Chapter 49

After the call with Elizabeth the previous night Edde was restless, he didn’t sleep all through the night and now in a meeting he wasn’t focused. He was being unnecessarily harsh and bitter over everything.

He knew that Ken was upto no good, he was sure that whatever love he was showing Elizabeth was to win her heart so that he can unleash his demonic plans.

“Sir! Your palms are bleeding” Nelly whispered as Edde’s attention went to his palms, it was indeed bleeding.

He slowly released his tightened fist to see the mark of his finger nails deep on his palm flesh, he was hurting himself without actually knowing.

He sighed and checked his time and it was just twelve pm, he tried to sit tight and focus on the meeting but all to no avail, Elizabeth was actually fine with going out with Ken and that made Edde mad.

“And she will be hanging out with him again, no this can’t be good!” Edde mumbled to himself as he jerked up from his seat and adjusted his suit jacket not minding how everyone stared at him like he was insane. “I gotta head back to London right away, hence we are almost at the end of this project. Nelly here will stay back and complete everything” Edde said as they all nodded, he turned to Nelly and nodded to her too as he quickly headed out.

He placed a call to the Airport management about his trip back to London and the arrangement of his flight. He increased his walking pace out of the company building as his securities walked behind him.

“Drive quickly to the hotel I need to take my stuff back to London. I can’t waste much time here again” Edde hastily said as the chauffeur increased his driving speed on noticing the uneasiness in Edde’s eye’s.

Edde quickly placed a call on Elizabeth which rang without her picking it up, he kept trying but the same voice kept coming up. “Bitch!” He mouthed worriedly as he tossed his phone to a corner.


Edde sat impatiently on the plane as he kept mouthing curses at Elizabeth, he felt the bad urge to punish her once he got back to London but he kept fighting with his emotions.

“Where could she be now? At home or with that bastard? Gosh! I want to kill Ken so badly!”

A flight from California back to London is 10 hours 26 minutes and some milliseconds, Edde restlessly gave up to sleep after waiting and countlessly checking his time, Soon the aeroplane landed safely at the terminal.

“Sir” Edde heard a husky masculine voice which he recognized as his security guards, he groaned tiredly and flew his eyes open. “We have landed” he added as Edde nodded and stood up.

“The Chauffeur Is here right?” Edde asked in a weak sleepy voice as he headed out of the plane.

“Yes sir and your wife is waiting in the car”.

Hearing that, his eyes widened in awe.

“Elizabeth? Really!?” He uttered as he quickened his pace, he felt happy for a reason which he couldn’t tell. The flight landed quite early in the morning and he was surprised that Elizabeth came to welcome him, leaving her normal late morning sleep and after the phone fight.

Getting close to the parking lot he sighted Elizabeth, she was focused on her phone so engrossed with whatever she was doing, he couldn’t hide the smile that was spreading on his lips.

He missed her so much, he missed his son, he missed everything. His eyes went down to her belly, he missed seeing her big stomach and she was adding so much weight too.

“I so want to get you pregnant again Elizabeth” Edde said once he got to her as she looked up letting a smile spread on her cheeks.

“I miss you so much, Edde Loxley” she said as she gave him a quick peck.

“At least Ken kept you company huh?” Edde uttered as Elizabeth rolled her eyes at him. “Get in the car”


I got a call last night from Edde’s P. A Nelly about Edde’s return. I was surprised with his sudden change of mind on coming back and also why his rude P. A would think of informing me.

How did she get my contact by the way?.

I got Edde’s call yesterday but wasn’t in the mood to answer because I wasn’t ready for more phone fights. Ken also called, which I snubbed too. We were supposed to hangout but I was suddenly in a bad mood and wasn’t ready to step out.

I woke up this morning on hearing the knock on the door, it was the chauffeur and he informed me about Edde’s return, I was both shocked and happy at the same time that I quickly had to skip my morning sleep and go with the chauffeur at once not minding my morning face… At least I brushed.

Seeing Edde at the airport warmed my heart that I totally forgot we had a fight, it felt like I haven’t seen him in forever.

It was obvious that he also missed me as much as I did and I pecked his lips as a welcome, we were having a cozy first time meeting after a month until he mentioned Ken which ruined my whole mood.

“Get in the car” he commanded as I sighed and slid into the car with a long face.

As we drove back home he kept stealing glances at me that shows he has something to say but doesn’t know how to start, his hand slowly fell on my tights as I bit my lip trying not to smile at the feeling of him touching me once again.

I would be lying if I say that I didn’t miss him.

“Uhm, how is Grey doing?” He asked softly.

“Grey is doing great without his Dad” I pointed sarcastically as I rolled my eyes

“Come on Elizabeth, stop all these sarcasms, it’s not like I left you for no good reason, I went on a compulsory business trip and stayed for just a month and not a year” he said and clicked his tongue gripping hard on my thigh.

“Take your hands off me” I whispered sternly as he glared scornfully at my face and creeped his finger slowly under my skirt as I gasped out uneasily. “Stop, stop it Edde” I whispered, yanking his hand off my tight as I peeked on the front mirror and luckily the chauffeur didn’t seem to be paying attention to us.

Soon we got back home, Edde’s luggages was sent in by the servants that saw us first as we entered the room and Edde had it locked immediately as he winked at me cockily.

“Why do you do that?” I asked with a raised brow as he ignored me and walked to the Cradle where Grey was laid as he carried him gently on his arms.

“I missed you Grey” Edde Muttered as he pecked Grey on his forehead which Grey responded with a loud yawn and a coo. “He is growing so fast” Edde uttered as he laid the baby back down and turned to me.

“What did you do with Ken?” He asked harshly as I Scoffed and sat on the bed.

“We shouldn’t be talking about that Edde, you just came back. Fighting isn’t an option please” I sighed as I tucked my curls behind my ears.

“Elizabeth, we are definitely talking about it because I can’t fathom why you would dine with my enemy, are you crazy!” He yelled, his voice filled with rage this time which got me alerted that he was really angry and could strangle me if I tried exchanging words with him.

He slowly walked forward to me with his fist clenched tightly. “You made me leave a meeting without concluding, I had to come back leaving everything to Nelly all thanks to you because I was worried about your safety Elizabeth!” He yelled, his body vibrating in fury as I lowered my head in fright.

“What do you want, Elizabeth Albie? Food or Sex because I’m sure that he also fucked you, what do you want?” He asked, now in a calm voice as my eyes blurred up with tears.

“Ed… Edde please stop you’re scaring me” I pleaded with uncontrollable tears rolling down my cheeks as he gently leaned towards me and used his palm to brush my hair back.

“That’s not what I asked, Food or Sex?” He repeated “Before I left you were hungry for sex which I refused to offer because of your condition so you must have slept with a lot of men even before Ken, right? Or is food the issue? He took you to his restaurant to eat but I can…”

“Edde, please stop all this! I don’t want anything from you, just leave me alone!” I yelled as I broke into tears.

“then fucking answer my questions! What did you do with Ken? You even had the guts to tell me you were still going out with him so… How was it?” He said sarcastically as I ignored him and wiped my tears off.

“You don’t want to see my bad side” he muttered as he snatched my phone from the table, unfortunately he knew my password so it was easy for him to go through my phone. “Oh wow, he called you ten times last night and five times this morning!? You guys have already gone deep in your dirty relationship?” He uttered disgustedly as he scoffed at my phone.

“Edde, I have nothing with Ken I promise” I said calmly as tears rolled down my cheeks.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Say goodbye to this phone”

©Pop Precious

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