Pregnant For The Royal Prince


THE early morning news the next day carried the headlines, and they were so catchy, and trending seriously.

?: Prince Raghav Seen Kissing A Strange Lady In Front Of Bizzan Hotels.

?: His Royal Majesty, Prince Raghav Has Severed His Relationship With Bellarmine.

?: Prince Raghav Cheats On Bellarmine.

?: Royal Prince Raghav of Shimla Kingdom and CEO of Rana Hospitals In A New Relationship.

Bella frowned and hissed so loudly as she went through her phone that morning, the headlines beamed before her.

Crap! What was this?

She hissed as she looked away, out of the car, she was being driven that morning to some important meeting.

Her two phones had been ringing non stop since the morning as friends and colleagues kept calling because of the news spreading round.

Then as if on impulse, she put them off and rested her head on the headrest, closing her eyes.

Who was the lady he was kissing in front of Bizzan Hotels located in Kuru kingdom?

Damn! She’s the reason Raghav’s not been good towards her… or maybe nothing is even going on between them. Yeah, it can just be any girl, a one night stand thing, who knows? She shrugged her shoulders.

?: It’s so much disheartening to Bellarmine, I mean how can Prince Raghav do this?

She heard the FM radio in the car speak, and she winced.

?: Seriously it’s something we need to talk about, it should be a topic as the news had taken over the headlines.

The lady presenting the programme continued.

?: Alright guys, I know most of you would have woken up today to the shocking news taking over the headlines, well, it’s no other but, weeks after famous model, Bellarmine tells the world of her new relationship, Prince Raghav…..

“Put that thing off!”, she barked at her driver.

“Ma’am?”, he mouthed.

“I said, put it off”, she shouted, and the driver hastingly put off the radio.

They got to their destination in silence and the driver opened the car door and she alighted.

Instantly, Hanny B ran up to her and she squeezed her face, she knew it must be her. God! She really wasn’t ready to face this now, not now.

“Hi Bella, what am I hearing?”, Hanny B asked, she was a famous model as well and had been into modelling long before her, but Bella was more influential than she was.

Bella scoffed, she couldn’t even greet.

“No greetings?”, she asked picking up her purse from the car seat.

“Ugh! Come on”, Hanny B said, laughing.

“Nothing is really good about the morning? Or… haven’t you gotten the trending news yet?”, she asked and Bella ignored her and began walking into the building, through the lobby.

Hanny B laughed and followed her, still gushing over the headlines.

“Aww, how would Raghav do this to you Bella? I mean…”.

“Will you stop pestering me and let me be?”, Bella suddenly shouted, startling her.

She gave a cranky look, then bursted into laughter again.

“Alright… alright, fine”.

Bella sighed and they continued walking along the lobby, she just hoped this Hanny girl would let her be, seriously.

Well, she expected it. Hanny’s one of the people who’s jealous of her so called new relationship with Raghav, she so hated the fact that she and Raghav were so close and do get on together.

“But seriously Raghav should have cheated with respect, not in the open, in front of a hotel leaning on a car”, she rushed it this time, spilling it all even before Bella could stop her.

“Jeez Hanny!”, Bella exclaimed and stormed away, obviously peeved and angry, leaving her behind.

Hanny B watched her walk away and then bursted into laughter, laughing non stop till she was out of sight.

She pulled up a disgust face and folded her arms.

“Prince’s bride indeed, relationship crumbled”, she said sarcastically and walked away, laughing.




Vidya relaxed so comfortably in the posh car chewing a gum, as it drove her that morning to her dancing school.

Queen Arya was told about her plans to register in the dancing school and she immediately gave it a go ahead, giving all supports she could.

Although the registration into the school has already been closed, but using her influence as the queen, they had immediately granted Vidya admission without ado and stress.

Not only that, a driver from the palace has been assigned to her as well, who’s gonna be taking her to and from the school.

The black coloured Pathfinder found it’s way into the parking lot of D Blings Dancing School that fateful morning, halting with a large screeching sound.

The so much screeching made the people around turn towards the car, astonished.

“We are here ma’am”, the driver announced and Vidya scoffed.

“Are you stupid or something?”, she asked, startling the driver.

“Huh?”, he mouthed.

“Will you get your ass down and open the damn door for me?”, she ranted, “or do you wanna get fired?”.

Instantly, the driver opened the door and rushed to her side, he was visibly shaken, obviously shaken at her outburst.

He opened the door, slightly bowing and she slowly alighted, then took out her school bag from the seat.

Then she paused to look around, surveying the environment with her perky eyes.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Vidya was dressed that morning in a pink crop top, jean bum shorts and black boots. Infact, she had dressed to kill.

?: Wow, who’s this pretty?

She heard someone from the little crowd that was in the parking lot asked, and she scoffed.

?: And look, the car she came with has the royal emblem on it, she must be from the palace.

Another squeaked, it was a petite lady.

Vidya pulled a face and turned to her driver, he was still standing there. Well that’s better, he better not leave until she tells him to.

“You can go, just be back on time to take me home”, she said and was about walking away.

“Um ma’am? Please when do you dismiss?”, he asked.

Huh? She halted and turned back to him, her eyes filled with fury.

“I don’t even know what adjective to qualify you with. You can ask your ass”, and she hissed and walked away.

The driver sighed, then walked to the driver’s side, he lowered himself in and drove away.

She continued walking further into the school, taking the exact route she had taken the first day she had come with her mom for admission enquiries.

The school compound wasn’t that vast and classes could be easily identified.

As she walked, she could still feel people gawking and talking about her, but she cared less anyway.

Finally she got to her block and spotted her class, then she went in. Instantly, she spotted D 3 K’s, and she scoffed, making a face.

D 3 K’s was a dance band, made up of three killer dancers; Kelly, Katherine and Kate. They were popular rock dancers, beautiful and sweet girls. Their bad side was that, they were rumoured to be rude and arrogant.

Although they are good and already known in the music world, they still visit the dancing school from time to time because that’s the school they actually attended.

They were dressed in green mini skirts, black crop tops and black boots. Wow, they had even changed their hair colour to green. The last time she saw them in a concert, their hair was brown coloured.

They were sitting on a table with Kelly, who seemed to be the lead girl, surfing with a laptop, while the other two watched. Seems they were busy or something.

She ignored them and made to walk pass them.

“Hey!”, Kate suddenly asked, looking up from the laptop.

“Didn’t you see us?”, she asked.

“Excuse me?”, Vidya blurted.

Huh? The rest girls were taken aback. Like, didn’t she know who they were? She didn’t even squeak out or scream or show astonishment of seeing them there.

“Seems you’ve lost it”, Katherine blurted out.

“Weren’t you taught how to greet? Like you just passed us like you don’t know who we are or something?”, Kelly asked.

Vidya crumpled her face and looked around, the rest of the students in the classroom were now watching them.

“Did you just say greet?”, Vidya chuckled, “the last time I checked, you aren’t an elder to me, so why should I greet?”, she asked.

Jeez! What audacity Vidya got, the almighty 3 K’s?? The whole class gasped.

Kate looked at her properly, she actually looks familiar anyway, like she had seen her somewhere somehow. Then it hit her.

“Oh, it’s the Vidya girl sweeties, the prince’s betrothed”, she snapped and the others made an ‘o’ with their mouth.

“Huh? Did you just say the prince’s betrothed?”, Kelly asked.

Vidya scoffed.

“You heard her right. That you girls are probably the best dancers doesn’t mean you can… order people around like puppets, watch it”, then she hissed and left.

Hmph. These girls thought they were rude, but they had actually met their match. They shrugged and went back to their laptop.

As soon as she settled on her seat, two girls approached her desk instantly.

“Hi”, one of them greeted, flashing her thirty two, she was the shorter of them.

“Hey Vidya, morning”, the other waved.

Vidya looked up inquiringly at them.

“How can I help you?”, she asked.

“Um… seriously we love your personality, that was a great job out there”, the shorter girl who had first spoken said, smiling.

Vidya was befuddled, like what were they trying to talk about?

“She meant with D 3 K’s, you are really their match”, the other girl said.

“Oh!”, she mouthed. Well, serves them right. How could she, the prince’s betrothed act so timidly before them? Are they gods? She scoffed.

“Well, thank God for you for noticing”, she rolled her eyes and said, unzipping her bag.

They glanced at themselves and smiled.

“Well, I’m Saanvi, seen you are a new student”, the shorter girl spoke stretching out her right hand for a handshake.

Huh? Vidya scoffed and looked at her hand, then looked away.

“Vidya. What do you want?”, she placed her hands on her desk.

Saanvi smiled and slowly withdrew her hand.

“Alright fine, we just want to make friends”.

“Yep, just friends. I’m Nora”, the other girl introduced.

Vidya smirked then chewed on her tongue, saying nothing to them.

“Well, it’s so nice meeting you. I mean, the prince’s betrothed, it’s like an honour”, Nora said.

Vidya scoffed yet again. Hmph.

“Good for you then”.

“Um Vidya, are you truly Prince Raghav’s betrothed? Like you and the prince are… that close”, Saanvi stressed the last sentence as she gushed.

Vidya simpered.

“Well yeah, it’s not a big deal”, she rolled her eyes.

“Who told you that? It’s so a big deal. Like you get to see the prince everyday you know”, she replied.

Vidya couldn’t help it as she laughed out, ohh God! Drama queens huh?

“You are so funny”, she said.

“Wow, so you mean Bellarmine isn’t his girlfriend?”, Nora asked and Vidya sharply turned to her, her face already gone cold.

“She isn’t, she’s a gold digger”, she snapped.

“Okay, but what about the news this morning? Didn’t you get to hear it?”, she kept asking.

Vidya was befuddled, what news was she talking about? She didn’t get to hear anything that morning.

“You mean the one he was caught kissing an unknown lady?”, Saanvi asked, making Vidya more confused.

“Yeah”, Nora replied nodding.

“What news?”, Vidya asked.

Nora smiled.

“Prince Raghav was seen yesterday night kissing an unknown lady in front of a hotel in Kuru kingdom. Or, was it you?”, she asked.

Instantly, Vidya felt like she was stabbed in the heart, Raghav? Kissing an unknown lady in front of a hotel? All the far Kuru kingdom? Holy moly!

And oh my! It was already in the news? Crap! She didn’t hear anything like that, absolutely nothing. What the hell is wrong with Raghav? Why can’t he just leave this playboy life and focus on her? Why? She almost cried.

“Um, you said it’s an unknown lady?”, she asked.

“Yes… yes. As it was on the trending photos taken, he pinned the lady on the car and no one could spot her face. It wasn’t Bellarmine as well as she had said nothing about it”, she said, stabbing her heart the more.

“Huh? It wasn’t you?”, Nora asked and she went limp.

Her eyelids flickered as she was at lost for words and speechless, what she gonna say now? That no it wasn’t her. Meaning, her prince wasn’t faithful or she was just a useless betrothed. Gosh!

“Well guess it was a one night stand thing, you know how they tend to live their lives”, she finally found her words.

“Oh, true though”, the Saanvi girl spoke chuckling.

“Well, whichever. The teacher would be here soon, I hope you are prepared for today’s class?”, Nora asked.

She nodded, already spacing out. She so felt bad that she noticed tears forcing their way out of her eyes, crap! She can’t cry here, in front of these people? Gosh!

She got up instantly.

“Um, I will just use the restroom, I’ll be back”, then she picked up her bag and left, heading for the restroom.

All thanks to Raghav for ruining her first day at the dancing school.



Raghav was sitting on one of the plastic chairs in the garden going through his phone when suddenly Prisha rushed up to him.

“Big bro, you seen this?”, she asked as she ran up to him, looking into her phone.

“What?”, he shortly asked without sparing her a glance.

“The medias are carrying the bomb. Prince Raghav seen kissing a strange lady in front of Bizzan Hotels. My gee, it’s making the headlines”, she read from her phone.

Raghav scoffed, saying nothing to her. She laughed and slapped his shoulders.

“I knew this was your plan bro”, she laughed, then flopped into the chair opposite him.

Just then, one of his phones lying on the table rang out, he picked it up immediately.

“Yes?”, his cold voice spoke into the phone, then he put it on loud speaker making Prisha hear everything.

“It’s the boss”, the person from the other end spoke.

He sighed, dropping the other phone on the table.

“What’s it this time?”, he asked.

“One of the culprits, Davida…”.

“Yes, what about her?”, he cut him short, already getting infuriated.

“She’s finally been caught”.

“What!”, Prisha exclaimed.

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