Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Instead of looking out of place I decided to quickly change. I had a look in mind, and I jogged down the hallway to the master bedroom and started rummaging through my clothes.

I stripped out of my current outfit and quickly dressed. I pulled on a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a black, square cut tank top that showed off the muscles on my arms and shoulders.

Once I was satisfied with my new outfit, I grabbed the car keys from the kitchen counter and took the stairs two at a time.

The girls were waiting for me out the front, it was easier to all pile into the car when I’d taken it out of the garage.

I climbed into the driver seat, opened the garage doors and checked to make sure I was clear before backing out carefully.

Once cleared of the door I pressed the remote button for it to lower.

The rear passenger doors opened on either side and I saw Lucy and Vicky climb into the back most seats, followed by Liz and Tori. Hayley opened the front passenger door and rode shotgun with me.

Out of the group, only she saw my change of outfit.

You changed,” Hayley said. I watched her eyes roam up and down my body. “I approve.”

I gave her a half smile before putting the SUV into reverse to I could turn around. If Hayley approved of my choices, I knew I’d done well.

The seafood restaurant was only a ten-minute drive from where we were staying, and the girls all chatted among themselves as I drove. I caught snippets of their conversations from time to time, but it was mostly about what they wanted to do tomorrow.

Mostly they wanted to go to the beach and the mall. Both things we could do back home.

It was quite busy in the town area near the restaurant, so I dropped the girls off out the front so they could go in and get us a table-while I parked the car.

The parking lot was quite packed and it took me another five minutes of driving before I found someone about to leave.

As the grey Mercedes pulled out, another car tried to sneak in and take my spot. It was a small Honda hatchback and it could move much easier in the carpark than the big, hulking seven-seater I was driving. But I was closer.

I hit the gas and nudged myself in behind the Merc just as it left the spot, leaving the Honda to beep its horn at me.

The driver rolled his window down and yelled a few curses at me for taking ‘his’ spot. But I ignored the guy and focused on parking the mammoth of a vehicle cleanly in the spot.

Once I was happy with the park-the spaces here were quite small-I shut the engine off, grabbed my wallet and phone and exited the car, locking it before heading back to the restaurant.

I spotted the Honda twice more as it circled the parking lot, looking for a space. I could tell the driver was getting quite mad by the way he was driving.

Accelerating hard and braking hard when taking turns. Even abusing a few pedestrians when he came close to clipping them.

This guy needed to take a chill pill.

I got to the front of the restaurant and spotted Vicky standing by the door. She gave me a wide smile and bounded over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck before jamming her tongue down my throat.

“Miss me?” she asked when our lips parted.

“I was only gone for five minutes,” I chuckled, and wrapped my arms around her thin waist.

“But you still missed me?” she raised a perfect eyebrow.

“Of course,” I winked at the curvy blonde.

That seemed to satisfy my lover, and she linked her arm with mine before leading me through the front door.

“The rest are already inside, I said I’d wait for you,” Vicky said as we entered the establishment.

The place hadn’t changed a bit in all since we’d started coming here with our parents. Old fishing nets hung from the walls alongside fishing rods, baskets, and coils of ropes.

The tables were newer, but they looked to be all hand made. My father had told me on one of our visits that the owners father made all the furniture by hand, from old boats. I didn’t know if it was true or not, but it was pretty cool.

Vicky lead me through the restaurant, towards a booth at the back where I could see the other girls already seated.

“So,” I said. “Did you really… you know… with Liz?”

I wasn’t sure how to ask my lover the question, but I wanted to know before we got to the table. I didn’t want to embarrass anyone.

“Oh yeah,” Vicky replied with a huge grin. “Once she realized… well let’s just say my sister enjoys the taste of Jason.”

I willed myself to not think about what I’d seen. I didn’t want to get a boner in the middle of dinner. It was going to be hard enough to keep my shit together with all of them around me, looking as delicious as the meals smelled around me.

“Noted,” I winked at my blonde lover.

Once we reached the group, Hayley and Lucy slid out from the booth, insisting I take the seat in the very middle.

The booth was a C shape with a circular table in the middle. I ended up being seated with Liz on my left, beside her sister and Tori on my right, with Hayley and Lucy.

I looked around at my girls and noticed the odd numbers.

I toyed with the idea of adding another girl to my little harem, just to even things out.

“What’s so funny?” Tori asked. I must had had a smile on my face as I thought about a sixth girl, like it was normal and achievable when most guys struggle with one.

“Oh, nothing,” I smiled at my sister.

She gave me a suspicious look, but didn’t press me.

After a few minutes we were approached by a male waiter. He was very clearly gay; in the way he moved and spoke. But he seemed nice.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Hey y’all, my names Jerald, I’ll be your waiter for this evening, here are our menus.” He handed around a stack of laminated menus. This wasn’t a fancy restaurant, but the food was great. “Just give me a holla if when you wanna order, kay?”

Jerald floated off as graceful as any dancer I’d seen.

“Well he’s certainly interesting,” I laughed.

“I think he’s great!” Vicky said.

“I don’t think everyone here thinks so,” Hayley added.

I followed her gaze to a table by the bar. Jerald just passed it and the three men sitting around it gave the flamboyant waiter disapproving glares. Which he ignored completely.

It didn’t surprise me. This town was known to have douchebags like them. Hating one people for being different.

I pushed the jerk-bags from my thoughts and looked over the menu.

Jerald came back a few minutes later with some bottled water, and we ordered our food.

He gushed at how great all the girls looked, then gave me a very un-subtle ‘up-and-down’ before telling the group how lucky they were to have a man like me.

I smiled and took it all in good humour. He wasn’t the first gay guy to say such things to me since I’d started hanging out with the girls.

Vicky and Jerald gossiped for a few minutes before he took our orders to the kitchen and got around to his other tables.

The group all chatted for a while and I found myself talking mostly with Liz. Vicky had moved over to sit beside Lucy as they conversed about some unknown topic.

“So, how’s work?” I asked the athletic redhead. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

I wasn’t sure how she felt about stripping, but I couldn’t think of anything else to say at the time.

“It’s okay, it pays well,” She shrugged. “I rarely have to deal with assholes.”

“That’s good then,” I took a sip of my water. “I’d offer to kick some ass for you, but you could probably beat the crap out of me.”

Liz blushed a little and smiled. “Well, if you want to come see me at work sometime, I won’t mind.”

I noticed her cheeks reddened, just a little. Obviously, I’d seen her naked before and we’d even had sex. But this was one of the first time the redhead had been open with me.

“Maybe you can show me tonight,” I replied.

“I could,” Liz flashed me a smile of pearly whites and I could see she was looking a little more comfortable with me. I decided to go in for the kill.

I leaned in close to Liz and whispered into her ear. “I’d like you to stay with me tonight, just the two of us.”

I watched as Liz closed her eyes and I thought I saw her shiver for just a moment. But I could have been imagining it.

“I’d like that,” She said simply.

Our moment was interrupted when Jerald placed down the first two plates of food before gliding off to get the rest.

I left the conversation up to the girls while I ate. I’d ordered a kings sea food basket and I wasn’t disappointed.

It was filled with crab, lobster, king prawns, at least three different kinds of fish, oysters and a side of fries. It was far more than I could eat alone, so I shared with the girls.

Being quite active, Liz had a healthy appetite and we were both still eating when the others had finished.

Once we were finally done gorging ourselves I sat back in my seat and rubbed my full belly. I’d have to start hitting the gym a lot more if I was going to continue eating like this.

“Well that was fan-fucking-tastic,” I said with a loud belch.

Liz grinned but the others had a mix of groans and eye-rolls at my display.

“Did you enjoy your food?” I asked the group.

They all confirmed that their meals were delicious, and I noticed that only Tori had cleaned her plate. She usually didn’t eat a great deal, but I knew she loved seafood.

Jerald came back to ask how our meal was and we all gave compliments to the chef and Jerald for his great service. I pulled out a wad of cash, paid the bill and left a hefty tip for our waiter.

It wasn’t customary to tip-since the staff got paid quite well anyway-but I liked to leave a little something extra for great service.

I waited for the girls to slide out of the booth before joining them and heading towards the front door. As we passed the bar, I noticed a nicely dressed young man approach Jerald and tap him on the shoulder. Our waiter turned around and beamed at the man.

The two hugged and then kissed, I assumed it was Jerald’s significant other.

I smiled at the sight. It was always nice to see two people in love, even if it was frowned upon by some of the more reserved community.

Especially since I’d fallen in love with my sister and her friends. Who someone loved was no one else’s business.

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