My Fake Lover


#Lexi’s POV:


For this full five minutes in this heated make out session I was having with Tyler, I think I was still a bit shocked that he was actually kissing me. But if someone walked in right now and saw me in this position, they wouldn’t think for a single second that I was in shock, seeing the way I was kissing him.

But who wouldn’t be anyway? This is Tyler Evans. One of the most popular guys in Rosewood high school. And might I add the hottest. He’s funny, He’s got every girl wanting him, plus his family is freaking rich. To add to that list, he’s the star captain of the soccer team. If our school did football instead, he would, with no doubt, be the star of that team as well.

But most importantly, if he wants to be, he could be really sweet and kind. And I know that because I was his best friend.

And now I was kissing this guy, the old child hood friend slash enemy.

In the last five minutes, Tyler and I ended up on the sofa, and yes, it were still kissing. Of course there were times we broke apart to take breaths.

I love you! I love you! I love you!

That’s the only things that’s been going through my head. Besides the fact that he’s just an amazing kisser, but still. I just wanted to yell it out to him. But it would be way to quick. He never even told me that he as much as likes me!

I feel like I’m acting like a coward, but I’m technically not, I just told him that I like him yesterday! And I yelled it to him too. So that’s a bonus.

I just can’t believe he was kissing me! The guy who used to wish for me to go burry myself alive.

My hands were roaming in his soft hair, pulling his head a little closer to me as his hands were roaming around my back, giving me chills now and then.

I was currently sitting on top of him. It was almost like a laying down position but not quite. But don’t worry, this was going to stay PG thirteen.

My hands went to the back of his neck and went up to his soft hair again. It’s like my hands just moved on its own.

I don’t even think any of us knows what we’re doing right now, that’s how fast of a pace we were moving in. It’s like we didn’t want to stop cause we’re too scared that it’s going to end for good.

The sound of an opening door brought us apart. And thank the heavens that it was from the kitchen back door and not this door that was right in font of us.

I jumped off the sofa and so did Tyler as fixed my wrinkled up t-shirt and my messed up hair.

“Mom? Is that you?” I asked as I made my way towards the kitchen, leaving Tyler behind.

“You know, I have to be at home anyway, I told Caleb I’ll meet him.” Tyler said, but I didn’t turn around to look at him. I didn’t want be to find out how disappointed I looked.

“Kay.” I said in a soft voice as my face heated up. Why was I blushing?! Damn it!

I didn’t want Tyler to leave. I want to beg him so he could stay a little longer, but then I’ll sound too desperate.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah sweetie, you hungry? I went shopping.” My mom answered my question, obviously didn’t here that Tyler was in the room next door, actually on his way out,

When I entered the kitchen, I spotted her taking out groceries out of two big brown paper bags.

“Nah.” I shook my head and jumped on the counter.

“Where’s Ethan?” I asked as I grabbed an apple, even though I just said I didn’t want anything to eat. There’s something really wrong with me.

“He’s at a play date.” She answered. I nodded in understanding. “And how was your night?” She asked in a more excited voice. “Talk to Tyler yet?” She wiggled her eyebrows. I shouldn’t have told her everything that’s been going on. She’s going to be teasing me for a while now.

“Actually no, we didn’t get to talk. We barely spoke.” I smirked, knowing that I didn’t just lie. All we did is let our tongues meet.


The next morning was a school day so I had to do the usual. Wake up early, take shower, brush teeth, change into something presentable, make my hair, eat breakfast, and go to school.

It was the same routine every school day.

When lunch time came around, I got there early with Emily so we were the only ones sitting at out lunch table. I was hoping Tyler would join us, but he probably won’t just like I hoped he would decide to come pick me up for school. But no, he didn’t. I guess he’s too cool for that sort of thing.

“Don’t worry Lexi, he does like you. He didn’t just kiss you to make fun of you for it later.”

“That’s probably exactly what he did.” I sighed and rested my chin on my palm.

Oh my god! The pregnancy test! I found them in the drawer yesterday!

How did that memory just fade away and show up out of no where?

“Emily.” I said witch made her turn to face me. Oh shoot, I don’t even know how to tell her this. “Uh,” I didn’t want to say it just like that. I looked around until my eyes landed on her lunch tray that was sitting in front of her. “How’s you food?” I asked with the best fake smile I could pull off.

She looked at me confusingly. “Um, okay I guess?” That’s when I realized she hadn’t actually mated a bite from it.

“But you didn’t even start on it.” I furrowed my eyebrows together.

“Oh, yeah.” She let out a fake laugh. She slowly picked her fork up and stuck it in one of the greasy fries.

Ugh! I hate this cafeteria food sometimes. That’s why I mostly pack my own lunch. But sometimes when I get too lazy, I get lunch from here.

She stuck the fry in her mouth and slowly munched on it. After her second one, she stood up and ran out of the lunch room.

I ran behind her, feeling guilt just slap me in the face. I basically forced her into eating it.

She ran into the ladies room and puked her guts out in the toilet at the big stall. I quickly walked in there and locked the door behind me.

“Oh my god Emily, I’m so sorry.” I sat on my knees and patted her back since I didn’t have to hold her hair since it’s too short to be in the way. I just wanted to do something for her, since it’s kinda my fault.

“Don’t worry about it, I probably just have the flu.” She shook her and and got up. None of those words that left her mouth were actually believable to me.

I just stood there in silence, not really knowing what to do. I should tell her about the tests. I have to. She’ll be upset that I found out, but she’s my best friend.

“Emily, are you pregnant?” I asked in a soft voice but it’s clear that she heard me seeing as her eyes widened as the size of soccer balls.

“H-ho-” she tried to speak but couldn’t let any words out. She began to cry as she dropped down to the ground again. I went down next to her and kept her in a hug, letting her let out her sobs. Neither of us are caring that we were sitting in a disgusting bathroom floor right now, there was something scarier, something more important to deal with.

“I’m scared!” She cried. “How am I going to tell my parents? How am I going to tell Caleb? How am I going to finish school and go to collage? I can’t get rid of this baby! It’s murder. And I can’t even give this baby up for adoption! I can’t have my baby somewhere out there in the world to complete strangers. I want kids when I get older and it’ll always get me thinking how I gave up my first baby after looking at the current one I’d be having!” Emily ranted as she cried. Let’s just hope no one shows up.

“Don’t worry Emily. I’m here for you. And Caleb loves you. When you tell your parents, they’re going to be there for you. We all are. And of course you can finish school. You can bring the baby to a day care and I could even help you pay for it.” There were a few tears that escaped my eyes. Like I said before, I’m very emotional.

“Thank you Lexi. I wouldn’t be able to survive this without you.” Emily sat up a bit. “I love you sis.”

“I love you too.” I gave her a sad smile

and hugged her again.

I can’t believe my best friend is going to have a baby. Bestie with a baby? She’s only seventeen, she’s way too young to have a child. And it’d be scary to tell your parents, scared to how they’d react and it they’d treat you differently. Like in a negative way.

Let’s just hope everything turns out well.

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