Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 132_ Suspicious 2

A knock fell on the door which gained Bianca’s attention, she faced Kelvin once more brushing his hair gently with her fingers, her little boy has been through a lot in the last couple of weeks..

And the only reason for all these was that sly fox who goes by the name Rihanna, but today, that lady was going to regret messing with this family..

That must be Jonah here to drop Kiara, she assumed as she moved to the door with Kelvin but unexpectedly, the first image she got was that of Xander…

“Hey” he greeted in his usual chirpy tone..

Bianca was so sure that they didn’t make any plans to meet today, so why was he here so early?

“Shouldn’t you be at the office?” She inquired stepping out of the apartment with Kelvin, she locked the door behind her and turned around to face him once more..

Xander chuckled massaging his nape gently “I was on my way actually and I decided to stop by to say hello, I can’t go to the office without having a glimpse of you..”

Bianca rolled her eyes with a small smile, he leaned forward and stole kiss from which made a smacking sound..

Kelvin’s attention was piqued, his brows drew a small frown as he stared back and forth between the two, he placed both hands on his hips awaiting his aunt’s reaction..


Their head darted to the direction where Kiara could be seen running towards them while her dad, Jonah ran behind her..

Bianca giggled when he stopped to catch his breath, Jonah gasped as he approached Bianca and the tall blue eyed dude standing next to her..

“She’s gonna be the end of me sooner or later” he jested handing over kiara’s backpack to Bianca..

He stretched his hand forward to Xander who accepted it without batting an eye..

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you again”

Xander arched a brow, they’ve met before? oh right, he was the same guy who he thought was Bianca’s boyfriend, he brushed his thoughts aside and offered the young man a small smile..

“You too”

Jonah took a glance at his wrist watch with a loud sigh, he was already running out of time..

“I’m sorry Bianca I have to go, I’ll see you when I get back, there’s a lot we need to talk about” he murmured before hurrying out of their sight…

“Too bad you’ll be preoccupied tonight to talk with him or any other person” Xander huffed loudly as he started walking towards his car, he opened the car’s door for Kelvin and Kiara to move in to the back..

“Do you really have to make an issue out of everything Xander? I’m sure he just wanna talk about what happened yesterday” Bianca defended on behalf of Jonah..

He thinks every guy she speaks with was somehow a certain secret boyfriend of hers..


Rihanna stepped out of the mall with a ton of shopping bags on her hands, shopping was definitely no fun without your shopping buddy..

But what could she do? her supposed buddy wasn’t even worth it after all, now she’s all alone but who cares anyway?

When her guards saw her approaching, they made an attempt to step forward to help their young miss, but a car from nowhere came running towards Rihanna who was oblivious to her surroundings..


It was too late for her to get out of the way, she fell to the ground while her shopping bags scattered around her..

Rihanna’s eyes blazed in anger staring at the familiar plate number head on, she helped herself up from the dusty ground while her guards picked up her things sprewed around..

The car’s front doors opened and as expected, She met the stormy eyes of her ex best friend but this time she wasn’t alone, the other fatty Sterling was with her also..


Alexa marched straight to the latter cutting her speech off with a resounding slap on her left cheek, and then another fell on the right side of her face.

Rihanna’s hair was harshly pulled back by Becky who decided to deal with her next..

“What the hell?!” she shrieked in anger and pain as her face met the bonnet of Alexa’s car..

“Be quiet!”

Alexa snapped her head to Rihanna’s four guards who tried to take a step closer to save their Miss..

“One more step and her sufferings will multiply in ten folds!”

Rihanna pulled back away from Becky with her hand on her bloody nose, she moved back pointing a finger at the two unsure of what words to direct at them…

“This is just the beginning of your punishment Rihanna, I’ll make sure you pay dearly for taking my mum away from me!”

A mocking smile crawled up on Rihanna’s face, so this was about the death of her pathetic mum..

“I didn’t kill your mum! maybe the heavens already knew that she was a burden to us humans, so they decided to take her worthless-

She crashed on the ground again, this time harder than the last time, a look of shock crossed on her face as she ate dust..

If those two were right in front of her, then who just pushed her?

She turned around to see her supposed bodyguards rubbing their eyes in pain and then right in front of her was none other than Olivia’s sidekick..

Bianca fondled with the pepper spray taking steps closer to Rihanna whose face was now filled with nothing but fear..

“I’ve always looked forward to this day when I can finally teach you a good lesson, you made a big mistake by coming after Olivia and our kids”

In the next second Rihanna’s scream filled the surroundings which was now a bit crowded with people..

Her face turned red immediately the pepper spray got on it, as if that was not all, she felt a whooshing sound over her face..Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Xander panted slightly as he got to the scene where Rihanna was currently getting beaten up by his girl..

The sight was both satisfying and funny to him and maybe most people around..

Finally getting what she deserved, Bianca took out a scissors from her purse and turned towards Rihanna who was still bawling in tears from the pepper spray..

She yanked the later harshly by her hair and made a big cut on her silky hair..

“No! let me go you b*tch!”

“Sure.. I’m done for now anyways” A crook smile played on her lips..

Alexa and Becky were left shocked by what just happened..

“I won’t spare you!” She screamed out in frustration stomping her feet on the ground, all she could hear around her were giggles and clicks from phones..


Xander gulped down hard as he stared at the road ahead of him, he sneaked another glance at the lady seated next to him.

This wasn’t the first time he had witnessed her angry mode, but perhaps this was the first time he had seen her so mad at someone..

“Uh.. do you need some water?”

“Nope I’m good” She uttered going through her phone like nothing happened a while ago..

This incident wouldn’t end just like that, he knew Rihanna well, she’d definitely strike back at Bianca and he couldn’t help but worry about her well-being..

“Do you really carry those in your purse always?”

Bianca placed her phone aside and shook her head in response..

This was all preplanned last night, someone actually needed to stop that psycho before she diced everyone out..

It was shocking how she was still able to roam around freely after commiting murder, where was Damien? wasn’t he concerned? or was he still broken by the news of his mum’s death?

“Do you feel sorry for her? you can as well tell me that she was one of your previous girlfriends”

Xander chuckled right after she had said those words to him, was that jealousy in her voice?

“Come on, I don’t feel sorry for her. Infact I loved what you did, she is a pest that needs to be controlled, I’m just waiting for Damien’s wrath, she would be so sorry for herself”..

Bianca’s gaze trailed out of the glass when she found a familiar face, it was Olivia’s mum getting into a cab..

Suspicious as always, but what could she be up to? wasn’t that the same bag she took out with her earlier today claiming that its content was meant for a beggar who stays down the street?..

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