Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

5 Hours Before the Blood Moon

Katie Pov

“They will come for her”, I tell Ajax, who is still in the form of Xavier, currently ordering around his demon army to protect the patrols. Ajax’s plan to power by mixing the Lunar’s power with his was pure genius. Stealing the face of the weak Xavier and using it as his own, as well as forcing his mate-bond with Jasmine, is just brilliant. Fucking brilliant. Kidnapping Ava was easier than I planned, and we both knew it would be just the thing to bring Jasmine here. It was an educated guess, but I figured that a mate of hers would have figured out by now how to contact her. The blood moon is in less than 10 hours. 10 hours until our dark lords’ wishes are fulfilled, and our bloodline is strong. Very strong. Ajax does not know this, but our father wants Jasmine for himself, to breed that bitch, and produce the most powerful heir he has ever had for his kingdom.

Since I was no longer posing as a human, there was no need to keep my powers hidden. Our witchy mother gave powers to both Ajax and me at birth. My birth killed her, of course, as all demon baby girls do to their mothers. Ajax’s power was the gift of shapeshifting into whatever form he chose, as well as being able to control utter darkness. My powers from mother were also shape-shifting, the gift of hiding my nature with no spells, and worming my way into heads, twisting them and spelling them as I choose, just as I did to the pathetic little Ava witchy wolf.

“I know they will come. In fact, I am counting on it” he says, with a gleam in his eye. I always hated it when he smirked with some unknown agenda. Father sent us both here to complete his task.

“Tell me your plan, Brother. How will you contain them?” I asked. He simply just looked at me. Emotionless, but I have known him long enough to know when I am irritating him.

“You ask too many questions, Azalea,” he says, calling me by my true demon’s name.

” You did your part, and perfectly, I might add. Hiding the darkness in your blood and using fake love to get your task with Jasmine done. Later, convincing witches to kidnap humans as your cover for befriending the witchy sister, and using your spies, making sure they were reporting everything back to me.

What he doesn’t know is I had a bit of help on that part from someone who hates Ava with a passion.

“Now it is time to sit back and watch me do mine” Ajax says and goes back to commanding his demons.

It was five hours until the blood moon and I could feel myself getting stronger each hour, as all demons would. Five hours until the Lunars’ blood was ours as it is the key to achieving unlimited power in our demon bloodline, making our father, the demon Lord, more powerful than he could ever imagine. It was silly of that moon brat Selene to even bless Jasmine with her power, but it played to our advantage.

I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly to contain my excitement. Tonight was gonna be a long one, filled with the killing of Ava and her friends, as they no longer serve any purpose to me. Although, I’m sure my best friend would want to kill Ava herself, so maybe I’ll bring Ava to hell as a gift. Soon… Soon.

Jasmine Pov

“It is time Lunar Dynamis,” Pythia said to me.

Pythia took me to her realm to keep me hidden from all who would seek to find me until it was time. I have a plan. A plan that will work fluently if I have no interference, but if I knew anything from my mate’s visit into my mind, it’s that he would come. They will all come. So now my new plan will not only include them, but now Ava and my mother. I felt the tears in my eyes threatening to spill but I held them.

He had my mother this whole time. Yet, if I thought about it, ever since I time traveled, this is something I should have known. I saw him take mom. We all just assumed he killed her, but he didn’t. He would most likely try to use her as a bargaining chip to get me to comply. That wouldn’t be necessary. I plan on giving in. I will be giving Xavier EXACTLY what he wants. I can only hope my family will forgive me for it.

Ava Pov

Dark. It’s all dark here, but what is that delicious smell?

“Mate,” my inner wolf says. My eyes shot open at the word as the memories all started to come back to me.


I was just waking up in the hospital with Lori and Adam shooting something into my Iv hooked, to me, most likely something to help me sleep, when we heard an explosion. Fuck, we were under attack. Already I could feel the drugs working into my system, and I knew I was in no shape to fight.

“Go” I whispered to them, fighting to keep my eyes open, and they left to join the fight. It was silent for a little… Too quiet until… Boom. The wall of the hospital I was in exploded. I tried to muster all the mystical energy I had to create a cloaking shield, but it failed. I saw Katie. Behind her was Xavier. He was about to kill her.

“Katie Behind You” I whispered loudly as my vision started to fade. Katie then turned around and looked at Xavier, who only grinned before turning back to me and shrugging her shoulders.

“She is right here brother,” she said, speaking to Xavier.


“You’ve done excellent work sister,” Xavier said to her, causing her to smile a little as she looked at me and her eyes started to turn red.


But before I could try to do anything, the drugs finally kicked into my system, and I blacked out.

End of Flashback

As I came too, I realized I must be in the hidden dungeon. The one Xavier practices his demon magic in. As I looked around, I could see a silver mist around, and I knew there was a cloaking spell around. There were chains on me. I couldn’t break them. I tried using my powers, even though I was already weak, but they were blocked. Most likely from the chains.

I tried calling my wolf. No answer. The mist must be blocking her too. Fuck. I stood up, supporting my weak figure against the wall.

Fucking Katie. She was that bastard’s sister. Most likely reporting everything back to Xavier. I should have known this, but how could I? When I first met her, she seemed like a helpless human. All the while, she was my enemy, and it was my fault we were all here in this predicament. I let the enemy in. I heard shuffling and saw Jasmine’s mother on the other side of thick bars in her cage, asleep.

“Mate” I heard a deep voice say, breaking me out of my trance of worries. I couldn’t see him on the other side of this wall, but I could feel him. My mate. The one I promised to protect. Somehow, I knew he sensed me. He was calling me.

“I’m here,” I told him.

“Are you okay?” he asked me, worried in his voice.

“I feel weak. My powers are gone. I can’t reach my wolf”, I told him.

“You’re a wolf, with powers,” he asked, confusion now mixing with his and another emotion I couldn’t detect.

“Yes,” I told him. He whispered something to himself. It almost sounded like a growl. Did I offend him? It was silent for a few minutes as I heard him breathing like he was trying to control himself. It was dark, but I swore I saw gray steam coming from his side towards mine.

“Do you see a way to get out”? he asked after a few moments. I looked around but saw nothing.

“No. Nothing,” I told him. A sharp pain suddenly came into my head, and I screamed out. I heard Atlas calling out to me, but my focus was not on him. An intruder was trying to get into my mind, and unfortunately, I was way too weak to fight them off, so they got through my weak defenses, and I blacked out.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a field of trees. My hands were still bonded, and I couldn’t reach my wolf still. I looked up and saw Jasmine. So, it was her. I breathed a sigh of relief, but then I remembered the last time I saw her and started stepping backward. I tried to kill her. Has she penetrated my mind to return the favor?

“Of course not,” she said and used her powers to push me forward towards her. When I was in front of her, she touched my head and at once I felt my wolf. I almost cried.

She snatched the chains from my hands with ease. I was caught off guard by how much stronger she now seemed. It was like she was pulsing power. I chalked up her wolf.

“I am sorry,” I told her as the chains fell and hung my head low. I was ashamed. So much had happened. All because of me. I was ready to accept my punishment. I kept my head down, waiting, but the unexpected happened. She embraced me. She freaking embraced me. I couldn’t help the tears that fell as I embraced her back.

“Katie pierced your mind and spelled you against me. It’s not your fault, but enough of that.” She said, pulling back to look me in the eyes.

The blood moon is an hour away and I am on the way there. I have a plan, but it will be foiled when Samael, our dad, and the others come for us. I need to keep them safe. I need you to keep them out of my way.” She spoke.

“Your mother is alive. He has her trapped with me”, I told her, but she didn’t look surprised.

” I know. Get her back to our dad please”, She asked me, and I nodded as I had already made the promise to do so.

“My mate is here as well. His name is Atlas. Xavier has been using Atlas features to look like him and preserve himself.” I told her.

“Xavier and his direct bloodline are shape-shifting demons from what I have learned, so this is no surprise to me.” She said, looking angry.

“I can’t do much right now, Jasmine. I am weak right now. I have no powers, as there is a mist that prevents me from using them. At once her eyes glowed and I felt her wolf come forward.

“Sister,” Lunar growled out and touched my chest where my heart is with a finger. I felt a strong burst of energy shoot through me, spreading through my whole body. My eyes widened and Lunar smiled before retreating into Jasmine.

” Lunar says your powers will work now. She is transferring some energy into you to whatever is blocking your powers, won’t affect you any longer”. I wanted to ask how, but now the time for that was not. I had my powers back. Lives are on the line

“You said you had a plan,” I said, and she nodded.

” I can’t tell you what it is, but I need you to create a shield around everyone. When the time comes, prevent them from trying to get to me. No matter what, do not let them get to me. Hold them back! ” she said and I nodded. I didn’t know what her plan was, but I knew it was gonna be something major.

“Promise me,” she said, and I promised her. She embraced me once more.

“I am sorry we have not had the chance to spend much time together, my sweet brave sister,” she whispered before she pushed me back and I opened my eyes back to reality. Whatever she did worked. Even though the midst was still there, I could feel strong power coursing through. My power. My wolf was also back, feeding me her energy. I felt as if I had just taken 60 shots of adrenaline. I was at full power, and it felt fucking fantastic.

Looking outside, I saw the moon starting to change its colors. It was tinted red. I used my powers and touched the bars and at once they melted like butter. I did the same to Jessica’s bars. She was still sleeping, and I could tell she was weak, so I used my powers to boost her wolf. Her eyes shot open at once and she looked at me in confusion before backing away.

“Get away from me you fowl demon,” she said, breathing hard. She wasn’t in her right mind. I could only imagine the awful things Xavier must have done to her over the years, but I admired her for still having spunk.

“No Jessica. My name is Ava. I am Rynyxon’s, daughter. Daughter to his second mate”, I told her, and her head rose quickly at my father’s name. She looked at me. Really looked at me. Looking at the truth. I looked just like my father with my dark brown hair and purple eyes. She saw I was telling the truth and nodded. I reached out a hand. She took it and I helped her up.

“You look so much like my Jasmine,” she said, and I smiled a little.

“How are you feeling?” I asked her. She stretched her whole body looking better than before.

“Better. Still weak but better than before. We need to find a way out of here. ‘ She said, and I nodded before walking over to my mate’s cell. He was already standing at the bar. He stood back and I melted them. He just stood there, taking in my appearance, with a mix of emotion in his silver eyes before walking forward and embracing me. His scent was everywhere, and I tried hard not to drool.

“You screamed and were silent for over 4 hours,” he said, inhaling me. His touch was electrifying, and, for a moment, it was like we were the only two here. He pulled back and looked at Jessica. They embraced each other too, like best friends. Years of being caged together would have created a bond between them.

“You okay,” he asked her, and she nodded.

“You?” she asked, and he nodded.

” With the blood moon approaching, he is no longer channeling me, but the moon itself. I am getting my strength back little by little” he said, before looking back at me. I smiled at him, but he seemed wary of me for some reason and wouldn’t return it. A thank you Ava for saving me would be fucking nice.

” Do you know the way out?” they asked me, but I shook my head. I had an idea though. Hopefully, it will work. I drew on my powers for help, and a white ball of light appeared in front of us. The same ball of light that leads me to Atlas. It started to move. I created a cloaking shield around us.

“Let’s go,” I told them, and we followed it through a passageway. After about 30 minutes of walking, we had made it out and we ran like hell. Thankful for my cloaking spell, no one heard or saw us. I started smelling dad the further we ran until I saw him, Harmon, Brandon, and Samael. They were all in full battle gear and looked like they had just been scoping out the perimeter. I ran to dad, who had embraced me tightly, and started kissing my head.

“I am so glad you are okay,” he said and sighed, and I heard two growls coming from behind me. Samael and Atlas were about to go head-to-head. I broke apart from dad to jump in front of Atlas, but Jessica had already beaten me to it.

” Stop. This isn’t Xavier. Xavier was using his features to walk around in this realm.” She said, to control what may have been about to be a bloody battle. Samael took Jessica’s form with wide eyes before retreating from his angry wolf and embracing her. She did the same and rubbed her hands through his hair.

My dad stood up slowly, and his eyes were trained on Jessica. As if sensing his eyes on her, she pulled back from Samael and walked towards dad before stopping in front of him. It was so silent between them before the tears started pouring from her eyes. He reached out to wipe them and they both jumped back in shock. I knew that feeling… That was how I felt when I touched Atlas. Their bond was back. Blessing of the moon goddess.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“My Jess” dad said, grabbing her and kissing her. If the moment wasn’t so beautiful, I would have been gagging, but the moment was short-lived. A ring of black smoke engulfed us all suddenly and when it cleared, we were all standing in the clearing in front of Xavier’s castle. Thousands and thousands of demon-filled spawns were surrounding us, and Xavier appeared in front of us. Another ball of smoke and suddenly so did Katie. He didn’t even look bothered to see Me, Jessica, and Atlas leaving the cells. Atlas stood in front of me protectively.

Xavier took one look around at all of us before smiling.

“Well, isn’t that sweet? Everyone is back together again”, he said, taunting and smiling. The blood moon was almost at its peak and the whole ground was covered in a red aura.

“However, I do believe that someone is missing, ” he said before he suddenly became alert and smiled.

“Ah. Never mind”.

“Welcome Mate,” he said and at once we all felt Jasmine’s power as it blasted through some of his forces. Xavier didn’t flinch. We all saw Jasmine walking towards us. Xavier held up his hands to halt his demons from attacking her, and we all watched as she walked towards us. Her demon side was pulsing power as a result of the blood moon and her eyes were both purple and red. She was dressed in a black bodysuit with black boots on and her hair in a ponytail. I couldn’t feel Jasmine. Lunar is in charge right now. Lunar at demon strength and we all felt it. With the moon close to its peak, I knew we were all pondering on the same thing at that very moment. If the Jasmine we had all come to know and love was gone, who was this force in front of us, and what were we going to do?

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