Chapter Thirty-four

“Did I say anything wrong or do you just wanna pick a fight with me?”

“Of course, there is everything wrong with what you said and if you don’t see it then I don’t know what to make of you,”

“What are you getting at Katrina? Mind your language, last I checked I am still the boss,”

“Did I say otherwise, I am sorry boss, I was on my own when you asked me to come here with you, if you had told me this outing was work-related maybe I won’t have said those words and just maybe you won’t have thought I am getting favors from you because we are sleeping together,”

She replied, she was shouting now and he still couldn’t see what he said that was wrong, yes he agreed that he brought them here to celebrate but also they had work to do, the next couple of months will be busy, and that’s what he said, so why was she taking it the wrong way.

“I don’t know why you are offended by what I said, but can we just stop this argument? We have a lot to do,”

“Did I say otherwise? I didn’t know we are supposed to work here, I wasn’t informed, all you said was that we are coming here to celebrate and you didn’t make mention of work,”

“Do I really have to mention work? What else do a boss and an assistant do when they are on a trip together?”

“Well, I don’t maybe fuck each other,”

“Katrina!!, Mind your language,”

“Why? You get to say whatever you want and I can’t do the same? Because you are the boss right? Well, reality check, we are not in the office, so don’t blame me,”

“Office or not, I will not have you disrespect me, do you understand, whatever madness is up with you, you might as well keep it down if you still want to keep your job, and this might not be the office but this, this is work too and I brought you here,”

“Are you threatening to fire me? That’s so low Lucas, so disgusting low,”

“Can you just quiet and be reasonable?”

He let out his own anger increasing, she was being insensitive over words that were not supposed to even be an issue, she burst out laughing and he wondered what was funny.

“What’s funny?”

“Oh, you are asking Lucas? For real? You don’t see it? Maybe you were so satisfied in bed that you forgot the actual words you should have used when you invited me here, and once again, I am saying that there was no mention of us coming here to work, talking about favors?”

She paused and he started to say something but she stopped him with her hands, and he found himself shut up.

“Let me finish, talking about favors, I have worked for you for going to seven years now, seven whole years, and not once have I asked you for anything, not once have I asked to be given a vacation, in case you didn’t notice, until Arizona, I have never once been on a break, that doesn’t even count as a break because I was with you, and the only break I can say I had was the one week you gave me after we return from Arizona, and I never asked for it, favors? I think you should go check the meaning of that,”

She said, he stood there watching her waiting for her to say more when it was clear she wasn’t going to say anything else he asked.

“Are you done? I don’t see what I said to warrant all these long talks though but let’s say I get you,”

“You are offensive Lucas, I feel stupid for thinking you would be better, why do I expect so much from people, I am sorry, let’s get to work,”

“We will when you calm down,”

He replied.

“Yes, sir,”

She said and walked away towards the room, she looked pissed, not angry, yet he hadn’t said anything that would have made her so angry all he said was she shouldn’t expect favors from him because he was sleeping with her which was true, which part of that was offensive?

“All I said was don’t expect favors cuz we are sle… Fuck!”

He said out loud when the reality of how those words had sounded to her ears dawned on him, how did he think she won’t misinterpret that, he went up to the room where she had entered but she wasn’t there, he walked closer to the restroom and he could hear he sniffing, oh God, he made her cry.



He called but she didn’t respond to him, she just stayed quiet.

“Kat, I am sorry, I promise I didn’t mean it the way it sounded, I wasn’t thinking and didn’t know you will be offended,”

He sounded stupid even to himself, how did he not see it when she had pointed it out.

“Go away, I will be out soon and we can work,”

She answered.

“Kat? Please?”

She remained silent, he stood there for some minutes before giving up and going back to the living room, she stayed there for a little over thirty minutes and he was contemplating going back to her again when she entered the living room with her laptop in hands, she walked up to him, she looked upset still, he wanted to apologize again but she left no room to be spoken to.

“I am out, what are we going to do? Sorry, I am supposed to be aware but I am not,”

She said after a long silence.

“Kat, can you stop? I already said I am sorry,”

“Now what did I say? Forgive me for everything I do will offend you, I am not asking for favors, I am apologizing for overstepping the line, and I am sorry if I neglected my job just because you were sleeping with me, I didn’t m…,”


He yelled.


She yelled right back, they were both tense again and he didn’t like it.

“Can you stop? I don’t want us to fight,”

“I wasn’t fighting okay, can we just do the work we came here for?”

He stood up, walked up to where she sat, removed her laptop, and pulled her up, she struggled to get him off her, but he claimed her lips in an intense kiss, she pushed and pulled at him but he didn’t let go and before long she surrendered to his kisses, kissing right back.

“I am sorry,”

He whispered when they broke off.

“I am sorry, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded, I have no excuse, I should never have used such words, I don’t want us to fight”

He added, but she just looked away without saying a word.


“It’s fine, no harm done,”

She said, but he felt her withdraw from him, like she was less interested in whatever happened between them after, even while they lay in bed together, he could feel that she wasn’t really into it, and he couldn’t blame her, it was his fault for saying those things, he considered discontinuing what they had but in the end, he couldn’t, he still wanted her and he was selfish enough to keep her until he had his fill of her.

They returned Saturday evening earlier than planned because he just couldn’t force it anymore, she only talked to him throughout their time there when it was work-related and kept to herself the rest of the time, he tried to improve the mood by suggesting they go out but even while there, she didn’t say much, when they had gotten back, he had suggested they leave and she had agreed without even looking at him.


The next two months went by really fast, they rarely had time to meet on personal ground, their relationship did improve and went back to almost the way it was before their argument, but there was still that strain, they had lots of things to do and stayed up late together in the office and even worked during the weekend, but not once did she complain, not once did she tell him she wouldn’t be able to come in.


She called entering his office.


“Your mom called, Leah just gave birth,”

She announced.

“Oh my God, really?”

“Yes, she gave birth about two hours ago, to a pretty little princess,”

“That’s good news, but why did my mom call you instead?”

He asked, his mom was at it again, she has been bothering him about when he is gonna make things officially between Katrina and him and he had told her each time that there was nothing between them, his stand about his relationship with Katrina has not changed and he didn’t see it changing any time soon, he still couldn’t give her more.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“She called you but you weren’t taking your calls, she wanted to know if she can make it for the naming ceremony,”

She answered, he checked his phone and indeed his mom had called.

“Of course, we are going to be there,”

He replied, he has been expecting this news for over two months now, seems like this child stayed longer in the womb because Leah has passed her due date.


Katrina asked bringing him out of his thoughts.

“Yes, we, or are you busy? We have to be there together,”

“Together? I don’t think I need to be there if it’s not work-related, I am not part of your family neither am I your girlfriend, we should really start drawing the line,”

“What are you talking about Katrina?”

“I am talking about you and me, whatever we have, I think it’s time to let it off,”

She said avoiding his eyes.

“What line are we drawing again? And how does it affect you’re going to Arizona with me? It’s Leah’s child naming ceremony,”

“I know, but I am not going with you, anyway, your mom said to tell you to call her,”

She said turning to leave, but he wasn’t having it, she had to explain what she meant by what she just said.

“Katrina? Don’t you dare leave me hanging,”

“I am not, okay? That’s not what I am trying to do, what I am trying to say is that it is time,”

“Time for what?”

“Lucas? Really? Do I have to spell it out?”

“Yes, how else will I understand if you don’t tell me?”

“Fine, I want more,”

She yelled…

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