Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

As I Lay Dying ( End of Book one)

Samuels Pov

“Mate” Xavier said, and all heads turned to her. My beautiful mate. My Jasmine. She was here and looking just as beautiful yet deadly. She said she had a plan, but she told me to stay away. She should have known we wouldn’t listen. Not with too much on the line. She walked towards us with her eyes trained on Xavier only. Within seconds she had come close to him before Katie stepped in front of him.

“Close enough”, She growled, but Jasmine simply waved her hand and Katie went flying towards a tree and a plop was heard. A few of the demon herd went to check on her.

“She is dead, my lord” one of them replied, and suddenly, all their eyes looked at Jasmine in both fear and anger. Xavier didn’t even look fazed. He simply shrugged it off and held his arms out as he looked up at the moon, which was almost at its peak. Jasmine just stood in front of him, with her hands behind her back. Her eyes locked on Xavier only.

“Did you enjoy seeing the ghost of your brother? I sent him to tell you hello. He is in hell, you know.” Xavier taunted. Jasmine ignored the taunts. Luna’s aura was physically pulsing from her as a red cloud of smoke started coming from her.

The purple eyes I had come to grow used to were now fading from purple and starting to turn red. Her demon was almost finished taking over. This would mean whatever plan she had, it would no longer be Jasmine or Lunar in control. Her plan would fail.

Jasmine turned her head to Ava, her features emotionless, before turning them to me, and her eyes became angry.

“I told you to stay away” She almost growled at me. I tried walking to her, but she waved a hand and suddenly I was rooted to the ground. I looked around and saw that Harmon, Brandon, Rynyxon, Ava, Jessica, and Ava’s mate were as well. I turned back to Jasmine.

“You knew I’d never do that” I growled back at her, frustrated about not being able to move. I tried using my powers, but my wolf would not let me access them. He blocked me off. Why?

“What did you do to me?” I growled out, but she only gave me a small smile before turning back to Xavier.

“I’m here, as you asked. Do you really need them here too?” Lunar asked Xavier, who shrugged and closed the distance between them.

” Not really, but why not the audience? They will soon be dead anyway” he stated, stopping in front of her. He slowly started walking around her, trailing his hands on her hair. Seeing this sight pissed me off even more.

“Don’t fucking touch her” I growled out, but he simply ignored me. Jasmine just stood still. No emotions. Not moving.

“How could you betray us?” Brandon shouted at Pythia, who was standing a bit behind Jasmine. I looked at Pythia.

“All this time, you pretended to be our friend, and yet you were keeping her. Keeping her away from us” I demanded to know, narrowing my eyes. Pythia remained silent as she only looked at Brandon with sad eyes.

“Enough of all this talk,” Xavier said simply. He looked at Pythia.

“You’ve done me a great service, bringing me my queen. She is willing and compliant, I presume”, Xavier asked as he circled Jasmine/Lunar.

“Yes, my lord. She will accept you. I have made sure of it”, Pythia said to him, keeping her eyes on Brandon.

Did she spell her? I could hear the questions coming from everyone as they thought the same thing. I struggled even more to move, but I could not budge.

“It’s almost time, mate. I can feel your demon essence is almost complete. Are you ready?” Xavier asked, standing behind her, both of his hands on her beautiful shoulders. Lunar slightly moaned in enjoyment and closed her eyes, leaning into his touch. She almost seemed content.

“Yes,” She sighed. “I am ready”.

She opened her eyes fully and the red in her eyes was now complete, as there was now no trace of purple left. Her demon has taken over. My mate. My beautiful mate. I let out a growl, feeling my wolf stir in defeat, but I was angry with him as well. He wouldn’t let me channel him.

“Jasmine,” Jessica called out. Lunar’s eyes switched from Xavier to Jessica and a sad expression crossed her face.

“I’m sorry” She whispered to Jessica, who was trying everything she could to move from the ground.

The moon has now reached its peak.

“Witness…. Hell….” Xavier spoke aloud as he gripped Jasmine’s shoulders. Jasmine’s head rolled to the side as she closed her eyes. She spoke the words that pierced my heart.

“I, Lunar Dynamis, accept you”

With a smile, Xavier’s canines came out as a red mist started to form and his eyes turned as blood red as the moon.

He pulled her backward and forcefully sunk his canines into her neck and the auras around them both started to mix, swirling together. Rain started to pour. It took me a minute to realize what it was. Blood. It was raining blood, and the ground rumbled. The demons were making grunting noises and cheering for their master and his new queen. The prophecy was coming true.

Jasmine went limp and fell to the ground after Xavier drained her.

“At last, the prophecy is complete, and I have the Luna Dynamis power. His aura turned from red to black as he levitated off the ground and gravitated back down.

With Jasmine currently limp, her hold on to us all was gone, and I rushed towards her. So did everyone else. Jasmine looked up, her red eyes locked on someone behind me and at once I was being pulled back. I turned around and it was Ava. Ava was holding us all back with her power.

“STOP” Rynyxon growled out to her, but she only shook her head and drew us all back as she started levitating, the same as before.

Xavier looked at Ava in slight confusion before commanding his army.

“ATTACK” he commanded, and wave upon wave advanced towards us. Ava seemed to be linking with Atlas, who nodded. He was the only one not being pulled back. As the crowd of demons rushed towards us, he was the only one able to run forward. An unknown smoke seemed to be coming from him.

What the Hell was he?

The demons laughed as they ran towards him, teeth snapping, ready to kill.

He at once stopped as they kept running and inhaled. A bright flame suddenly came out of his mouth as he created a line of fire that stretched out, causing the demons to slow down and stop. Ava flew above while holding us back and created some sort of forcefield that raised that same fire higher and higher. I wouldn’t have minded this, but the fact that Jasmine and Xavier were on the side of the fire with the demons, and we were all on the other side, made me fight Avas hold even more.

With a growl, I broke free. My wolf had finally moved his mental block and I had my powers back.

“I am sorry for the block, but our mate has told me her plan. Trust her” he explained.

“What does she need me to do?” I asked him, looking at the hoard. The wall Ava made burned a demon that tried to get through, but Ava was using her full power. She would not last long. She would collapse soon.

“Kill the hoard” he growled in my head.

Rynyxon looked up towards the sky.

“Michael, please” he begged to look up and at once it was like a bright light penetrated from the sky to the ground. The light then disappeared, but it left behind silver weapons. Swords, Knives, Bows, Arrows, Spears.

“Thank you, Rynyxon said, looking at me.

“Angel blessed weapons fused with Angel blood,’ he said, looking up towards Ava. She was trying to keep up the wall as Atlas walked through it, burning anything that tried to come through. What he was, was a mystery, but now was not the time.

Ava suddenly gave out and I used my power to slow her fall. Atlas saw her falling and caught her in his arms before running back towards us. Their protective wall was burning out.

“Run, get her out of here” I commanded as he ran by. I felt a huge gust of air and when I turned around, both he and Ava were gone.

With their protective wall down, the hoard was now back to running to us, to kill. The weapons of the Archangel started to glow brightly as they came closer and suddenly, I understood. They were designed to kill demons.

I ran to grab one of them but suddenly another blast of light fell before me, and a sword was sticking out of the ground. Without realizing it, I grabbed the sword. Lightweight, but the power that rushed through it was as strong as it enveloped me, and I felt one with the sword. Like it was an extension of me. I turned toward the hoard as the others grabbed their weapons and took a defensive stance.

“Take as many as you can, leave none alive” I linked to everyone who growled in reply, and we advanced towards the hoard. Xavier levitated and blasted some of his dark power towards us but missed.

Jasmine had blacked out and was still on the ground. Xavier growled in annoyance about missing and kept throwing black blasts towards us, which we kept dodging. He landed on the ground in front of his hoard. I used my powers to throw him against a tree, and at the same time, the hoard reached us. In the nick of time, I was able to draw back just as a demon was about to run its dagger into my heart.

The air was filled with clashing as waves and waves came upon us. Their numbers were decreasing slowly as we took them out, but as more fell, more seemed to appear. I looked towards Xavier, and it seemed to be him summoning more. The ground opened, and all manner of dark creatures started to appear. Dark fae, goblins, witches, and wolves emerged with demon spirits taking hold of them. Courtesy of Xavier.

“King Samael, we are here” a voice came into my mind. I turned after shoving my sword into the stomach of a demon to see my allies from my country coming through the forest in full force and the top generals stood at my side. There were thousands of demons, but now the odds were evened.

“LEAVE NO SURVIVORS”. I linked them all and they then clashed with the demon horde. Blade upon blade. Xavier levitated and landed in front of Jasmine’s body.

I killed everything in my path getting to them before I came to stand in front of him.

“Let’s finish this ” I growled to Xavier, who simply greeted me with a grunt. Whether Jasmine or Luna had accepted him or not, he was going to die today.

“With pleasure,” he said, and advanced towards me. I raised my sword but before he could get close to me, he suddenly fell to the ground. Blood started pouring from his eyes as he looked up at me.

“What’s happening to me”? he started sputtering, as blood started coming out of his mouth.

Jasmine’s/Lunar eyes opened, and she sat up, turning towards the battle before standing up. She closed her eyes and when they opened, she let out an ear-piercing scream as light blasted from her. Half purple, half red, all power. Her scream was strong, and it held just how much power she held. The light surrounded the battlefield, killing every demon-possessed person or thing until all the bodies dropped. Xavier looked on as that happened in horror, shocked that this was happening. He tried to stand but couldn’t. As Jasmine’s scream died down, so did her powerful blast. All of the demon hoards were dead. I stood on my spot unmoving. Was this my Jasmine/Lunar? Was this a demon?

“I am both” her voice appeared in my head as she looked at me. Her eyes were colored both red and purple and, for some reason, the fact that she looked even more appealing came into my mind, and Jasmine chucked, obviously listening to my thoughts. She reached her arms out for me and in no second, I was next to her.

“What did you do to him?” I asked her as his body started seizing.

She touched my hand and showed me a small memory.


I saw monks. Monks in white robes in a library, reading aloud from a passage.

” The demon mate fated for the Lunar Dynamis will come from the direct bloodline of The Demon Lord. He can be killed directly, by ingesting the blood of the Lunar Dynamis on the Blood Moon, when her blood has finished transitioning into what it is meant to be. Half Demon, Half Angel, yet the best of both, although it is known that angel blood and demon do not mix. To her demon mate, her specific angel blood will be a poison, and will for sure result in death for the demon.”.

End of Flashback

“Your half-angel, half-demon. I can see it in your eyes and your powers. How are you alive? The two are not supposed to mix?’, I asked in confusion.

” Lunar powers were always meant to be this way. His death was always fated to be because of me. When he drained me, I died temporarily, but my angel side brought me back, with both essences still in my blood, meaning, I cannot truly stay dead. It was Pythia who knew this would happen and warned me. She has been helping me. She is not the enemy”, Jasmine stated, and I looked at Pythia. She was standing by Brandon, covered in blood. Now that I think about it, I do recall seeing her fighting with us. Not against. I nodded my thanks to her, to which she returned.

“I only wanted us together,” Xavier said, spitting blood out at Jasmine as he lay dying. Jasmine and I looked down at him before I heard Jasmine smile. She kneeled towards him and stroked his hair. He looked up at her, half hopeful.

“Go back to hell,” she said and stood back up, coming back into my arms. His eyes turned from hopeful to angry.

“This is far from over” he muttered as his eyes started glazing over.

“He will come for you” he warned Jasmine before he gurgled up blood. His body then melted into the ground, leaving nothing but a black spot of scorched earth. The mark of the demon returning to hell.

Jasmine snuggled into my embrace as I signaled my generals and thanked them for their service. Casualties were low, but we still had to have a massive funeral to commemorate the dead.

“Jasmine,” a small voice said from behind us. It was Jessica.

“Mom” Jasmine whispered. She broke from my embrace and ran straight to Jessica, who was walking hand in hand with Rynyxon.

Jessica embraced her and they both broke down in each other’s arms. Rynyxon embraced them both, happy to have both his mate and his daughters safe again. Speaking of daughters.

He pulled back from them and scanned the crowd before looking at me.

“Where did he take Ava?” He asked me.

“I’m right here” Ava stated, walking up to us.

She walked up to Rynyxon and embraced him as well.

“Where is your mate?” Rynyxon asked her, to which her whole aura dropped but she kept her smile on her face, though Jasmine and I could both tell it was a forced one.

“He has gone back to his realm, but he will come back,” Ava stated. I could tell she was lying, and I looked at Brandon and Harmon. They saw the lie as well.

Harmon and Jasmine both walked to Ava and scooped her up in a hug.

“We didn’t get to use your poison,” Harmon said to Jasmine. I remember Jasmine telling me about the special vial she was saving for Xavier, though it most likely would not have worked.

“No worries, I have a feeling we will be using it soon,” Jasmine said, smiling. Both she and Ava hugged Rynyxon.

Rynyxon kissed his daughter’s head and introduced Ava to Jessica. Meanwhile, Brandon was apologizing to Pythia.

“You knew this would happen?” Brandon asked her, to which she smiled.

” You would have too if I had been around long enough to teach you how to separate actual facts from the many possible futures, but in the end, I couldn’t. Xavier knew of you as my child, which is why I had to play along, but I knew I could never let him win. I was blessed with visions from Oracle long ago about the demon’s fate”, Pythia said.

“You told me weeks ago about another prophecy. The Hero’s prophecy. Did it come true?” Jasmine asked, cutting into their conversation.

“It was not its time, but it will come,” Pythia said to Jasmine and she nodded.

Now that Lunar had retreated, Jasmine’s eyes were now back to being the hazel I’m used to, but I could see a ring of purple and red now in them. It would signify her power, and even with the demon blood, I loved her more than anything, but a worry lingered in my brain.

“I have spoken with our moon goddess. She says, since we are the true mate of Lunar, we will be able to mark her. Xavier or whatever the demon’s name tricked their bond. It was never as strong as ours is.

I smiled now knowing this.

“Let’s go home,” someone said, and I couldn’t agree more.

Jasmines Pov

After the day we all had, everyone went their separate ways… Samael was sleepy, but I had other plans. I wanted my mate, and I let him know that the second our doors were closed. I shoved him against the wall and I could feel him waking up immediately. I figured I was getting my energy from Lunar, who was wagging her tail in my mind, waiting to claim our mate.

Weight… Claim? I pushed away.

“If I mark you and vice versa, I could turn you into a halfling, because of my demon blood or my blood could kill you”, I told him. He smiled at me as if I hadn’t just told him the most horrible news and picked me up, tossing me gently onto the bed, and started ripping off my clothes. There goes my battle gear. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom, starting the water.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

” We have nothing to worry about’, he said, and used the showerhead to wash away the dirt off my body as streams of water from opposite directions washed the dirt off of him.

” I found out I am descended from angels. According to my wolf, Selene says if you marked me, I would transition and become like you. Immortal, with both bloodlines. I accept that fate. I want to be with you forever, even if it means becoming half demon to do so.” he said, love burning in his orange eyes.

Once we were clean, I was about to get out, but he pushed me against the wall and his mouth met mine.

“Mmm,” A slight moan escaped from me as he trailed kisses from my neck onto one of my rosebuds. I grabbed onto the rail for support as I was instantly feeling weak from his touch, wanting more and more. He lifted my leg and grabbed the showerhead, changing the stream to a direct pressure one.

What the … Oh, Fuck.

My legs almost gave out as he directed the stream of water directly onto my clit giving me a completely new sensation. He grabbed my ass with one hand while keeping the pressure of the stream directly on my clit and before I knew it, I was coming.

“Oh no you don’t,” he said before dropping the showerhead and replacing it with his tongue as he dropped to his knees to suck out the creamy mess leaking from me. He put both of my legs around my shoulders, supporting my body with his hands under my ass.

Once I came down from my orgasm, he let me down, but I wanted him inside me. I waited so long and the way his thick member was standing straight attention, I knew he needed the same. We were of one mind when we went back to the room. I didn’t mind him being gentle, but it was not what I wanted, as he started caressing my breasts and kissing my stomach.

“No,” I told him.: We have plenty of time for lovemaking. I need you inside me… Now” I demanded. I expected him to continue to be gentle and soft, giving his nature, but he wasn’t.

He climbed on top of me and slammed straight into me. Never in my life had I felt anything so big and full. He was everything I ever wanted, and I didn’t even know it until then. He moved at a fast pace, thrusting in and out of me at a crazy speed and I was in fucking heaven.

“Fuck S… Samael” I moaned loudly as he was fucking me mercilessly. Orgasm after orgasm came through on both parts but we kept going. We switched positions so he was on his back, and I was on top, riding him with everything I had and more. Somehow, he switched me, so I was now on my stomach gripping the foot rails as he pounded into me from behind.

“I’m close… so close…!” I growled and he stopped, lifting me up by my neck and pushing me against the wall, penetrating me. His orange eyes were like fire as they kept switching from black to orange, indicating his wolf was ready to mark me. Seeing this, Lunar also decided to push forward and merge with me. Damon did the same and as he did, he went harder, deeper.

“Bite me. Mark me… Make us yours… Please”, I moaned/begged and that must have triggered him because as soon as I said that he came and bit into me, marking me on my neck. Feeling his cum shoot into me more, it triggered one last orgasm from me, and I bit into him right after, marking him on the space between his neck and shoulders. The electric energy from our marking rattled our whole bodies as I felt his power pulse inside me, and I knew it was the same for him. We completed not only our bond but Lunar’s acceptance of her mate, starting his transition to a halfling. His powers would be the same as mine. Equals.

We rode our high waves with me still against the wall and him holding and kissing me until we finally came down and collapsed in the bed about to fall asleep in each other’s arms.

“I love you, Jasmine. My beauty” he said, rubbing his hands through my hair. This was what happiness was. Pure happiness and as I drifted to sleep, I said gently.

“I love you too.”

Ava Pov

He doesn’t want me. Why? Why doesn’t he want me? What the fuck did I do?


I had awoken in the arms of my mate. The tingles that everyone says we’re strong. Very strong. We were camped outside the end of the forest.

“I’m going back,” I told him, hopping out of his arms. He looked upset.

‘Why would you risk using so much of your power if it makes you weak? Are you trying to kill yourself? he growled out to me. I backed away, not liking his anger, and especially not liking it directed at me.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you “, I growled back. If he thought I was gonna be quiet, he was really fucking mistaken.

“I’m going back,” I told him and walked around him, but he stepped back in front of me.

“The hell you are. You’re staying here with me. You’re still weak or do you not comprehend what I’m saying” he yelled, smoke lightly pouring from his mouth. His eyes were turning into yellow slits with a black Iris.

“Move… Or I will MAKE you move” I told him, holding myself up, looking straight into his eyes. He was right. I was still a bit weak, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t fight. If today was my day to die, then that is what I’d do.

He eyed me with a mixture of emotions forming on his face before letting out a deep grumble and stepping aside. I was actually ready to go head-to-head with him but he simply just… moved aside…

“Go then. Go and die then” he said, and then walked away until he was out of sight.

Instead of calling for him, I ran back to the scenery and saw a massive fight between Xavier’s side and ours. It looks like Samael called for backup. Good. I already had a demon-killing blade, given to me by my grandmother, so it was what I used the second I joined the fight. If I wasn’t so weak and not as focused on killing demons, I would have heard one sneaking up behind me. It was basic 101 taught to me from Harmon. The demon was about to plunge his sword into me before he was burnt on the spot to a crisp, and so were 10 others who were trying to get to me. I looked over at the trees and saw Atlas with balls of fire on each hand, and smoke where his eyes were. A stream of purple and red energy came out of the blue, and I saw it was Jasmine. Demons started dropping like flies. I was happy. I turned back to Atlas, thankful, but when I turned in his direction, he was gone.

End of Flashback

Brandon Pov

After Harmon and I collapsed on the bed from a long night of lovemaking, I had a dream. In the dream, I saw Ava, bent down over mate Atlas’s dead body, weeping, as a dark figure in a silver robe approached her from behind with a knife held out in their hands.

“Ava Lookout” I yelled, and the figure looked up at me and the hood fell from their face. The person in the hood was… Ava.

It was then I woke up, but as I did, a hood was placed over my head and someone hit my head, knocking me out.


Third Person’s Pov

(Somewhere in the Kingdom of Hel)

“My lord, your children have failed” a demon announced to the demon Lord, trembling, as he was in the presence of his almighty. The demon Lord was known throughout hell for his wrath.

The demon king let out a huge growl that shook the whole kingdom of hell and blasted the deliverer of the news with a blast of his power, erasing him from existence.

He turned to a lady who was sitting next to him. One of his many mistresses.

“It appears my stupid children were unsuccessful. Send them to the pit for ten thousand years. Maybe that will teach them about failing me.”

” Yes, my lord”, she said, leaving the great hall.

The demon Lord sat and thought to himself.

That would also mean the dragon king and the halfling angel, which are the next couple who are coming together as the prophecy foretells. Luckily, I had plans for them already.

The door to the throne room opened and an assassin walked in. His perfect weapon, raised by him personally.

“You know what to do. Do not fail me” he commands, as the assassin kneels in respect to the demon king.

“The task will be done, my lord. I swear!”

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