Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 131_ Suspicious 1

The two figures asleep in the black car were awoken by the knocks that fell on the tinted glass, Olivia was the first to snap her eyes open..

She raised a palm over her mouth as a yawn escaped..

By her side was Damien whose head was placed on her shoulder with his eyes closed, she pushed her loose strands of hair behind her left ear gazing upon his tired face..

The knocks she heard earlier fell on the glass again which startled her a bit..

From the tinted glass she could see the outline of a man in black who happened to be a cop, a curse left her lips..

Perhaps parking here was illegal or so, she positioned Damien’s head resting on her shoulder to rest back on the headrest..

It was a good thing that they both moved to the backseat last night..

Though it was never their intention to pass the night out on the streets, she just felt he needed some company and she had no idea when she dozed off..Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Olivia stepped out of the car brushing her hair which was out of place, the cop’s scrutinizing gaze fell on her as she approached him with a small smile..

“Hello ma’am.. I suppose this car belongs to you” he asked to receive a nod from Olivia..

“Yes officer it belongs to me”

Meanwhile back in the car..

Damien’s weak eyes peered gently around his surroundings, he touched the back of his head as he sat up..

The previous day’s incident came flooding back into his mind, just when he had wished for everything to be a horrible nightmare..

His mind couldn’t accept the fact that he had just lost his precious mum, and to think of the reason behind it..

Only one image flashed past his mind..


He made a vow to make her go through hell as long as he was alive..

As if realizing something, he searched around for Olivia, has she left already?

His eyes fell on the familiar black purse next to him which meant that she was still around, from the tinted glass, he was able to see her figure..

The cops..

Damien sighed as he rolled down the glass, the officer’s attention was diverted to him and he didn’t miss the shock that flashed past the latter’s face..

“Mr Sterling! I had no idea that this was your car..” The officer vibrantly uttered, his face suddenly dimmed recalling something..

“I heard from the news that you lost your mum.. I’m sorry for your loss.. it’s still quite hard to believe”

Damien managed to give a nod, from the looks of things, they didn’t break any law or maybe the officer decided to overlook it..

Either way, it helped..

Olivia returned back to the car, she opened the driver’s seat and took a seat..

“Hey.. Good morning.. I see you’re up. Tell me, how are you feeling now?” She greeted hoping to lift his spirits up even for a second, his mood last night was so distant and sour..

“Worse” He barely murmured taking a look out of the glass..

She sneaked a look at him through the rearview mirror with a sigh..

Her hands gripped the steering wheel firmly, it’s been so long since she last drove a car, she took driving lessons at college as soon as Kelvin had clocked a year old..

Her life was so difficult at that time, having to jog between her education, raising Kelvin and also doing part time jobs just to sustain herself..

Pushing those old thoughts aside, she started the ignition with a deep breath..

“Just hope I don’t end up killing us both”


Bianca walked down the stairs carefully stretching her arms, her steps slowed down a little when she perceived the strong aroma coming from the kitchen..

She made her way to the kitchen where she got a glimpse of Sandy filling up a food vacuum with some dishes she had prepared..

“I knew it!”

Sandy was startled by Bianca’s sudden appearance, she arched a questioning brow at the latter..

“Really? why are you acting all so sneaky? you almost killed me with fright, I see you’re up so early.. help yourself to breakfast and also please get Kelvin dressed up for school and take him yourself”

She placed the food vacuum into a portable insulated bag and walked out of the opened kitchen..

“Hold on a second”

Sandy sighed deeply turning to Bianca who took slow but steady steps closer to her, as expected, her eyes fell on the insulated bag she was holding..

“I’ve got no time to waste Bianca, my boss isn’t so generous to late comers”

“Since when did you start taking food to work? I thought you hated it?” Bianca inquired locking her eyes on her aunt..

She had been behaving strangely since she returned home last night which was really worth to be suspicious about..

“Oh you mean this?” she flaunted the insulated bag with a shake of her head.. “There’s this homeless beggar who stay down the street, she’s currently sick and I felt it was a kind thing to do by offering to make a meal for her..”

“Aunt.. is mummy home yet?”

Bianca turned around when she heard Kelvin calling to her, she sighed walking over to him..

“Guess who’s up!”

Sandy bade her goodbye and left the room before anymore question could be raised again by Bianca..

Bianca turned to the door as soon as it closed “What’s up with her?” she whispered picking Kelvin up into her arms..

“Jeez! little man! what do you eat? you’ve put in so much weight” She jested taking him back to his room for a quick bath..


The Sterling’s ancestral home was awfully quiet, no one had stepped out of their rooms either, Becky walked to the dining table and took out a plate taking some portions out of the numerous dishes on the table..

Her brows furrowed, weren’t the cooks aware of the loss the family had yesterday to make such a large amount of breakfast?

She placed the plate on a tray heading up to Aldrin’s room..

No one in this family was as hurt as he was, his love for Anita wasn’t a secret either, everyone of them knew how hard it was to separate the two even for a second..

But sadly, they got separated so soon, her uncle must be so heartbroken..

She knocked on his door and as expected, she received no response..

It was clear he was still mourning his deceased wife but he still had to take a bite or two since he didn’t have anything for lunch or dinner throughout yesterday..

She turned the knob and made her way into his room..

Her eyes fell on the lone figure sitting on the floor with his back against the bed, he held a photo frame of a lady who was undoubtedly Anita..

She halted her movement when he chuckled hard at nothing..

“What was the point of going through all those drama years ago if you were just going to leave my life so soon?”

Becky’s eyes watered at the sight, the tray she was holding onto was suddenly snatched away from her grip..

“I’ll take it from here.. you can go” Alexa stated in a firm tone as she walked past the latter..

She placed the tray on the bed and crouched down next to her dad..


And for once Aldrin raised his head to meet Alexa’s face..

He looked awful and sleep deprived, his eyes were red from crying all night and his eyes looked tired and weak as he peered at her..

“She didn’t love me enough like she had claimed to”

Alexa’s tears fell freely, she might not have had the most closest bond with her mum but all she could feel now was emptiness..

The incident leading to her mum’s death had everything to do with Rihanna Brown, the lady she once thought was suitable for her brother and as her sister-in-law..

But now, all she felt was immense hatred and anger towards the latter..

“Mum loved you very much dad, everyone of us knew that, but then, we must make sure those who had a hand in her death are punished so severely that they would much rather prefer death other than being alive!” She gritted turning her palms into a tight fist..

Rihanna might have been able to find a way out of this incident, but sooner than later, her dirty laundry will be aired in public..

She stood up to her feet making her way out of the room but suddenly halted when Becky’s words reach her ears..

“I know you don’t like me at all Alexa, but I do want to help out too, after all aunt was like a mum to me”

“You’re right Becky, I don’t like you, but I do like people who have the same intentions as me, so meet me down in the next five minutes, one minute late, and you’ll be taking a cab” she arrogantly murmured and left the room..

Becky was left in a daze for a while, how arrogant and rude can she really be?

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