Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“Fuck’n queers,” I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned to see the three men who’d glared at Jerald earlier. They had finished their meal around the same time we had and were walking towards the door. One of them was looking back at Jerald and his partner, the other two were staring at the behinds of my girls as we walked in-front of them.

Usually I wouldn’t care if someone checked out my girls, they were gorgeous after all. But that kind of derogatory comment really didn’t sit well with me.

I stopped and turned to face the man who’d said it.

“I think you should apologize to them,” I said in a stern voice. “Now.”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

The asshole who’d made the comment blinked at me, as if in shock that someone would dare address him. Then he laughed.

“Did I offend your boyfriends?” he turned to his buddies, who laughed with him.

I sighed at his pathetic excuse for an insult. I knew this guy wouldn’t say he was sorry, so why did I bother?

“Fuck off, and take your fag hags with you,” one of the other guys said.

Now they really fucked up.

All three of these guys were quite large, probably all tradesman or labourers. If I started a fight here, I’d probably get my ass kicked. But I really didn’t like anyone talking shit about my women.

“Jason,” I heard Hayley’s voice. She placed a hand on my arm, and I looked back to see her shake her head softly. She was right, I didn’t want to ruin our night for these assholes.

“Apologize to him next,” a deep voice cut off their laughter.

I looked to my left and saw another two men. Both were at least six-foot tall and had the look of military men to them.

They had broad chests and thick arms. But their hard eyes were what made them look fearsome.

I guessed the trio of douchebags were smart enough to see what I did, and their faces paled. The one who’d made the remarks looked down at his feet, back to me and then to the newcomers.

they might have felt tough when it was just me, but I doubted all three of them could take one of these guys.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

“What was that!?” the new guy took a step closer.

“I’m… sorry,” he repeated a bit louder.

“Now to them,” the big man pointed to Jerald and his partner.

The whole restaurant was quiet now. Everyone watched as this bully was put in his place. He turned to our waiter-looked him in the eye-and apologized.

Jerald nodded and looked to me, giving me a smile and mouthing the words “Thank you”

I stepped out of the way and let the trio pass, their eyes down as they quickly shuffled out of the establishment.

The whole restaurant cheered and clapped once they were gone and I realized that most of the patrons were actually good people. They just didn’t feel safe confronting those three and I wondered if it had happened before.

“You got balls kid,” the deep voice addressed me.

I turned to face my ally.

“Thanks, but I was kind of shitting myself there for a second,” I laughed.

“Only time a man can be brave is if he’s scared,” he replied.

“Well, thanks for coming to my rescue,” I said.

“Don’t mention it,” he added. “Thank you for sticking up for my little brother.”

I looked back at Jerald and back to the big man. They did have similarities, but I never would have picked them for relatives.

“No problem,” I held my hand out to him. “I’m Jason.”

“Paul,” he shook my hand, “If you ever need anything you tell Jerald and I’ll see if I can help.”

I had no idea why I would need his help, but it felt good to have the friendship of someone so clearly able to turn dickheads into pretzels. Maybe if Leon ever fucked with me again, or Mike.

Once the pleasantries were done, I gathered my women-who’d been making sure Jerald and his partner were okay-and we left the restaurant together.

“Jace once again saves the day,” Tori said. She looped her arm through mine and kissed me on the cheek.

The rest of the girls all came to either kiss me on the cheek or the lips, which left me a little breathless at the end.

“I hardly saved anyone,” I chuckled. “I nearly got my ass kicked.”

“Nonsense,” Lucy chimed in. “You stood up to a bully.”

“You were very brave,” Liz added. “Besides, I could have kicked their asses for you.”

Everyone laughed at Liz’s comment.

“You are a hero and heroes need rewards,” Hayley whispered when she looped her arm through mine on my free side.

We walked to the car together, and I was already excited to get home and spend some time with my women.

The drive home was rather uneventful. Somehow Liz ended up riding shotgun with me. I was sure the seating positions meant something among the women, but I didn’t hear a discussion nor see any looks pass between them.

I didn’t mind having the fit redhead riding up front of me, not at all. I hadn’t spent much time with her at all since I came home, and it was nice to share a bit of conversation while I drove.

We mostly spoke about what different exercises were best for particular activities. She spoke a bit about her pole class she went too. She seemed passionate about the whole pole fitness gig and I could tell it kept her in great shape.

“You should come along to one of my classes sometime,” Liz said.

“I’m sure the girls there would prefer me not come along to gawk” I laughed.

“No, you got me wrong,” Liz smiled and shook her head. “You should try pole fitness, it’s amazing for your core strength.”

“If you want to see me in a pair of bike shorts, just ask,” I winked at the athletic woman.

For once she didn’t blush at my flirting, she simply smiled and I saw a sparkle in her eyes.

“I’ll think about it,” I promised. That seemed to be good enough for her.

I really would consider checking out one of the classes. I always liked trying out new and challenging workouts and from the things I’d seen pole dancers do, it would definitely be a challenge.

I just had to get past the whole male pole dancer stigma. Not that I ever really cared what anyone thought about me.

No one but my girls anyway.

A few minutes later I was pulling into the driveway of the holiday house. I parked out the front of the garage to let the girls out before storing the car and making sure everything was locked up downstairs.

Once I was satisfied, I hadn’t forgotten anything, I went upstairs to find the girls already starting the party.

They had some old 80’s rock music playing, a song I was sure I should know who was playing it-since I’d heard it on the radio plenty of times-but just couldn’t pick the name.

It wasn’t surprising, I was never really one to bother about music that much. I knew what I liked when something came on, but I never really sought out music.

I was just glad it wasn’t some shitty top 40 crap.

The girls had also found the stash of booze and each had a drink in their hand. Vicky and Liz had a beer each whilst Tori and Lucy had a mixer of something with what looked like sprite, and Hayley, ever the classy one, had a glass of red wine.

I snagged a bottle of beer myself from a six-pack in the fridge and slumped onto the couch between Hayley and Liz.

My sister and her best friend Vicky were dancing together. Moving their bodies to the beat of the music. Tori was grinding her butt against Vicky’s pelvis while she held her friends hips. Lucy had joined the two and was dancing up against Vicky’s backside, and I swear I caught the Asian beauty’s hands roam over the busty blondes tits once or twice.

Things were starting to get a bit hot.

“You know they’re doing that mostly for you,” Hayley whispered into my ear.

“Looks like they’re enjoying themselves just fine,” I chuckled.

“True,” Hayley shrugged. “But these girls would do anything for you, myself included.”

I wasn’t sure what to make of Hayley’s comment, so I decided to leave it be for now and just enjoy the night.

Over an hour passed and everyone was starting to get nice and buzzed. The girls all danced with one another and a few of them even dragged me off the couch. Those dances left me hard enough to pound nails, but I kept my cool.

The idea of a group orgy with my women was at the front of my mind and had been since Hayley had made her comment earlier. Just the thought of having all my girls at once was enough to get me from soft to hard in two second flat.

I knew they’d do it for me if I wanted it, they were great like that. I also knew more than a couple of them would enjoy it themselves.

I knew Vicky and Liz liked girls, obviously. Tori had done things with her friends before and so had Hayley. But I wasn’t too sure about Lucy.

The black-haired beauty was definitely fine with touching and groping her friends while they danced, but she’d never once expressed a sexual interest in any woman. I’m sure she participate in a three-way or more if I asked.

What were the chances they I had met, fucked and fell in love with five girls who were all bi-sexual.

Probably about as likely as a guy finding five girls who all loved him and wanted to share him.

It didn’t matter anyway. I’d already promised Liz we would spend some time together tonight, so the girls would have to fend for themselves.

I looked over to Liz as she slumped onto the couch cushion beside me. She gave me a wide, drunk smile. The sexy redhead wasn’t breathing heavy, but I could see a sheen of sweat glistening on her neck. All the girls had been dancing their hearts out since we got home, and the night was quite warm. I was actually surprised more clothing hadn’t come off.

“Having a good time?” I asked Liz.

“Yep!” she replied. Her eyes kept straying to the other girls who were dancing together. That’s when I saw Vicky and Tori locking lips. The two similarly heighted girls had their hands on one-another’s hips as they kissed. Not a care in the world for who was watching. They probably hoped I was.

I glanced over to Liz to gauge her reaction. She was in love with Vicky and I was worried for a moment that she might not like her sister kissing another girl. Even if she was sharing her twin with me.

But the gorgeous redhead was watching out siblings with great interest.

I could probably do something with this situation, but I didn’t. I filed that away for later. I already had my plans for tonight.

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