REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 92 Want you

Victoria’s POV

”A glass of whiskey.” I heard a familiar voice from behind me, which made me turn around and discovered it was DOM Kelvin, staring at me with curiosity.

”Good evening Kelvin.” I greeted him with a big smile on my face,

”How are you ?” He asked.

” I’m fine, I should get your drink.” I smiled at him and went for his drink. Within a minute, I kept the drink in front of him.

”What did Eric do to you.” He expressed those words like he was so sure of it, while I just smiled at him before speaking, ”He did nothing, I just had a panic attack.”

”You just can’t have a panic attack without something happening.” Kelvin muttered those words in doubt.

I smiled at him and said, ”Let’s talk about this some other time, I’m at work.”

He stared at me for a while before he nodded his head and took a sip of his drink.

I left him and went for other customers, but he called back my attention. ”I have to go, I just got an important call.” Kelvin apologized while getting up on his feet.

”Here, have it.” He gave some dollars to me, which was more than his bills.

”I’ll get your balance.” I said and made my way to the cash drawer, but he stopped me, ”Not needed.” He smiled and walked away.

I watched him leave and wondered how someone could be blessed with a mate such as Kelvin and would bluntly refuse him just because of his sexuality.

I shook my head and went back to work, but a tap on the table got my attention.

I lifted my head and saw that it was DOM Tim. I made eyes with him and could feel my body shiver from his gaze.

We locked eyes with each other and none of us said a word until I snapped out of his gaze and looked away.

”Welcome.” I cleared my throat and smiled at him, but he stared at me with a cold stare and looked away. ”How are you.” He asked while he glared at me with his two sets of green eyes that felt like he was piercing through my soul.

”I’m fine, thank you.” I gulped nervously and looked away.

I stood there awkwardly in front of him and did not know what to say.

”Get me a glass of cocktail.” He ordered, still staring at me.

”Alright.” I quickly moved away from him and went for his drink.

I sighed in relief when I noticed I was out of his presence. Indeed, his stares were making all the organs in my body scream for his touch.

I took a deep breath and calmed down for a while before I strolled back to him with his drink.

I got to him, placed the drink in front of him and was about to run away when his strong melodious voice stopped me.

”When are you leaving from work?” He asked,

”2am.” I replied.

” I’ll wait for you and take you home.” He muttered those words as an order which I wouldn’t refuse.

I stared at him but did not know what to say to him because I was short of words.

Luckily, a DOM needed a drink and I rushed to the DOM.

I wasted all the time I could spend and made sure he had everything he wanted before going back to DOM Tim.

”Are you avoiding me.” Those were his first words the moment I went back to him.

”No, why should I avoid you?” I responded with a weak and nervous smile on my face.

He stared at me for a while before standing to his feet. He took out some cash and, for the first time, he handed the money to me instead of dropping it on the table.

”Here, you can have the change.” he did not let those words end from his mouth before he walked away.

I stared at the money in my hand and felt really happy. I was not happy because he gave me big tips, but I was happy that he was changing his attitude toward me and that could mean one thing: he cares for me.

I giggled happily to myself, kept the money in the drawer and continued working.

I worked for hours until I noticed it was time to go home.

Tiredly, I made my account and closed for the day. I changed my uniform and left the bar stand looking for DOM Tim.

I searched around but couldn’t find him. I was about to go in and search for him in one of the VIP lounges when I caught sight of a DOM walking toward my direction.

I took a better look at him and realized it was DOM Eli.

“Leaving already.”? He asked,

”Yeah, I’m waiting for someone.” I murmured those words, still looking around.

”Is it by any chance DOM Tim.” He asked while checking his wristwatch.

”Yes, did you by any chance see him?” I asked,

”He should be in one of the VIP lounges. I can take you home if you want.” He suggested,

”No, that won’t be necessary, I’ll go look for him.” I smiled at him and walked away.

I went to the VIP lounge one, searched around, but he wasn’t there. I searched the second lounge but still couldn’t find him.

I was on my way to the third lounge when I met Gracie on the way.

”Who do we have here.” she mumbled those words while smiling at me.

”Hello Gracie.” I smiled wildly at her,

“Where have you been?” She asked, while I rolled my eyes and looked away.

‘” I’ve been around, do you by any chance see DOM Tim.” I asked, still searching around.

She moved closer to me so that we were just an inch apart before she spoke up, ”Did anything happen between you two?”she asked while staring at me with quizzical eyes.

I gulped but didn’t say a word.

”You had sex with him.” she muttered those words with stunned eyes.

I rolled my eyes at her before speaking, ”Do you know where I can find him.” I asked desperately, but she shook her head and gave me a look filled with pity.

”He is in the playroom, but I don’t think you would like what you will see.”she suggested.

”Something like what ?” I asked, curious.

”I don’t know, go see for yourself.” She gently tapped my shoulder before leaving.

I took a deep breath and made my way to the playroom. When I got to the playroom, I stood at the door and was so anxious and nervous to go in, but then I took in a deep breath and slightly opened the door.

I opened the door and saw a few Doms were seated in circles, each with a sub on their laps, and among those DOM was DOM Tim with the sub who confronted me yesterday.

We met eyes with each other and I could see the shocked look on his face like I had just caught him doing something wrong.

”Apologies.'” I apologized to the Doms and quickly left the playroom.

I felt my heart ache in pain as I ran out of the club with my eyes filled with tears.

”Are you okay.” I heard DOM Eli’s voice behind me.

Quickly, I wiped the tears from my eyes before he got to me.

He stood before me while he stared at me with curiosity until he shook his head and gently raised my face with his index finger.

”Let me take you home.” he proposed, while I nodded my head at him but didn’t say a word.

”Let’s go.” he was about taking my hand when I felt a stronger hand on me, without being told, I knew who it was because I was so drowned to his touch.

‘” I’ll take her home myself.” he muttered those words firmly, while staring at DOM Eli with a strange look, a look I couldn’t understand.

I watched the two Dominant men glaring at each other without saying a word until DOM Eli moved his gaze from DOM Tim and focused his gaze on me with a weak smile on his face. ”I will see you around.” He smiled at me and walked away, just like that.

I turned around and stared at DOM Tim with anger and pain in me.

”You told me you would be closing by 2am, but the time is just fifty minutes past 1am.” he muttered those words with a grumble while checking his wristwatch.

I stared at him and realized he was feeling guilty for what I saw few minutes ago, and for strange reasons I was happy, at least he saw me as an important figure in his life.

”I want to go home.” I murmured and started walking away with no direction in my head.

”My car is right here.” He muttered when he noticed I was walking past his car.

I stopped and turned around to face him, ”This is my car.” he pointed at a car few steps beside me and took steps closer to me while his eyes were still on me. We held each other’s gaze for a while untill he inhaled deeply and moved away.

He walked back to the car, opened the door for me, and I went in.

He walked over to the other side of the car, sat on the driver’s seat and put on the engine of the car.

”Seat belt.” He announced to me before driving off, which I reluctantly put on.

We sat there in silence and none of us said a word apart from the music playing on the music player.

I stared at him and discovered he was driving way too slow, different from the first time he drove me.

In a few minutes, we were in front of my apartment.

”Thank you.” I said and went for the door knob but noticed the door was locked, which made me turn and stared at DOM Tim, who had no expression on his face.

”Why is the door locked”? I asked while staring at him with curiosity.

He roughly ran his fingers through his hair before he spoke up, ”I want to speak to you.” He whispered those words as a plead while I stared at him but didn’t say a word.

Alpha Eric’s POV

I felt nervous, really nervous as I watched her sit silently beside me, it was obvious she was a different person whenever she was with DOM Tim.

I took a sharp breath and decided to speak, ”I want you.” I muttered those words while looking away.

I noticed she stared at me with stunned eyes before responding, ”I’m not your type of girl.” she murmured while looking away.

I chuckled softly at her words and got out of the car. I got to her door and opened the door for her.

”Thanks.” she murmured while looking away.

We stood there in silence and I did not know what to say to her. I was anxious, really nervous.

”Goodnight, it’s late.”she murmured those words and was about to walk away, when I held her back and pulled her to myself so that we were just an inch apart.

I locked eyes with her and saw how nervous she was. She gulped nervously and tried shifting her gaze from me, but I held her face with my fingers.

”What are you doing.” she asked while trying to take my grip off her.

I ignored her and gently tucked her hair behind her ear, so I could see my mark on her neck.

”Mate.” my wolf whispered in possession.

”Let go of me.”she murmured while staring at me with those two sets of brown eyes that triggered everything in me.

”Relax.” I ordered,

She stared at me, but this time she didn’t say a word.

I flashed her a big smile and took a step away from her.

”You haven’t answered my question.” I muttered those words nervously, I was scared, I feared her rejecting me again for the second time.

”I can’t.” she grumbled while looking away. ”I don’t know you, neither do I know what you look like.” She muttered out in anger. “You prefer not to show yourself to me, not even your name.” She grumbled and looked away.

Those words from her made me run my fingers through my hair in frustration. I can’t tell her, I can’t tell her who I am because if I do, I will lose her forever.

“Listen, I have a very good reason why I kept my identity from you, but believe me, I will tell you when the time is right.” I tried convincing her, but by the look on her face I knew she didn’t agree to it.

”I have to go.” she murmured and looked away,

I stared at her and realized she was uncomfortable around me.

”I need to go.” She muttered those words again and tried moving away, but I gripped her on the waist and pulled her to myself.

“Let me go.” She muttered angrily and with fear.

“I’m not your type of girl, just let me go.” She yelled in anger.

Her words were filled with anger, and it became obvious she was still angry to the fact that she saw me with a sub.

I pulled her closer to me while I gently ran my fingers on her cheek.

“Are you jealous?” I asked, as I gently caressed her cheek,

She murmured and tried moving away, but I tightened my grip on her waist and pulled her more closely to me.

”Are you jealous ?” I asked, this time while staring into her eyes.

She gulped nervously before speaking up,

“Why should I?” She responded and looked away.

“We have nothing in common, so why should I be bothered with whomever you want to be with.” she murmured nonchalantly.

“We are mate.” I whispered to myself, disappointed by her response.

She stared at me with startled eyes, but I knew she did not hear what I said.

We locked eyes with each other, but none of us said a world for a while until she broke the silence. “I need to go.” She murmured and tried moving away, but I did not let go of her.

“Let go of me.” She demanded in a bit of anger while she looked away.

“I need to be at the hospital very early in the morning.” She declared angrily.

Her words made me recall what happened yesterday and I worried if she wasn’t okay. “Are you okay ?” I asked while staring at her to see if I could see any sign of weakness in her, but I saw nothing.

“I’m fine, can you please let go of me.” She murmured angrily, and this time I let go of her because I didn’t want her to have another panic attack.

“Thanks for the ride, I’ll go in now.” she murmured and tried walking away, but I called her back. “Vicky.” that was the first time I called her by that name.

She turned around and stared at me with dumbfounded eyes.

I moved closer to her, but made sure I was a step away from her.

“You still haven’t given me an answer.” I muttered, still staring at her.

She stared back at me with no expression on her face, ”Answer to what ?” she asked, even though I realize she knew what I meant.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

I smiled at her and took a step closer. “I want you.” I declared those words firmly.

“Very well then, you can have me after I must have seen your face and know your identity.” She declared those words firmly and walked away.

I watched her leave and couldn’t say a word because I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that. I can’t show my face to her. She hates Eric and will definitely hate me if she finds out I’m Eric.

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