The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


“Flynn? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring back memories.” Ximena whispered, nudging me softly on my side when she realized I was zoning out.

“You just did.” I snapped, my eyes filling with tears. “You know how I feel about her Ximena. I can’t talk about her and yet here you are reminding me about her!”

I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

“I’m sorry.” She sputtered. “I just… You’re not the only one in pain here, okay. It’s because of your stupid decision that I lost my best friend. I always wanted her to be here. At my wedding. We always talked about it. It fucking hurts!”

“As if I wouldn’t know!” I yelled out frustrated. “I miss her every single day! I can’t even live in the mansion in peace without hearing her voice. I send her a letter, because I finally found her and she hasn’t even responded yet. I don’t expect her to forgive me. Fuck I don’t!. But I just need to hear her voice. I just need to hear that she’s… doing well. I miss her as much as you do, Ximena. And yes, I did something very stupid and dumb and god, I wished I could undo it, but I can’t! I fucking can’t!”

Ximena buried her face in my suit. The warmth of her body calmed me down. Ximena was my rock after Jill left. She comforted me, brought food for me, and was my light in my darkest days. “Please get her back Flynn, please?”

I softly pushed her off me. “I think it’s too late, Xim. I think it’s too late. Now tell me, should I get you some cake or not?”

She nodded her head. Her loose curls shaking wildly as she did that. “Yes, of course. But you have to hurry; the wedding starts in like fifty minutes.”

I gave her a peck on her forehead. “I’ll be quick.”

I walked out of Ximena’s dressing room and bumped into a nervous Rodrigo. “Oh god, Flynn I’m fucking freaking out right now!” He went with his hand through his hair and sighed deeply. “I can’t remember anything about the vows!”

He paced back and forth and groaned. “Fuck!”

I chuckled. “Calm the fuck down man. I’ll be back in a bit.”

“What? Where the fuck are you going?” Rodrigo stepped in front of me and wiped his forehead with his handkerchief.

“Buy some cake for Ximena.”

“What?!” he yelled out. “Why? Can’t you send someone else? You’re supposed to be here with me!”

I shook my head and chuckled. “You’re going to be fine. I’ll be here before the wedding start, I’m your best man after all.”

I walked out of the venue and stepped into my car. I drove to the closest bakery which luckily happened to be Eclair bakery. In the past I often bought macarons there and they were delicious.

I parked my car in front of the bakery and stepped out. The door of the shop opened and my eyes widened when I saw the person in front of me.


“Jill.” I whispered, I closed my eyes and snapped them open again. Am I dreaming? God, Am I dreaming? What the hell?

We stayed there for what seemed an eternity.

Frozen in shock.

Me and her. Eye to eye.

She looked beautiful than ever.

A diamond, that I lost.

Her lips quivered and her beautiful eyes turned into a pool of tears. “Flynn?” She stepped out of the shop and walked closer towards me. The way she walks, it always turned me on.

But at this moment I was still pretty much in shock.

Jill is here. Oh god, my pudding is here!This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m… I’m… Jill where were you? Oh god, I have so many questions!” I stammered as I closed the space between us and hugged her tightly. I never want to let her go. Oh god, I don’t want this moment to end. I can’t believe I finally have her in my arms again.

How much I missed this.



“Flynn! Oh god, stop it! I just came here to visit you, because you need to know something.” She said, slowly pushing me off her. “I’m not here to… nevermind.” She stopped talking and then looked down and smiled.

It’s only then when I noticed the little girl next to her. Wavy brown hair, long beautiful eyelashes, pink plump lips, and those eyes.


Ocean blue like mine. They were so pretty. She was so pretty.

It can’t be.

She can’t be.

Oh god, don’t tell me Jill was…

“She’s mine, isn’t she?” My voice raised an octave. I shifted my attention back to Jill. The little girl was looking innocently at me and Jill.

Jill took a deep breath and looked up at me. “Yes… She is. The reason I came back.” Her voice was soft, low. I almost couldn’t hear her, but I did.

And I felt my blood boiling.

“What the hell?!” I yelled out. I couldn’t help to keep my voice low.

I was shocked.

I had a fucking daughter and I didn’t know?! “Why haven’t you told me? Why? Oh my god, I have so many questions right now!”

“Flynn, you should calm down!” She whisper-yelled. “We’re in public!”

“You better tell me this right now, Jill!” I said through gritted teeth. “This is no joke, she’s my daughter!” I went through my hair with my hand frustratedly and shook my head. “Oh god, Jill this… I’m shocked. I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?” She looked at me in disbelief. “You don’t believe she’s your daughter?”

“I didn’t say that!” I growled. “Everyone can see that she’s my daughter. She’s an exact replica of me… well except for her hair.”

Jill sighed. “I came here, because I can’t hide her from you anymore. She needs you. She’s asking about you.” She looked down at the little girl and stroke her hair softly.

“Flynn, I want you to meet Amari Faith Vasilios.”

Jill Malik P. O. V

It was not suppose to happen like this. I was not supposed to meet Flynn in front of a bakery.

Now he was freaking out. I mean what else would I expect? Of course he would freak out. I suddenly appeared back in his life with a daughter.

His daughter.

Our daughter.

I looked at Flynn and he stared back and forth at me and Amari. Amari tugged nervously on my hand. His stares made her nervous.

“She’s my daughter? I mean oh god, she’s so pretty. Did I make that?” His eyes held so much awe as he stared at his babygirl.

I chuckled softly and squatted down so I was at the same eye level as Amari.

“Who’s he, mommy?” she asked as she looked up at Flynn. I caressed her cheek and kissed her on her forehead.

“That’s dad, babygirl. That’s your dad.” I whispered and her little blue eyes widened.

“Dad?” she asked astonished as she still look at me in total shock, her mouth slightly open.

I nodded my head and couldn’t help but laugh inwardly about her facial expression.

“Dad.” She repeated. I stood up and ushered her to Flynn.

“Go say Hi to dad, babygirl.”

Amari seemed hesitant. She looked up at me and then back at Flynn. I mean of course she would. What other kid can say that they met their dad at the bakery shop for the first time?

“Hi,” Flynn squatted down, so he didn’t look like a giant to Amari. “How are you, princess?” I just realized that Flynn was dressed in a tuxedo. Is he going to a wedding?

“Hi,” Amari replied shyly.

“Hi,” Flynn smiled, happy that Amari didn’t burst out in tears.



“Are you both stuck on Hi? What about how are you? Or what do you like?” I rolled my eyes as I said that.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m just happy that I finally hear her voice.” Flynn said, he then looked back at Amari, “How are you, princess?”

###Chapter 24

“Good, Hungry.” Amari replied, she then looked up at me and tugged on my hand.

“No,” Flynn chuckled softly. “My name is Flynn. But you can call me dad.”

“No, hungry.” Amari poked his nose. “Hungry.”

“No, my name is—,”

“It means that she’s hungry.” I clarified laughing.

“Oh, we will get some food later okay.” Flynn said and Amari nodded her head. He then smiled at her and stood up. “Why?” He asked. “Why did you do this, Jill?”

“You know why.”

“I know you saw the pictures. We could have talk, Jill. You always said that communication is the key.” His voice cracked as he said that. Seems like I wasn’t the only one in pain.

“What was there to talk?” I asked softly, but loud enough for him to hear. “A picture speaks a thousand words and you had five of them!”

He sighed deeply and stayed silent for a while before he spoke again, ” Can you please do something for me?”

“Depends on what it is.” I answered hesitantly.

“Attend Ximena’s wedding today.”

My heart stopped for a split second. Ximena’s wedding? Ximena is getting married? That explained why he is wearing a tuxedo. “What? Ximena is getting married? Tell me she’s getting married to Rodrigo!”

Flynn laughed. “As a matter of fact, yes.”

Oh my god. I cannot believe it! Ximena is getting married today. I remembered that we always talked about marriage and babies. She would be my bridesmaid and I would be hers. We had the ideal wedding pictured in our head, but things didn’t really turn out to be as how we wanted it to be.

Attending her wedding would mean meeting Flynn’s family. And I was not ready for that. I can’t just appear back in their lives after three years. With Amari may I add. I don’t know if they hate me, love me, or whatever the hell Flynn told them about me.

I was just not ready.

“I… I don’t think I can.” I heaved a long sigh and looked at Amari who was jumping impatiently from her left to her right foot.

Flynn touched my hand, but I immediately pulled away.

We were both broken. I could feel it. But I don’t want history to repeat itself. I need to keep my guard up. I can not put him together, while I am still shattered. And I don’t even know if I want to be the one to pick up his pieces.

“Jill, please. I was not the only one suffering when you disappeared. Ximena did too. Probably even worse than me. I don’t want her to suffer for what I’ve done. She doesn’t deserve that, Jill. She does not at all.”

I closed my eyes and my chest tightened. It hurts to think that I have not only broke Flynn, but also Ximena. We were all a bunch of broken pieces. Flynn deserve the pain, totally. But Ximena didn’t. Ximena didn’t deserve everything I’ve put her through. And goodness, I don’t want to know what I’ve put her through.

“What will your family think?” I whispered. “What will they think if I bring Amari? She’s your daughter, yes. But what will they think about me?”

“They know.” Flynn paused for a second and then continued in a croaky voice, “They know what I did. They totally understand why you ran away. You don’t have anything to worry about Jill. Even if you would come back fifty years from now on, they would still accept you with open arms. They love you. And they will love Amari even more.”

“I really want to attend Ximena’s wedding, but—,”

“But what?” Flynn asked. “She misses you Jill. Everyone does. Please, don’t do this for me. I don’t deserve this. But… do it for my sister, your best friend.”

I stayed quiet for a while, thinking about it.

“But I don’t have anything to wear.” I finally said.

A small smile appeared on Flynn’s face. “Thank you, pudding… I mean Jill. I… uhmm will get clothes for both of you. Do you want me to bring you to the venue where the wedding is held?”

I shook my head. “I have a personal driver. Maybe you can tell him the address.”

He nodded. “Okay good. Uhm, I’ll get some cake for Ximena. The wedding starts in…” Flynn glanced at his watch and his eyes widened immediately. “Oh shit!”

“Flynn!” I hissed, pointing at Amari. “Language!”

“Oh sorry, but seriously i’m in deep shit. The wedding starts in thirty five minutes. Oh god! Don’t you worry though. I’ll tell your driver to drive to the boutique where you both can pick something out to wear and then from there on we will drive to the wedding together. Does that sound good?”

I nodded my head. “Yes, that sound very chaotic and we will probably be late for the wedding. But, it’s for Ximena.”

“It’s for Ximena.” Flynn repeated, smiling.

Flynn Vasilios P. O. V

The wedding turned out to be a disaster that we didn’t mind, at all. In fact, it made it more special.

If I knew Ximena would freak out like that when she saw Jill entering the venue, I would have called her instead of surprised her. I should have know that it wouldn’t be a good idea to surprise her.

Ximena was already walking half down the aisle when Jill entered… with a lot of noise may I add. The door opened loudly that it made everyone turn their heads. Including that from Ximena. She ruined the whole romantic ‘walk down the aisle’ moment.

I already stood behind Rodrigo, because I arrived fifteen minutes before Jill did. I was his best man after all. I couldn’t be late. I told Jill that she should tell the security guard to let her in from the back door, but she probably forgot and just went in through the main door. The main door makes a lot of noise.

Jill and my little princess looked so adorable and cute in their matching red dresses. I knew the boutique had beautiful dresses, because Ximena loved to shop there.

I didn’t got enough time to admire them, because Ximena’s eyes widened and before I could even blink she was hugging Jill tightly. I probably should had warn Jill that Ximena would go crazy when she saw her.

Rodrigo was shocked. Completely and utterly shocked.

He had missed Jill too. He threw me a couple of well deserved punches when he heard the reason why Jill left. My pretty boy face was ruined for like a few weeks.

“Is that—,” Rodrigo didn’t finished his sentence, instead he ran towards Jill who was still being hugged by Ximena and Ellie, Rodrigo’s sister.

I walked behind Rodrigo and we both tried to pull our sisters away from Jill. They were literally hugging her so tight, I could even feel that Jill had trouble breathing. “Ximmy stop, let Jill breath.” I said as I gently pulled her away. Rodrigo did the same with Ellie, which resulted in him getting a punch in his chest.

“Let me hug her, I haven’t seen her in years!” Ellie snapped and buried her face in Jill’s neck again. “Gosh, I missed you so much! Where were you?”

At this point, everyone in the room was staring at us with questioning looks in their eyes. From the corner of my eyes I saw my parents walking towards us.

“What is happe— Jill? Is that you? Oh my god, you came back!” My mom immediately ran up to her and took her into a bone crushing hug that took Jill totally off guard. She stumbled backwards, but she got hold of the table next to her.


I shook my head and beckoned my dad to get my mom off Jill. They were all suffocating her. I could see Amari getting very uncomfortable by all the people that were hugging her mom.

My dad cleared his throat and tried to get my mom off Jill. When my dad finally could get my mom next to him, Jill took a deep breath and lifted Amari. Amari immediately placed her head on her mommy’s shoulder.

Ximena squealed loudly, making the whole room gasp. “Oh god, is that… Oh my god!! I’m aunty!” Ximena openly gaped at Amari and then she turned around and looked furiously at me. “Flynn! You knew!”

“I didn’t!” I exclaimed and put my hand up in surrender. “I just knew a few hours ago that I was a father!”

This wedding was turning into a disaster. The guests were whispering, still wondering what the hell was going on. I felt like I was in a soap serie.

“Let’s get you two married first and then we will sit down and talk.” My dad said as he pointed at Rodrigo and Ximena. “You two. Rodrigo go back to the priest so Ximena and I can walk down the aisle for the second time.”

He shook his head lightly and mumbled something along the lines of ‘Crazy and family.’

I looked at Jill and mouthed ‘are you alright?’

She nodded her head and gave me a reassuring smile. She was so pretty. This time I couldn’t help but let my eyes roam over her body.

An angel. A Queen.

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