Chapter 48

The Mommy and baby conference turned out better than I expected, there was a lot taught about being a mom and best ways to take care of babies, I couldn’t stop smiling as I saw the cute babies around me.

Grey was asleep anyways…

I actually thought that the conference was only for mother’s but some fami’s came too, Fami as in father mommies! Single dads to be specific or maybe father’s with much busier wives.

I nearly chuckled as the thought of Edde being in such a position flashed to my brain, Edde won’t ever agree with such… I don’t see that happening, like ever.

It’d be fun asking him to take Grey to any other conference though.

Soon the nurse talking to us rounded up the topic and some bedtime story books were handed to each of us.

The chauffeur was standing right by the entrance waiting patiently for us and once the conference was over, he came in to lead me out as he helped with my hand bag. I felt quite uncomfortable with that as it was bringing unwanted eyes to me and indistinct chatter about me.

I just wanted to leave the building quickly as it already felt suffocating.

Reaching outside of the hospital was the worst idea ever, the paparazzi were outside obviously waiting for me to come out. They must have been informed about my visit to the hospital.

This would be the first time I would face the paparazzi without Edde, I only came out with the chauffeur and no security guard. I feared for Grey as he was still very young to pass through the unwanted eyes of the paparazzi.

The chauffeur tried his best to push them out of my way but it was all to no avail as he was one and they were up to thirty.

I held Grey protectively to my body as I tried my best to hide his face from the camera flashes coming from all corners.

“How do you feel about the rumors of you being desperately in need to be with Edde Loxley?” A lady asked from the crowd which I ignored disgustedly.

“Is your marriage with Edde Loxley really a contract?”

“What transpired between you and the famous cover girl Sadie Hat-field?”

The questions were way too much for me, and my legs hurt from standing for long.

“Can you all just be reasonable and let me pass!? I have a baby with me!” I yelled angrily as they ignored me and continued asking endless questions without minding that I wasn’t replying.

“Leave this place now!” A masculine voice ordered with full authority as everywhere became quite unexpectedly, I turned to the direction the voice came from as my eyes met with a very familiar one.

It was Ken the CEO of Fitz, what’s he doing here?

“I said leave! You all piss me off a lot!” He yelled as they all cleared the way now giving air the chance to flow in freely, I smiled at him appreciatively as he nodded in response and stretched his hand out.

“Let me take you out for lunch, do me the honour and do not reject” he uttered gently as I smiled and pointed at Grey who was now awake.

“You definitely should bring him with you”

“Edde won’t be happy seeing me with you” I said sincerely as he sighed and hissed.

“Edde doesn’t have to Know, it’s just lunch. I won’t hurt you” he said as I nodded, I was keen on going with him especially as I do nothing at home. This once won’t do me harm.

I turned to the chauffeur who was standing by the car and waiting for me. “You can go home without me, I will be back” I said as he opened his mouth to thwart. “Go! I will be fine!” I stressed as he hesitantly nodded and drove off.

“Shall we?” Ken uttered as I turned to him with a smile on my face as I nodded and followed him to his white Rolls Royce parked across the road.

It was quite an awkward drive to whatever restaurant we were headed to, I fought the urge to think of Edde’s reaction to me going out with his enemy. It was betraying of me to go out with Ken against Edde’s will but I really needed to go out.

“Edde, isn’t in town?” Ken asked calmly as I signed and turned to him not sure it’d be wise talking about Edde.

“Can we not just talk about my husband?” I uttered as Ken smirked slightly.

“Edde isn’t your husband, we know that already. I’m not against you guys though but… As you said, we shouldn’t talk about him” he said in an indifferent smile as I nodded and focused on the side window viewing the rapidly passing buildings.

Soon the chauffeur drove into a restaurant compound which had lots of cars parked making it seem a little bit crowded, my phone vibrated and rang out in my bag as I hissed frustratedly knowing that it was Edde again.

He has called up to ten times or more since I got into Ken’s car, it was Either the chauffeur told him or something else.

“Why don’t you answer him?” Ken urged as I shaked my head negatively.

“It’s better I ignore it, let’s go in Please”.

I really hope this won’t get me into trouble with Edde, he has been calling and spamming my phone with texts.

that can’t be good…

The hang out with Ken wasn’t bad at all, he made sure that I was very comfortable and ordered everything I asked for. The AC was also turned off because of Grey and that alone made me realize that the restaurant was probably his.

We had a little chat about random interests, he was quite open with me and that made me more comfortable around him.

He offered to meet up again for something like this, which I accepted without hesitation. He drove me back home with the promise of calling me.

I got home quite late, it was six pm already and all I needed was a quick bath so that I could feed Grey. He’s been sucking his fists hungrily and I felt quite bad that after such an outing my baby couldn’t eat anything.

Disadvantages of being a baby…

While I took my bath, Miss Brooke bathed Grey too and dressed him into a thick little onesie and a head warmer.

I could hear the loud crying voice of Grey from the bathroom and I could tell that he was badly hungry. I had a quick bath and rushed out to see the middle aged lady carrying him and trying her best to console him which wasn’t working at all, instead he was screaming the more.

His crying voice was so disturbing that I feared something was going to happen to him.

“Master Edde called,” she said as I nodded.

“I Know, you can go have your rest Miss Brooke, I will handle Grey” I uttered calmly as she quickly left the room.

I immediately breastfed Grey and luckily he slept off at once. I lay him on his cradle bed as I sighed in relief and turned back to my phone.

Just when I was about tapping on Edde’s caller ID he called instead, I swiped to the answer icon and placed the phone on my ear just to hear a shout that nearly busted my ear drums.

“How dare you hangout with my opponent Elizabeth!” He yelled as I rolled my eyes heavenward.

“You didn’t have to shout that loud Ed…”

“Shut that mouth up Bitch! Are you that stupid and desperate! What did he tell you that convinced you to go with him to a mere restaurant? Ain’t you tired of getting bashed on the internet!?” He yelled as I bit my lip trying hard to swallow my anger of him Calling me names.

“You know too well that Ken is my enemy and doesn’t think Well of me and yet you went out with him and with my Son! How dare you!?”.

“Edde, please calm down, it was a friendly hang out, neither me nor Grey got hurt or any sort of harm. You should stop calling me names already” I uttered calmly, doing my best in controlling my anger.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t know? Guess what? You got another hate trend for yourself hence you couldn’t just stay home and take care of your one month old baby. Grey is way too young to know that you’re a desperate slut so I’d advise you hide that part of you till you leave and become a free bird!”

“Enough! I have endured your words enough! Quit calling me names in every slight provocation. Calling me bitchy names wouldn’t stop me from doing whatever I wish to do… In Fact just so you know, I and Ken are going out again probably tomorrow” I snapped crossly.

“You won’t even dare Elizabeth!”

“Oh! Watch me dare, if you don’t want me to keep going out and being a slut then come back from whatever business trip you went to… Period!” I yelled and hung up as I took a deep breath and fell on my bed with my eyes blurred with tears.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

©Pop Precious

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