REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 93 Tragedy

Victoria’s POV

I hurried to my apartment door, opened it and scrambled inside. ”Is everything okay”? Sonia asked, as she stared at me with curiosity,

”Yeah.” I mumbled and walked into the room. I sat on the bed, took off my shoes and stood on my feet.

”Why did you not come to the bar ?” I asked, concerned.

”Nothing, I just took two days sick leave.” She grumbled those words, still staring at me with curiosity.

I released a soft sigh and left the bed.

“You look tired, are you okay?” She asked when she noticed my mood.

I smiled and nodded my head at her before leaving the room.

I got to the bathroom and leaned on the door of the bathroom with a big smile on my face.

He wanted me, he said he wanted me.

I smiled and took off my clothes, took a quick bath and left the bathroom.

I walked into the room and met Sonia already asleep. I checked the time and noticed it was already 3am in the morning.

Lazily, I put on my night dress and climbed on the bed with the thought of DOM Tim buzzing in my head.

I smiled widely at myself when his words kept ringing in my head. He wanted me, and he was so sincere about it.

I tossed happily on the bed and took in a soft breath, I just can’t wait, I just can’t wait to see his face.

With the look of his eyes, I knew he was really handsome and wondered why he was hiding his face from me.

I smiled wildly and closed my eyes while I imagined what he would look like, before drifting to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and realized it was already 12 pm noon. Quickly, I stood up from bed, rushed to the bathroom and took a quick bath. Few minutes later, I came back to the room and realized Sonia was already back from the mall.

”Why didn’t you wake me up.” I murmured as I searched for clothes in my closet.

”I thought you needed more rest.” she muttered those words while staring at me with a questioning look, “Where are you going.”

”To the hospital.” I replied,

She nodded her head and sat on the bed.

I quickly put on my dress, combed my hair and did light makeup before leaving the room.

I took a taxi and within a few minutes I was at the hospital.

I went to my aunt’s room and sat beside her bed while I stared at her.

She looked beautiful in her sleep, and I wondered what she would have been doing with her life if I wasn’t careless and stupid on that fateful night.

With guilt, I took my aunt’s hand and placed kisses on them regretfully as I remembered what happened that night.

”Aunt, we are already late.” I murmured angrily when I realized aunt was still doing her makeup upstairs.

I grumbled and banged my feet on the floor while I waited for her.

In a few minutes, she came down and beamed at me, while I rolled my eyes at her and looked away.

”How do I look.” she asked while staring at me with a big grin on her face.

”Terrible.” I murmured to myself, but I knew she heard me. She chuckled and tapped me on the shoulder.

”let’s go.” I grumbled angrily before walking away.

I got to the car and sat on the driver’s seat while aunt took the passenger’s seat.

I started the car and drove off in full speed.

”Calm down Vicky, we will meet the show.” Aunt tried assuring me, but I wasn’t listening to her.

My favorite concert was about to start, and I did not want to miss any part of it.

”You are the cause, aunt, if only you had prepared earlier.” I murmured and increased the speed of the car. My mind was focused on the show that was about to start.

Few minutes into the drive, I grumbled in anger and increased the speed of the car, so I could meet up.

” Slow down.” aunt muttered those words while staring at me with horrified eyes. I groaned and was about to slow down, when I saw a little boy in front of my vehicle, and I didn’t know where he came from.

Quickly, I diverted from him, but I wasn’t lucky because I was at high speed and I did not look at the direction I took.

Before I could know what was happening, all I could hear was my scream and that of my aunt’s because the car smashed the pillar of a building at high speed and somersaulted.

I opened my eyes and stared at aunt, who was still unconscious, and felt a sharp pain pierce my heart.

She was so lively and fun to be with when she was around me, and now she is in this state just because of my carelessness.

I took a deep breath and wiped off the tears on my cheek when I noticed a doctor walking in.

”You must be Victoria.”

”I am.” I answered.

He smiled at me before he took the chair beside me.

”We have already done a series of tests on your aunt and found out the drugs and machine will work on her. There will not be any complication.” hearing those words from him, I released a sigh of relief and smiled at aunt.

”But we have to run some test on you, to see if you are okay to take the drugs.” He muttered out while staring at me.

”That’s okay, when is the test ”? I asked,

”Right now.” he stood up from the chair, while I left aunt and followed him to a laboratory where my blood samples were being taken.

”The results will be out in the evening.” he smiled at me before leading me out of the laboratory.

I went back to aunt’s room and sat on the chair while I stared at her with a smile on my face. ”Don’t worry, aunt, you will be okay.'” I murmured those words, took her hands and placed kisses on them.

I was still holding her hands when I noticed the door opened and a familiar doctor walked in. I took a better look at him and realized he was the head physician of the hospital.

”Good day, doctor.'” I greeted

”Good day Victoria.” he muttered out my name with a smile on his face before moving closer to aunt.

He checked her vital signs and wrote something on his notepad.

”Are you in charge of my aunt’s treatment”? I asked.

”Yes.” he nodded his head at me. ”We will start her treatment by tomorrow, and when your results are out we can also start yours.”

”Thank you.” I beamed at him and looked away.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

”Victoria’.” he called out my name again, which made me raise my head and met his gaze.

”Seems you don’t recognize me.” He asked, while moving closer to me.

I glared at him and tried to remember his face, but I couldn’t.

“I can’t seem to recognize you.” I responded, still staring at him.

He flickered a big smile before speaking up, “I’m a DOM in the club.” He announced with a smile.

“A DOM?” I asked again so that I would be sure I heard him right.

“Yes, but we haven’t really talked. Actually, I traveled and just came back to the country.” He said with a friendly smile, which I returned.

So many Doms were showing their faces to me and even confessing their identities to me, apart from DOM Tim, who was the only person keeping his identity away from me.

“Nice meeting you.” I brought forth my hand to him for a handshake, but he took it and placed gentle kisses on them.

“You are amazingly beautiful.” he expressed those words like he meant it before letting go of my hand.

I smiled at him and kept back my hand,

“I will have to go now.” he flashed me a big smile before leaving the room.

I stayed with Aunt for a while until I decided to go back home.

I left the hospital, boarded a taxi and went back home. I got home and met Sonia watching a TV show.

”You are back, how is she?” She asked with concern.

“She is fine.” I responded tiredly and lay on the bed. “I need to sleep, I feel so weak.” I murmured tiredly and drifted to sleep.

Alpha Eric’s POV

I took a sip of my drink as I stared at the documents in front of me, while my secretary stood before me. ”Can we cancel this trip.”? I murmured and kept the file on the table.

I’m so sorry, sir, but we can’t cancel this trip.” my secretary responded.

“I know.” I murmured and signaled for him to leave the office with my fingers. He left the office and shut the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I stood up from the chair and wandered around the room as Victoria’s words rang in my head, “Show me your face, and then you can have me.” Those words of hers had been tormenting me throughout the night.

I groaned, frustrated, and walked to the mini bar in my office. I took out a bottle of wine and a glass and collapsed on the couch.

I filled up the glass, took a long sip of it and went into deep thought.

I can’t show my face to her, neither can I reveal my identity to her. She hates me, she hates Eric and will have nothing to do with me if she finds out I’m Eric.

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair and took another sip of my drink as her words kept echoing in my head.

I was confused, really confused and did not know what to do. She was my mate, and yet, I hated her. I never showed love or care for her, I always told her how much I hated her and wanted her to be far from me, but I never knew a day like this would come when I would fall in love with the lady I was supposed to hate and throw out of my life.

Grunting, frustrated, I picked up my phone and dialed her number. It rang a few times before it was picked

“Hello.” Came her tired and sleepy voice.

I checked the time and saw it was already 2pm in the afternoon, and wondered why she was still sleeping.

“Hello.” I spoke up,

“Yes.” She murmured with a groan.

Hearing her speak this way, I knew she had no idea that I was the one on the phone.

“I wanted to know how you are doing.” I spoke up.

The line went silent for a bit before she spoke up, “Eric, why are you calling.” She spoke in an irritated tone.

I sighed and tiredly massaged my forehead. ”I just called to check up on you…” She did not let those words finish from my mouth before cutting me off.

“I’m fine, and please stop calling me.” She spoke angrily and ended the call on me.

I groaned angrily, stood up from the couch, and walked around the room with anger and agony.

I went back to my chair and tried to concentrate on work, but I couldn’t, my thoughts were filled of her and I couldn’t get her off my mind.

I picked up another phone on my table and dialed her number. It kept ringing for a while before she picked up.

“Hello.” She spoke tiredly, but I could notice the excitement in her voice.

I smiled to myself and cleared my throat, so my voice wouldn’t sound the same.

“How are you.” I spoke in a deep, husky voice.

“I’m fine, just tired.” She murmured in a low and weak tone.

“Are you okay?” I asked with concern.

“Yeah, I’m just a bit weak, but I’m fine.” she murmured tiredly.

“Do you want to go out for dinner?” I did not know when that escaped my lips.

“Dinner?” She asked surprised,

“Yeah.” I spoke nervously as I ran my fingers through my hair. “I would like to take you out for dinner if you are free.” I muttered those words, hoping she would agree to go out with me.

The line went silent for a few seconds before she spoke up, “Alright, 7pm, I’ll be waiting for you.” Those words from her made me smile wildly at myself like a kid.

“Thanks, I’ll pick you up.”

“Alright bye.” She ended the call.

I smiled at myself and kept back the phone on the table.

I picked a file and tried working on it, but I couldn’t concentrate, all I wanted was time to pass quickly.

”Fuck!” I stood on my feet, picked up my phones and left the office.

I walked to my secretary’s office and stood before his desk. “Cancel all my meetings.” I declared and walked away.

I left the company, entered my car, and my driver drove off.

In a few minutes I was home, I went straight to my room, took a cold bath and sat on my bed with just my underwear.

I checked the time and saw it was just past 5am.

I laid on the bed with my eyes closed as her words kept echoing in my head, but I knew I can’t show her my face, at least not now.

I need to make her love me not as DOM Tim, but as Eric, her mate.

A thought came to me which made me pick up my phone and dial a number. It rang a few times before it was picked.

“Good evening alpha.” He greeted,

“I need you to do something for me.”

”Yes, alpha, I’m listening”. He responded.

I stood on my feet and thought for a while before speaking, ” I need you to get me some information about my mate.” he did not let me finish before he cut me off, “You’ve found your mate ?” He blurted happily.

I groaned when I realized I hadn’t told him anything about Victoria because I didn’t even know anything about her.

“It’s a secret for now. I will forward to you her details while you find out everything about her and send it back to me.” I spoke firmly.

“Roger that.” he responded with excitement in his voice.

“Very well then, I will be waiting for you.” With those words, I ended the call.

I kept back the phone and thought to myself.

If I really wanted Victoria to love me as Eric, then I would have to know a few things about her.

Restlessly, I strolled to my closet, picked up a simple pair of black jeans, a jacket, and a long white sleeve. I opened my drawer and took out a black mask, I took the mask in my hands and stared at it.

I knew how badly she wanted to see my face and know my identity, but I just can’t show my face to her, at least not for now.

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