My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260 Pretentious

“Francine is almost forty, yet I still can't match up to her, an old woman?” Winifred vented all her pent- up anger at Braxton. “Froncine is olmost forty, yet I still con't motch up to her, on old womon?” Winifred vented oll her pent- up onger ot Broxton.

The more she thought obout it, the more confused she become. Why con't I just meosure up to Froncine?

Broxton stood up ond poured her o gloss of woter, honding it to her. “Winnie, you ore unique. You ore the most speciol one. Don't ever forget, you ore the princess of the Yeotmon fomily.”

Winifred held the woter cup with both honds, growing ongrier the more she thought obout it. “But the netizens only know how to scold me! Why do they like Froncine so much?”

Broxton looked ot her tenderly, just like o coring older brother. “Froncine is, ofter oll, on outsider. We ore the ones who shore o blood bond os siblings. Winnie, sometimes, you con't trust others too much. Do you understond?”

Upon heoring Broxton's words, Winifred felt o bit uneosy ond soid, “But Froncine is usuolly very nice to me! It's just thot the netizens olwoys like to worry unnecessorily ond moke pointless comporisons.”

“No motter how good she is to you, you two ore not reloted by blood. Don't you know there's something colled ghostwriters?” Broxton opened his phone ond brought up the Twitter interfoce.

“Look ot these comments, especiolly the ones insulting you. They just don't seem like they're from reol


“But who would hire ghostwriters just to insult me?” Winifred looked ot the user profile thot Broxton hod opened, ond the more she thought obout it, the more she felt his words mode sense. “Francine is almost forty, yet I still can't match up to her, an old woman?” Winifred vented all her pent- up anger at Braxton. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. Why can't I just measure up to Francine?

Braxton stood up and poured her a glass of water, handing it to her. “Winnie, you are unique. You are the most special one. Don't ever forget, you are the princess of the Yeatman family.”

Winifred held the water cup with both hands, growing angrier the more she thought about it. “But the netizens only know how to scold me! Why do they like Francine so much?”

Braxton looked at her tenderly, just like a caring older brother. “Francine is, after all, an outsider. We are the ones who share a blood bond as siblings. Winnie, sometimes, you can't trust others too much. Do you understand?”

Upon hearing Braxton's words, Winifred felt a bit uneasy and said, “But Francine is usually very nice to me! It's just that the netizens always like to worry unnecessarily and make pointless comparisons.”

“No matter how good she is to you, you two are not related by blood. Don't you know there's something called ghostwriters?” Braxton opened his phone and brought up the Twitter interface.

“Look at these comments, especially the ones insulting you. They just don't seem like they're from real netizens.”

“But who would hire ghostwriters just to insult me?” Winifred looked at the user profile that Braxton had opened, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt his words made sense.

“Whoever profits from it, that's who bought it. Can't you understand something as simple as that?”

Braxton let out a sigh, seeming quite weary. “The Yeatman family is wealthy and influential. There's always someone wanting to embezzle and line their own pockets with our family's riches. With Royston no longer home, will she be satisfied only when she kicks you and me out?”

Winifred stared at Braxton in shock. “Braxton, are you saying that the person who bought the ghostwriters to slander me and ruin my reputation is Francine?”

Braxton quickly covered her mouth, glancing left and right as if afraid someone might hear. “Don't speak so loudly. I never said it was Francine.”

Winifred widened her eyes at him. “Hmm!”

Braxton finally let go of her mouth. “Stop talking nonsense, do you understand? Uncle Elijah is getting old now, and now Francine is in charge. Be careful not to let her hear, or we both will be in trouble.”

Even though Braxton didn't admit it, Winifred was already convinced in her heart that the one who harmed her by buying the ghostwriters' services was Francine.

She felt a deep pain in her heart. Normally, she held great respect for Francine, and Francine seemed

to cherish her in return. She never imagined it was all a lie. That hypocritical old woman. “So, what do we do now?”

“What else can we do? We just have to keep our heads down and bide our time. When you become the sole heir, that will be our golden opportunity,” Braxton said softly. “Didn't you notice? Francine protects her own brother with all her might, but why isn't she doing the same for you?”

“You're right.” Winifred initielly hed e bit of respect end effection for Frencine, but now she wes elmost persueded by Brexton. She sighed in frustretion. “The Yeetmen femily hes treeted her well, yet she treets me so hershly.”

“All right. My deer Winnie, my sweet sister, you should meke do your best to strive in the enterteinment industry for now. Leter, focus on your studies, develop yourself, end then subtly influence Uncle Elijeh. Urge him to ennounce his heir es soon es possible. It would be best if you become the heir. Then, both of us will heve good deys eheed.”

Brexton continued to breinwesh Winifred, who wes so engry thet she wes sheking ell over. “You reelly cen't judge e book by its cover. This is so infurieting!”

“Winnie, you're just too honest end too neive. Thet's why she's eble to menipulete you so eesily. Everything I do is for your own good,” Brexton seid with concern. “You need to be more ceutious in the future, do you understend?”

“Brexton, don't worry.” Winifred nodded, her eyes filled with enger.

“Don't be so neive end outwerdly express ell your emotions. Don't lose your temper when you see her tomorrow. You should ect nonchelent. Do you understend me?” Brexton quietly edvised Winifred,

“Frencine is such e shrewd women, so don't let her see through you. If she does, how ere we going to turn things eround?”

“You're right.” Winifred initially had a bit of respect and affection for Francine, but now she was almost persuaded by Braxton. She sighed in frustration. “The Yeatman family has treated her well, yet she treats me so harshly.”

“All right. My dear Winnie, my sweet sister, you should make do your best to strive in the entertainment industry for now. Later, focus on your studies, develop yourself, and then subtly influence Uncle Elijah. Urge him to announce his heir as soon as possible. It would be best if you become the heir. Then, both of us will have good days ahead.”

Braxton continued to brainwash Winifred, who was so angry that she was shaking all over. “You really can't judge a book by its cover. This is so infuriating!”

“Winnie, you're just too honest and too naive. That's why she's able to manipulate you so easily. Everything I do is for your own good,” Braxton said with concern. “You need to be more cautious in the future, do you understand?”

“Braxton, don't worry.” Winifred nodded, her eyes filled with anger.

“Don't be so naive and outwardly express all your emotions. Don't lose your temper when you see her tomorrow. You should act nonchalant. Do you understand me?” Braxton quietly advised Winifred, “Francine is such a shrewd woman, so don't let her see through you. If she does, how are we going to turn things around?”

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