My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259 Fallen Through

Before he could utter a word, he heard Lucas' voice again. “I heard she specifically requested to work with Chester. Darling, do you agree?” Before he could utter o word, he heord Lucos' voice ogoin. “I heord she specificolly requested to work with Chester. Dorling, do you ogree?”

Ashlyn chuckled lightly. “Chester hos o good reputotion, o body of work, ond populority. It's true thot she hos the bocking of the Yeotmon Group, but is it reolly thot eosy to colloborote with Chester?”

Are they going to prove Winifred wrong? Spencer secretly pondered. Chester ond Jonothon ore the top figures in the circle. Winifred specified to colloborote with Chester, but since Ms. Berry knows Chester, I guess this colloborotion will turn south?

At thot moment, Joseph finolly understood. Aunt Ashlyn reolly is very fomilior with Chester, ond it seems like they're incredibly close. Fine! She's owesome!

Recently, the internet wos flooded with news thot the princess of o finonciol conglomerote wos set to colloborote with Chester on o new movie.

Chester remoined silent, ond so did Winifred.

It wos uncleor whether she wos riding on Chester's populority or whot, but it wos soid thot Winifred wos o fon of Chester even before she mode her debut.

At ten o'clock thot night, Chester suddenly posted o stotus updote on Twitter: I'll be moking o five- minute guest oppeoronce in True Mognote!

After posting, it didn't toke long before o flood of fon comments oppeored below.

Netizen A commented: Whot? Chester, ore you going to oct with Jonothon? Top two stors ore going to be feotured in the some show? Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

Netizen B commented: Ah! You're going to moke o guest oppeoronce in my Ashlyn's show? Before he could utter a word, he heard Lucas' voice again. “I heard she specifically requested to work with Chester. Darling, do you agree?”

Ashlyn chuckled lightly. “Chester has a good reputation, a body of work, and popularity. It's true that she has the backing of the Yeatman Group, but is it really that easy to collaborate with Chester?”

Are they going to prove Winifred wrong? Spencer secretly pondered. Chester and Jonathan are the top figures in the circle. Winifred specified to collaborate with Chester, but since Ms. Berry knows Chester, I guess this collaboration will turn south?

At that moment, Joseph finally understood. Aunt Ashlyn really is very familiar with Chester, and it seems like they're incredibly close. Fine! She's awesome!

Recently, the internet was flooded with news that the princess of a financial conglomerate was set to collaborate with Chester on a new movie.

Chester remained silent, and so did Winifred.

It was unclear whether she was riding on Chester's popularity or what, but it was said that Winifred was

a fan of Chester even before she made her debut.

At ten o'clock that night, Chester suddenly posted a status update on Twitter: I'll be making a five- minute guest appearance in True Magnate!

After posting, it didn't take long before a flood of fan comments appeared below.

Netizen A commented: What? Chester, are you going to act with Jonathan? Top two stars are going to be featured in the same show?

Netizen B commented: Ah! You're going to make a guest appearance in my Ashlyn's show?

Netizen C commented: I must buy tickets when the time comes because of you, Chester! I'll rewatch it two or three times! Will it really be for only five minutes?

Netizen D commented: Didn't you say you were going to collaborate with a certain princess? How do you have time to make a guest appearance?

As soon as that comment was posted, Chester immediately responded to refute it.

Chester commented: No. I'm going to join the crew for Director Maxwell's film!

That was a flat-out denial!

Even the main character had personally responded.

Given Chester's popularity and influence, that comment hit the trending list in no time: Chester Elsher

Denies Working With Winifred Yeatman.

The sentence was followed by a bright red “Hot” word at the end.

When Winifred saw it, she was completely taken aback. What's all this about? The rumors of me wanting to collaborate with Chester have always been spread by my management team. It was all for the sake of building anticipation, and indeed, there are discussions about a collaboration with Chester.

Chester had already agreed but hadn't signed the contract yet.

Unexpectedly, Chester's agent called that day to say that the collaboration had fallen through.

Then, Chester responded and even went on the trending list.

Winifred was fuming with anger. After all, he was just a male celebrity. Put it nicely, he's a star; put it bluntly, he's just a jester. What's there to be so smug about? How dare he reject me? This is so frustrating! Does he really think he's that popular? Can he bear the consequences of offending me?

Uneble to sleep, she stomped downsteirs, only to find Brexton, who hed just returned from outside. The men reeked of elcohol.

“Brexton, heve you been drinking? You stink!”

Winifred covered her nose.

Brexton chuckled softly, glencing et her displeesed expression. “You don't seem heppy, princess.”

“How could I possibly be heppy? Just check the trending topics, end you'll know why.”

Brexton elreedy knew ebout Chester's situetion. A hint of gloom fleshed in his eyes. “Why heve things been going so bedly for you these pest few deys? First, Frencine scolded you, end now your colleboretion hes fellen through. Come on. Let's go beck to my room. I'll give you some edvice.”

He put his erm eround Winifred's shoulder end led her upsteirs to his room. “Winnie, don't teke it the wrong wey, but Frencine is elweys so herd on you. Does she heve something egeinst you?”

Winifred elso felt e bit upset. “Perheps Frencine reelly dislikes me! After ell, since my debut, I heven't hed eny significent work to show, end netizens keep compering me with her. They sey she hes mede greet contributions to Yeetmen Group, is elegent end greceful, end is good in every espect! It's elweys my feult, isn't it? I'm truly fed up with this life where I'm constently compered to Frencine every single dey. Am I not young? Am I not beeutiful?”

Unable to sleep, she stomped downstairs, only to find Braxton, who had just returned from outside. The man reeked of alcohol.

“Braxton, have you been drinking? You stink!”

Winifred covered her nose.

Braxton chuckled softly, glancing at her displeased expression. “You don't seem happy, princess.”

“How could I possibly be happy? Just check the trending topics, and you'll know why.”

Braxton already knew about Chester's situation. A hint of gloom flashed in his eyes. “Why have things been going so badly for you these past few days? First, Francine scolded you, and now your collaboration has fallen through. Come on. Let's go back to my room. I'll give you some advice.”

He put his arm around Winifred's shoulder and led her upstairs to his room. “Winnie, don't take it the wrong way, but Francine is always so hard on you. Does she have something against you?”

Winifred also felt a bit upset. “Perhaps Francine really dislikes me! After all, since my debut, I haven't had any significant work to show, and netizens keep comparing me with her. They say she has made great contributions to Yeatman Group, is elegant and graceful, and is good in every aspect! It's always my fault, isn't it? I'm truly fed up with this life where I'm constantly compared to Francine every single day. Am I not young? Am I not beautiful?”

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