Chapter Thirty-three

“Wow, I must say this is worth every penny, Oh my God, why did he sell, he could have just kept this place running, maybe add a few buildings,”

Katrina said as they walked around the huge estate, immediately they had driven into the estate, she had marveled at how big it was, and now touring the various part just proved that it was bigger than she had thought initially, it was mainly lands, houses in the estate were not much and scattered about but the land was huge, it could take hours to work from one end to the other.

“Reuben doesn’t have a use for it, if he didn’t sell it would just be here, it’s practical to sell since he is now fully based in California.

“True, but still, it’s gonna take a lot of money to put this place to perfect,”

“Yeah, work starts soon, we are removing all of the old buildings and adding better ones, a hotel, and other stuff,”


She said, turning around, the estate was huge, she wondered what happened to everyone who used to leave here because so far since they arrived, she has only seen security men who were at the entrance.

“What happened to everyone who use to live here?”

“Oh, they were giving a time frame to leave, this place has been empty going to a year now, Reuben already cleared the people off before he put it up for sell,”


“Let’s go inside,”

He said, pointing at one of the houses, despite not being inhibited, the house looked clean from the outside, she followed beside him, she noticed someone pass by quickly and turned to look but the person was gone before she could confirm.

“Did you see that?”

“See what?”

“Someone, a woman,”

“I didn’t see anyone, no one lives here except the security men and gardeners,”

“Are you sure? Maybe they live here with their wives and kids, or girlfriend,”

“No, as far as I know, they don’t,”

“Okay, maybe I imagined it,”

“Yeah, or it could be the female workers,”

“And she didn’t say Hi,”

“Not everyone is sociable,”

“Yeah, I guess,”

“Let’s go in,”

He said opening the front door, they both stepped in, the inside of the house was as clean as the outside, there were a few funitures, it kind of felt like someone lived here, because, unlike the other houses they entered, this one had a homey feel to it.

“Are you sure no one lives here?”

She asked turning to Lucas, who was busy on his phone.

“No one does Kat, I asked the workers to prepare this house for us to stay while we are here, I am keeping this particular one,”

“Oh, no wonder it felt homey, I was beginning to think maybe a family resides here in secret,”

“No one can get in here without being seen by the security, there are about five at every entrance, and I plan on adding more once we start working here,”


She said looking around.

“There are supplies we need for the weekend so we don’t have to leave the estate at all, we can go touring again tomorrow, right now, I am so tired and hungry, I just want to eat and sleep,”

He said pulling her closer and collecting her handbag which he dropped off on the chair close to him, he bent and kissed her softly.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I thought you said you wanna eat and sleep?”

She said as the kiss got more intense.

“Yup,” he replied kissing her nose, “I am eating right now,”

“What the heck? Am I the food?”

“Yup, a very tasty meal,”

“You are insane,”

She let out as he picked her up and went up into the bedroom, he dropped her off on the bed and started taking off his clothes while watching her, she followed his clue and took hers off too and before long they were naked and on each other.

“Now, I am really hungry for food,”

He said as they both lay in bed, his hands playing with her breast.

“Go and get food then, my kitchen skills are lacking a lot so I can’t help you,”

She said, she could cook but her mom and Jordan had both made her believe that she was a disaster waiting to happen in the kitchen.

“You can’t be that bad,”

“I am, trust me, my mom and Jordan made sure to tell me each time.”

“Still, you can’t be that bad,”

“I am, leave it at that, in Jordan’s words, ‘I am not domestic’,”

She responded, she got off the bed and walked into the bathroom to take her bath, by the time she came back, he was no longer in the bedroom, she stepped out of the room and found him in the kitchen cooking.

“You can cook? I thought you were just going to order some takeouts,”

“I can. now sit down let’s eat,”

He said, she sat down and looked at what he had prepared, he made spaghetti, wondering if it was gonna taste nice at all, she tasted it and surprisingly, it was tasty.

“Wow, this tastes good,”

“Thanks, I had help from my mom and y*utube,”

He answered as he also started eating, they both ate in silence.

“Do you still get calls from that number? I mean texts?”

He asked when they were done, she have not been getting calls, but the gift was not stopping in fact, they have increased, she bet if she sold them all she would be a millionaire.

“Not really, the texts stop but them that’s when the presents started coming in on a daily basis,”

She disclosed.

“What present?”

“Well, whoever he or she is, hasn’t been texting or calling me but I have a room full of gifts, in my house,”

“What kind of gifts?”

“The usual girl’s stuff, there are jewelries, perfumes, frames, and even underwears,”

She revealed, she had received the gift with the underwear yesterday before she had gone to work and was sure if she returns home Sunday evening, she will find more, the person wasn’t relenting.

“That’s creepy,”

“I know right, but Jordan thinks it just a secret admirer who is super shy,”


“Yeah, he said so long as the person is not being a threat then I shouldn’t bother myself with it,”

She honestly wanted whoever it was to either come out to her or stop sending her those gifts in general, she still didn’t know what to do with them, and she couldn’t throw them away.

“You should be careful, does your house have proper locks? And are the security trusted?”

“Yes, my house has good locks and the security are pretty okay, so far, there hasn’t been any breaking in or burglary reported,”

“Right, can’t they tell you who brings the presents to your doorstep?”

“I did ask and they said it different delivery agency, I have tried to contact up to three of those agencies and all they can say is that the goods are ordered and their job is to deliver them and that they don’t know who orders,”

Katrina had dragged Jordan along to two of the delivery companies and they bout had the same answer, whoever was sending her those presents was bent on remaining anonymous.

“Just be careful okay? Don’t let your guard down and also call me once you notice anything off,”

“Are you looking out for me right now? Aww, that’s so sweet,”

She said blowing him a kiss.

“Don’t, we have work to do,”

He said getting up and picking up his dishes, she did the same, here she thought they were here to rest but he had worked for them to do, It’s her fault for thinking he would have fun without work, she rolled her eyes.

“Can’t believe we have to work here too, we could have just stayed and done the works in the office, I mean, it’s Friday after all,”

She grumbled as she washed her dish like he did and kept it on the rack.

“What are you whispering to yourself?”


“That doesn’t sound like nothing,”

“Fine,” she said walking towards the living room.

“Do we really have to work here? I thought we are taking a break and just having fun for the weekend.”

She added as she sat on the couch.


He asked coming into the living room. “Where did you get that from? Yes, we will have fun but we work too,”

“I didn’t get it from anywhere, I just thought, but I guess I am wrong,”

She said playing with the pillow on the chair.

“Don’t ever have such thoughts miss, you are my worker, just because I am sleeping with you doesn’t mean I will let you slack on your work, you don’t get any favors,”

He said and she froze, he didn’t just say the words she just heard, she has to have heard him wrong, but the tone he used and with the way he was looking at her, she knew she didn’t hear wrongly, he did say it.

“What? Lucas? Favors? Are you for real right now?”

“What did I say wrong?”

“You don’t see anything wrong with what you just said? I never ask for favors, sleeping with me?”

She stood up, walking up to where he stood, she couldn’t explain just how hurt she was by his choice of words, she stood in front of him staring at him, he didn’t even act like he did something wrong, she should have known better, he was no different, guys would always be guys, of course, he won’t see anything wrong with what he said, but she was hurt by it…

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