, i cannot have it for anyone else.

He was always the only one. Since the beginning. Since that time in Milan.

“I don’t know. I thought our love was a fairytale, but fairytales don’t exist.”

“Do it for Amari? We can have our own fairytale. This will be our fairytale.” he said quietly.

“Amari should not be a reason for us to be together. You cheated on me. On our engagement party. You know the saying ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’. That’s not a fairytale. Fairytales has happy endings. We don’t.”

Flynn scoffed. “Seriously? That’s not true. I changed okay. I realized that I lost my most prized possession, the day you left. You just disappeared. I was lost without you, Jill. We will never have a happy ending Jill. This time, I promise you this, that this time no human being will separate us. Only death will do us apart. It’s a promise.”

“I don’t know what to say. We cannot be together. Or at least not right now. You hurt me badly. It took me forever to get over it.” I told him. “It’s not easy to forget what you did to me. You promised me so many things, and you broke all of them. You need to earn my trust back.”

“I’m so sorry.” he apologized. “I’ll do anything so you can trust me again.”

“Can you please stop apologizing? I forgave you already.”

“I don’t know what else to say. I would do anything to get you back. I need you. I made a mistake and I want to fix it.” He paused and then continued, “I want my family back.”

Jill Malik P. O. V

“Dad is coming to pick you up, princess. Hurry up!” I yelled from the kitchen. I was preparing her breakfast and packed her lunchbox. I packed some sandwiches and her favorite juice and candy.

I have no idea where Flynn would take her today, the only thing he said to me last night was that I should pack lunch for her. I hated when he gave me a call at the very last moment. But what else can I do? It’s Flynn we’re talking about.

In the past few weeks Flynn got really involved in Amari’s life. While I was busy working at home, Flynn brought her to the playground, have lunch with her or meet up with Ximena. He was always trying to plan something with her when he’s free from work. It came out really well for me, because Amari requires a lot of attention, especially at this age.

She wants to do everything I am doing. Even when I’m in the toilet, she stands in front of the doorway, watching me, counting on her fingers for me, and saying the alphabet out loud in the wrong order. She wears my heels and leave them everywhere in the house. One time I almost tripped on one when I wasn’t watching where I was walking.

“Mommy!” Amari entered the kitchen, dragging her doll behind her. “Flakes.” She pointed at the box of cornflakes on the kitchen counter.

###Chapter 25

I couldn’t help but stare at her in awe. She was so cute in her purple minnie mouse dress that I bought for her last week. The older she gets the more she looks like a miniature of Flynn. Her eyes, the shape of her face, and her thick eyelashes. Definitely a Vasilios.

“Cornflakes,” I corrected her as I caressed her head when she walked past me, “But I made you pancakes. You don’t want pancakes?” I flipped the pancakes over and put it on a plate.

Her eyes lit up when she saw me doing that. “Yes, pancakes!”

I chuckled and placed a plate with a pancake, whipped cream, and strawberries in front of her. She jumped on the chair, letting her doll fall down on the floor making its head detach from the body and roll down the kitchen floor.

My eyes widened as I watch it happen. Oh god ! And that’s the reason why I never bought dolls for her.

She got Finny, the name she gave the doll, from Flynn as a gift. The doll looked so alive, it scares the crap out of me. But I guess that’s how dolls are made in this time period. While I couldn’t stand Finny, Amari loved her. She brought her everywhere, much to my distaste.

While I was cleaning the kitchen, the front door opened. Flynn had a key to my apartment, because sometimes he brought Amari home late and I was already asleep. When Amari heard the front door open and close she looked up at me with whipped cream all over her upper lip.

“Dad!” she squealed and jumped of the chair. She jumped into Flynn’s arms and he lifted her up in the air.

“Princess, have you miss me?” he laughed and kissed her forehead. “You are growing up so fast!”

I rolled my eyes and smiled, because the last time he saw her was three days ago.

I wiped my hand on the towel and walked over to them. “You’re early.”

Flynn put Amari down and walked over to me. “Good Morning pudd— Jill, I brought breakfast.” He handed me the Panera paper bag he had in his hand. “There’s Greek yogurt, Mozzarella flatbread, and Tuna sandwich.”

I took the bag from him and opened it. The fresh smell of freshly baked bread entered my nostrils. “Thank you, but the next time if you decide to bring food over, give me a call.”

“Why?” He asked, “Did you prepare breakfast?”

I nodded my head. “Yeah, I made pancakes. Do you want some?”

“Yeah, I’ll eat together with Amari. Right, princess?” He tickled Amari who was still holding onto him tightly. She nodded her head and smiled widely.

I placed the plate with pancakes on the table so Flynn could take how much he wanted. “Are you ready for our picnic?” he asked Amari, who sat next to him, licking her fingers. She dipped them in the whipped cream on her plate and licked them clean afterwards. I told her so many times to not do it, but there’s just this much that you can tell a toddler.

“You’re going on a picnic?” I asked, stuffing a strawberry in my mouth. I watch how Flynn wiped Amari’s hand on a napkin

“Yes, a family picnic. Do you want to come?” he asked casually. “Would be a great way to spend time together with Amari.”

The past few weeks, he had tried to include me in the outings he planned with Amari, but I always found an excuse to not go. He knows the exact reason why I don’t want to go. Besides, Amari is doing just fine with us not being together. Sometimes we do have dinner as a family, but that’s it.

“And you know what I think about it. It will take more than a couple of sorry’s.” I muttered, as I scooped some whipped cream on my pancake.

“It’s just a picnic, Jill. It’s not like we will do anything hanky panky.” Flynn grunted. “My parents are going to be there and Ximena and Rodrigo.”

“And that’s what it’s about. Spending time with your family. You know where that will eventually lead.”

“And? I don’t see a problem in that.” Flynn raised his eyebrows. “I’m totally fine with that, you know it.”

“You cheated on me du—,” I couldn’t finish my sentence, because Flynn interrupted me by loudly putting his silverware down on the table.

He looked at Amari and whispered something I couldn’t hear in her ear. She giggled and then ran out of the kitchen. Sometimes I wonder what kind of magic words he says to her, it takes me forever for her to listen to me.

Flynn then turned his attention back to me. The loving and caring expression on his face was replaced with a cold one. “Are you always going to bring that up?” His voice sounded cold, almost harsh.

“It’s hard to forget it.” I snapped, anger welling up in me. I’m the one that is suppose to be mad and irritated, not him. Everytime and I mean, every time since I move back to New York, this was the topic we would fight over the most. “Having Amari in our life doesn’t mean we should get back together. She would be just fine with her parents not living in the same house.”

Anger and pain flashed in Flynn’s eyes. “You think so? God, I don’t want that for my daughter. Our daughter. I want us to be together, because I know I still love you. I always will. And I know you still feel the same way—,”

“Excuse me?!” I interrupted him, standing up from the table. “Who the hell told you I still have feelings for you?”

Flynn looked up at me, his eyes glistening. “I just know. I can see it in your eyes.”

“You’re so delusional.”

“Amari needs us. We can still be together. It’s not too late. Why can’t we focus on the future Jill? Why can’t we just move on?” Flynn asked, his voice soft and pleading.

“Because—,” I stared at the pancakes on the table and continued in a whisper, “I’m afraid that history is going to repeat itself.”

Jill Malik P. O. V

A couple hours later I found myself sitting next to Flynn, driving to the picnic destination. God, how did I end up here? In the back Amari was singing wheels on the bus for the nth time now. I think I might go crazy if we will not arrive soon.

“We’re here!” Flynn announced as he pull up into a parking spot. He turned around and looked at Amari. “Look Princess, Aunt Ximmy is there!” Amari immediately looked outside and squealed. “Aunty Ximmy!” She fumbled with the seatbelt and tried to unbuckle it. “Daddy! Help me!”

Flynn stiffened and looked wideyed at his daughter. I didn’t realize why he was shocked, until I replayed what she said in my head. Oh shit !From NôvelDrama.Org.

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