Pregnant For The Royal Prince


SURPRISE was an understatement, Rina was gobsmacked, astonished and so shocked. Huh? Lady Aarti, the king’s sister, saying this to her? Like she was actually pleading huh? Christ!

“Um… um my… my lady I…”, her lips wobbled as she stuttered in utmost awe, she was more than surprised.

Aarti took her hands in hers, making her tensed the more. Like seriously, was the royal family asking her this?

With her mouth widely opened, she looked around the balcony and found Zaina and Prisha smiling, their faces telling her to say yes to Lady Aarti.

“Your kind heart has finally led you somewhere unexpected. My Ali baby here you helped at the tourist site, is a princess”.

“What!”, Rina gasped, Lady Aarti still held her hands.

Goodness, why was she always helping the royals, why? This sounds like a punishment somehow.

“Yes, forget the way she had dressed to the tourist site that fateful day, I purposely made it so, I didn’t want people to start raising curious eyes kind of, you know”, she shrugged her shoulders.

Rina sighed, infact sighing was the thing in vogue for her now. She couldn’t utter a word as she was just too astonished to say anything.

“My Lady, I… I d… didn’t know she is a princess”, she finally spoke out, “I… I was only trying to help, I didn’t know”, she lowered her gaze.

Aarti smiled.

“I didn’t expect you to know either, it just shows you are so kind hearted, and can take care of a man; your man. The kind of hearts we want in a royal family, not the one that’s gonna tear the family apart”.

Rina smiled lightly.

“Thank you my Lady”.

She smiled.

“That’s why I’m pleading, Raghav hasn’t been himself since you left him, please forgive and accept him back”, she pleaded.

Gosh! Was this really happening? Like who on earth pleads to a lady to love her nephew? Crap!

As for forgiveness, she had already forgiven him, and just couldn’t wait to see him. Since she came in, she had been using the corner of her eyes to survey the environs.

She was still in her thoughts when a door opposite her and at the far end of the balcony creaked open and she turned towards it.

The door fully opened and holy moly! It was him, yes it was the prince! Oh my! He was around, her eyes instantly became watery, gathering tears.

He fully came out and stood at the door, then watched the scene from there.

Rina gasped, almost squeaking out. Raghav, her Raghav was looking so breathtaking, like she hasn’t seen him dressed this way before, I mean on a blazer, with gold jewelries dripping from every part of his body.

Huh? Her mouth dropped wide open as she drooled on him, my gee! Was this her Raghav? Crap! She just couldn’t wait to get into his arms.

Raghav sighed and began walking towards them, Prisha was right, she had said he was gonna make Rina gawk at him, and that’s exactly what she’s doing right now.

That isn’t the most important anyway, he finally got to them and Lady Aarti released her grip on Rina and stepped aside, then Raghav took the stand.

“Are you going to stop gawking now?”, he suddenly asked.

Oh jeez! Her eyes closed subconsciously, he had caught her gawking.

“Mi amor”, he called and took her left hand, and her stomach tightened, she opened her eyes.

“I’m sorry for not being there to protect you”, his soft voice began.

Rina’s eyes twitched, seems to her he has different voices and knows when exactly to use them. The soft, the coarse, the emotionless, and all of that.

Right now, he was making use of the soft, lacing it with endearments.

“I won’t always be there to protect you but I can assure you of your safety”, he brought her left hand closer to his mouth, and kissed the back of her palm.

“Please I…”.

“Raghav?”, she softly called, politely cutting him short.

He looked at her, they were tears already forming in her eyes. He brought his lips closer them, and kissed the tears on each eye.

“I’m the one who’s supposed to be sorry my prince, I’m the one who’s supposed to be sorry”, and before she knew it, she began crying.

“Oh no, you gonna ruin your make-up”, Zaina whispered and took out a face napkin, then dabbed her face with it.

She smiled.

“Thanks baby Z”, and she had to force herself to stop crying.

Raghav all the while stood in awe, watching Rina. She was looking more beautiful, goodness! He found himself gawking at her too.

“It’s okay Rina, believe me, love is all I’ve got for you”, he said.

She nodded.

“I know, I was so dumb to have not seen it… soo dumb”.

His right hand went to her left cheek and it flushed, she smiled so broadly revealing all her thirty two.

“I love you Prince Raghav”, she said in a whisper, her eyelids flickering.

He smiled slightly.

“I love you too princess”, he said in a whisper and then drew her closer for a passionate kiss.

The claps and cheerings of the rest of the family jolted Rina to reality, she was so lost in Raghav that she had completely forgotten about them and so she flinched and wanted to withdrew from the kiss, but couldn’t, she had so missed Raghav.

The rest of the afternoon was fun, fun and fun. Ali baby became so close to Rina, always wanting to sit on her laps. Rina enjoyed every bit of it anyway, she felt so lucky being loved by royal families.

? Evening ?

The evening arrived as slow as it could. Rina had been having fun and it seemed she wasn’t gonna return to Shimla kingdom again, funny right?

Well, Raghav had insisted taking her out on a date that evening in Kuru, so going back to Shimla that same day was out of the line.

Raghav was waiting patiently by the white coloured Porsche already driven to the gigantic gate, dressed so sweet and neat in a red blazer, his eyes were so fixed on his phone.

Rina came out of the palace few minutes later, being led by two maids. Looking so exquisite in a long red gown, one of the maids held her red purse.

Raghav had insisted on her changing into something different from what she had earlier worn. Who was she to disobey him? She complied.

They were now walking down when she sighted Raghav from afar and she instantly halted, stretched out her left hand for her purse, and the maid handed it to her.

“You can leave me now”, she said and the two maids bowed and left.

Then she exhaled deeply, her eyes still fixed on Raghav, like she couldn’t believe it, Prince Raghav was hers? Like, they were going on a date together? Aww, felt like a dream.

She walked up to him and that was when he looked up from his phone and saw her.

What! He couldn’t believe his eyes. Was this Rina? Oh my! She was looking so so beautiful, and he found himself gawking at her.

“Come on, stop gawking”, she squeaked.

His lips wobbled.

“Was I?”.

“Yes you were. Raghav?”, she called.

“Yes baby”, she stood beside him.

“I never knew you wear jeweleries”, she said, admiring the different golds glittering on him.

He simpered.

“Of course I do, I don’t wear them always”, he explained.

She nodded smiling, this was another version of Raghav as far as she was concerned.

“My Lady, let’s be on our way”, he said and opened the car door for her.

She chuckled and lowered herself in the car, Raghav closed it and walked over to the driver’s side and entered.

Then, they drove away.

They got to their destination almost an hour later, then they entered.

At the instant they halted at the parking lot, throngs of people surrounded them, making Rina all surprised. What was all this?

Raghav managed to walk to the other side of the car and opened it, Rina slowly alighted, watching the crowd that had surrounded them. She was astonished.

?: Hey I said it, it’s Prince Raghav of Shimla kingdom.

Someone from the crowd squeaked and Rina scoffed, huh? Was this how Raghav was famous?

“I’m sorry about this”, he whispered to her, “it’s a normal occurrence when I don’t take the guards with me”, he said.

Ugh? She didn’t know and so wasn’t expecting it, she was never used to such thing.

?: Wow, take a look at his gold necklace.

Another squeaked, making Rina scoff. Raghav held her right hand, and together they tried pressing through the crowd, but it was impossible.

?: Prince Raghav, I thought you and Bellarmine are dating? Who’s this lady with you then?

Someone asked and Raghav became peeved, tightening his grip on Rina, she noticed it.

?: But the lady is more beautiful than Bellarmine anyway.

Another squeaked.

Before Rina knew it, they had already begun taking pictures of them, the lights of the camera was disturbing and she began using her hands to close her eyes.

Jeez! She wasn’t used to this. She turned to Raghav and whispered.

“Can we leave here please?”.

“Get out you all, everybody move… move!!!”, the securities yelled, coming to their rescue immediately.

Few minutes later, they were already sitted in the VIP restaurant section of the hotel, making their orders.

“Wow”, Rina mouthed, exhaling deeply.

“What?”, Raghav shortly asked.

“My gee, what was that for?”.

He sighed.

“I told you it’s the usual occurrence whenever I didn’t take the guards with me”, he said.

“I know, but you would have told me earlier, so I can brace up for it. I’m not used to such thing”, she made a face.

“It’s fine, I’m sorry”, he said.

She shrugged.

“I’m not angry anyway”.

Just then, the waitresses approached their table and began setting their orders. It was Tropical rice, grilled chicken, and samosa.

“Um… Raghav?”, she called.

“Yes dear, you enjoying the meal?”, he looked at her, she was playing with her cutleries.

“I’m so sorry for…”, a spoonful of rice in her mouth cut her short, her eyes beamed.

“Told you it’s okay, we are together now”, he said.

She ate the food he had just put in her mouth with relishment, smiling.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“How’s dad, and mom?”, she asked.

He sighed so deeply.

“Well mom’s fine, just dad. He’s in coma”.

Her face expression changed.

“Mm, Prisha told me that. I’m so sorry”, she said.

“Well, he’s been taken care of, I just hope he comes out alive”, he drank some water.

“Amen”, she nodded.

“I’m so sorry about my mom firing you, I see it as a blessing in disguise though”, he winked.

Huh? What was he saying? Meaning he likes it that she was fired? She dropped her cutleries and turned to him.

“What do you mean?”, she asked.

He furrowed his brows and looked at her, she was peeved, he chuckled.

“Hey, you should get me. I mean, I have plans for you and so, you leaving the job, it’s like a progress for me”, he shrugged.

“Oh!”, she sighed.

“I get now”, she continued eating.

“So, what are your plans? You dropped out of high school right? Are you now willing to tell me the complicated issue? Remember, our conversation from the utility room?”, he winked.

“Ugh!”, her mouth went wide open, so, he could still remember?

“Yeah, I can possibly not forget anything about you”, he said.

“Hmmm”, she sighed.

“So, are you now ready to tell me?”.

Well, yeah. She was now ready to tell him anything, everything about herself. She wiped her mouth with the table napkin.

“My principal was the one paying my fees after the death of my father, then she was transferred. But before that, she called me and told me she had cleared all the fees, excluding nothing, only for her to be transferred and the new principal asked me to leave school, that my fees was incomplete”.

“Huh? Leave school? Just like that?”, he asked.

She nodded.

“I had even pleaded with him to tell me the outstanding fees, so I can try to pay, but he didn’t. All he did was asked me to leave school, more like an expulsion, and I did”, she laughed dryly.

“That was how I ended up in the palace as a maid, I couldn’t stay idle and the job was there”, she explained.

“That must have been a painful experience. But… didn’t you suspect someone might be behind it? Like why wouldn’t he tell you the outstanding fees? All he just wanted was to kick you out of the school”.

Phew, he was right. Vidya? She suspected her, but should she tell him? Considering the fact she’s his betrothed.

“What!”, he suddenly exclaimed.

She looked at him inquiringly.

“What?”, she asked.

“Was it Vidya?”, he asked and she flinched, her thoughts… her thoughts, oh God!.

“Ye… I don’t really know, I was only suspecting”, she shrugged her shoulders.

“Was she your classmate in high school?”.

“Yes, she was. But I didn’t say she’s the one, I was only guessing”, she turned her gaze to her food.

“She probably is, that bitch is rude. Stay away from her”, he warned.

“Huh?”, she looked at him.

“Just stay away. Well, so what are your plans so far?”.

She dropped her cutleries and told him exactly what she had told her mom, her desire to go for the graphics designing school, and extra murals so she could complete high school.

“Wow, great”, he said.

“Yeah”, she nodded and continued eating.

“Leave that to me then”.

“Huh?”, she looked at him.

“Just listen to me for once”.


They finally finished having fun and prepared to leave. Rina winced, the crowd at the entrance again.

“Don’t worry about that, the securities has taken care of it”, Raghav said smiling.

He took her hand and they walked to the car, true to his words, they had actually taken care of it. Not that there was no crowd anyway, but the people couldn’t get contact with them, they stood far off admiring.

Gosh! Goosebumps, she wasn’t used to this.

At the instant they got to the car, instead of opening the car door for her, he pinned her to the car and began kissing her.

What! She couldn’t reciprocate as she was gobsmacked, they were people around, watching.

“What you doing?”, she asked in a whisper.

“Kiss me”, he said.

And flashes of light cameras bathed all over them like rain.

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