My Fake Lover


#Lexi’s POV:

“What’s taking so long?!” Emily yelled from behind the door of her room, clearly frustrated. Seriously, what was her problem?

“It was barely three minutes since you left the room, geez. Just calm down.” I said with an eye roll.

As I put the loose baby blue tank top through my head, I called her in.

“I’m tired.” She said when she barged in the room.

“It’s ten in the morning. We like just woke up.”

“Well, I’m going back to sleep. I didn’t change out of my pjs anyway.” She said, waving her hand lazily to her pj shorts and tank top before she went on the bed climbed under the blankets. She closed her eyes as she tried to drive herself to sleep.

“Is there something you wanna tell me?” I crossed my hands over my chest and raised my eyebrows questioningly.

At that, her eyes immediately opened wide but calmed down after a second. “No.” She said in a whiny voice. “Just let me sleep. Cause when I sleep, I don’t have to think or feel anything. And I don’t feel well.” She closed her eyelids and pulled the blankets closer to her face as if she was trying to make herself in a more comfortable position.

This is so not the Emily I knew a day ago. What happened to her? I know she didn’t get bullied or anything like that. No sane person would even try to bully or hurt her. She’s very capable of hitting a person.

I shook my head and leaned on her computer desk behind me, having nothing to do on this beautiful Sunday morning. Since when did I loose my life? And more importantly, what’s wrong with my Emmy? She’s been so upset since the carnival.

I just need to go out and relax. Maybe I should go for ice cream. Or take a walk. Or maybe my morning run. I never had one in a while. I needed to go somewhere, not just sit here and watch Emily drift to sleep.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Hey Em, I’m gonna go for a jog to the park. I’ll be back in an hour.” I told her but realized I just spoke to myself seeing that Emily was already sleeping, hopefully having a nice dream since she can’t have a nice reality for God knows what reason.

I shrugged and walked toward Emily’s closet so I could grab something better to run in other than the jeans Emily gave me to wear.

I walked towards her bathroom so I could change into the leggings I picked out. I stepped on the cold tiles of Emily’s small bathroom floor and flicked on the lights. The bathroom was covered in fish animations and the color blue. Fish carpet, fish curtains, fish everything. It’s childish and cute. It matches her personality. Other than the tough badass side of her.

“Crap.” I mumbled when I looked at myself in the mirror. I was freaking scary to look at with my hair sticking out all over the place. I must have been too tired to notice it when I used the bathroom after I had just woken up this morning.

After I changed into the leggings, I looked in the drawers from under the sink for a brush. I moved things around trying to find the one thing that I need but she doesn’t even have.

There’s no way, she has to have a brush in here somewhere even if she does have short hair. Every girl has to own a brush unless they have no hair at all. I can’t go out like this, I look like a freaking monster.

I went through all the drawers until I got to the bottom one. When I opened it, expecting to finally find a brush, I found something else. Something I never thought I’ll ever find in Emily’s bathroom. Ever!

My mouth dropped down so wide, probably my whole fist could fit in there. I just couldn’t believe it.

I shook my head, suddenly feeling dizzy as my eyes began to water and my face paled. It can’t be. This better be one of Emily’s pranks. The whole feeling down thing and everything.

No, this can’t be true. She can’t be pregnant.

I kicked the drawer closed using my feet so I wouldn’t have to see the blue box that read ‘pregnantcy tests’ in bold white ink.

Yeah, this is a prank, it has to be. Why would she keep the box? But if it’s not, it doesn’t mean she’s pregnant. She could have thought she was and had to check for herself. And wouldn’t she make an excuse for me to go in the bathroom if it was a prank. And she wouldn’t keep it hidden in the bottom drawer.

I probably stayed in the bathroom for a good twenty minutes before I actually had the courage to get out. My mind was just overthinking everything. I also decided to just put my messy hair up in a pony tail so it would at least look more presentable. Cause I was so unsightly.

I slowly stepped into the room, careful not to wake Emily up. But I don’t know what I was thinking. Emily wouldn’t wake up if there was suddenly a zombie apocalypse and everyone was screaming. -Not that I believe in zombies but I’m just making a point. She’s a deep sleeper.

When I was standing by the door of her room, I stopped and turned around to look at her, a frown on my face. She was sleeping so peacefully, unlike before, when she was stressing about something. Now I know what that something is. She’s worried.

Oh my god, it’s not a prank!

Then it hit me, she was crying earlier today, asking me if I’ll always be her friend, no matter what. Of course, that’s the reason. She thinks if she’s pregnant, I’ll loose interest in being her friend.

I shook my head, a frown still showing on my face. I love Emily, I’ll never stop being her friend unless she goes all insane in being like Courtney. Even then, I don’t know what I’d do without her.


I stopped running and bent down so I rested my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. I was standing a few houses down from my house, ready to finally come home.

The whole time running I tried to get my mind off Emily but my brain wasn’t letting me. I just have to talk to her about it later.

As soon as I stood up straight, someone yelled my name from behind me. I slightly turned around to see who the familiar voice belonged to.

When I saw Tyler jogging up to me with his adidas jogging pants and absolutely no shirt, I began to run the opposite direction witch lead me towards my house. I’m running from him not only because I was avoiding him after what I told him, but also because he was shirtless and my eyes wouldn’t listen to what my head would be telling me.

I sprinted as fast as my feet could take me, feeling a bit out of breath and my feet were sore. I tried my best not to stop but it didn’t even matter because Tyler caught up to me when I was right in front of my own house. And of course he would, he’s the star captain of the school soccer team and because I was completely tired of running.

When he grabbed my forearm to stop me, I cursed under my breath and closed my eyes, feeling slightly embarrassed about what happened the other day at the carnival. I freaking admitted that I had feelings for him. Thank god I didn’t say that I was in love with him.

“Lexi, I need to talk to you.” He stated with no emotion.

“Sorry, I’m late for uh…” I looked around trying to think of a good enough explanation on where I need to be, but I couldn’t think of anything. “something.” I finished my lame ass excuse. I’m such a dumbass, I swear.

I pulled away from Tyler’s grip and ran into my house but didn’t have the time to close the door and lock it because he stopped me by putting his feet in between. He also gave me a look, showing me that he didn’t believe a word I just said. “You can’t hide from me forever. We have school together.” He stated as he walked into my house by moving me aside. How rude is that!

“Uh, excuse me? Your not invited in.” I said as I slightly moved my weight to one hip and put my hand on it.

“Uh, excuse me, I don’t care. I’m already in.” He mocked me, trying to make it sound like my voice. “And you know you’d love to let me in since you like me.” He smirked, walking up closer to me, as if he wasn’t close enough already.

My cheeks formed into a deep shade of red as I turned around to close the door so he wouldn’t have to see it.

Ugh, I hate him for that! Why does he have to do this to me? He doesn’t have to point out the obvious!

I turned around to look at him, but almost bumped into him instead from the small distance in between us witch made me flinch in surprise. “Tyler I have a lot on my mind and I can’t talk ri-” My low-whispery words were cut off when Tyler pressed his soft pink lips against mine and gently held my cheeks in his hands.

To say the least, I was shocked, again, but still very shocked. After about two seconds my eyelids closed and I started to kiss him back, loving the feeling of his lips against mine.

My heart was beating like crazy as if it’s going to explode out at any given second.

He moved his hands to my hair and started playing around with it witch made me kiss him deeper and let out a soft moan in the process.

I kept my hands on his bare chest, also getting a feel of his abs. Thank god he was shirtless. And it’s a good thing my mom isn’t home to watch this scene playing in the living room.

He slowly pushed me back until I was leaning against the wall. He kissed me so perfectly it made my heart stop for a second and beat hard again.

It finally happened! And for real this time. Not because we’re fake dating or anything stupid like that.

To my disappointment, he already pulled away. “You don’t have to talk right now.” He replied to the last thing I said and brought his lips back to mine.


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