Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Hayley and Lucy stepped up to either side of me and I saw the brothers eyes drift to check them out too.

“How you ladies doin?” the older brother asked.

I wanted to break this fuckers nose.

I took a step forward and shoved his arm away from my sister. He obviously wasn’t expecting me to make a move because the shove to the chest made him stumble back a few steps. But his brother wanted to play too.

He was fast, but I expected his movement. When his right hook came, I ducked it and took a step forward and slammed him in the chest with my forearm, knocking him on his ass. The kid must have only weighed about sixty kilograms and he went down hard.

Tori and Vicky stepped away from the two and quickly huddled with their friends, behind me.

I knew shit was about to get real.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw the stocky guy near the counter turn around. The petrol station attendant had the phone in his hand and was looking a little worried.

When he saw his friends on the ground, the stocky one abandoned his snacks and started walking towards me.

“Hey cunt! You lookin to get hit!?” he said in a country tone.

He wasn’t moving fast, and as I suspected, the brothers pulled themselves back to their feet. The younger one looked most pissed off out of the two.

“You fucked up mate,” the older one said. “I’m gonna have fun with that blonde slut once we’re done with you.”

His words directed at Vicky made me see red, like how I felt when I bashed Leon’s face in. But I didn’t get a chance to move.

Liz took one step forward, then raised her leg before slamming it-Muay Thai style-into the older brothers stomach, knocking him flying across the floor.

Everyone in the building was momentarily stunned by the athletic redheads action. I knew she was fit, and she had crazy strong legs, but I didn’t know she could fight.

The older brother didn’t get to his feet, he simply groaned as he clutched his stomach. As soon as her movement was finished, she turned and faced the shorter, rounder man behind her. She took a fighters stance and raised her fists, causing the stocky guy to stop, raise his hands, and take a few steps back.

Then the younger brother threw another punch.

I nearly wasn’t ready for this one, still in awe of Liz’s brilliant display of fitness and martial arts.

I caught his punch with my forearm and re-directed the blow. This manoeuvre put him off balance and I tripped him, pushing him into his brother, who was just getting to his feet.

The pair tumbled to the ground together.

Satisfied we’d dealt with the situation, I turned to leave, only to spot the tall guy-who’d been filling up his car-right in the entrance.

He lifted his shades off his eyes, looked around the inside of the petrol station, then to me. I readied myself to take this asshole out too.

But he backed up.

“I don’t want no trouble man,” he said quickly.

He looked scared and I wondered if he missed the glorious kick to his friends stomach by my redheaded lover, and thought I took out bother of his friends by myself. I didn’t care if he did or not.

I pushed passed him, my girls in tow. Then I saw a police car pulling into the parking lot, the petrol station attendant had called the police.

“Wait by the car girls, I’ll deal with this.”


I handed the car keys off to Hayley and approached the police car as it pulled up, keeping a respectful distance from it as I waited for the officers to get out.

Two police officers stepped out, one male and one female. Both looked quite young, no older than thirty. The woman was quite attractive, her dark hair pulled back into a bun as was uniform for female police.

“You the one who called?” asked the male officer.

“No sir, I’m the one who was in the fight,” I said respectfully.

The officers shared a look, then the male officer turned back to me.

“Okay, I’ll need to ask you some questions,” he said calmly, motioning me to step over to the police car.

The woman gave me a look up and down before approaching the girls, who were hovering around our SUV. I watched as she spoke a few words to Hayley-who stepped forward-then headed towards the petrol station entrance.

As I turned back to the male officer, I saw another police vehicle pull in and stop in front of the douchebags car. Those two officers-both male-pulled the four guys aside as they tried getting in their car.

They four of them shot glares in my direction.

“My partner will get a statement from the clerk and check the CCTV footage,” the officer explained to me. “Tell me what happened.”

I explained the entire scenario to the officer, he simply nodded and wrote in his notepad, asking questions every now and then. I didn’t hide anything, nor did I try to push the blame onto the four assholes. They were being sleezy and inappropriate, but I’d initiated the fight, even if I didn’t throw the first punch.

As I recounted the events, I noticed the female officer come back out and start speaking to the girls. She mostly spoke to Hayley, but I could see the others answering questions from time to time.

The whole process only took about fifteen minutes, but I could see the other two officers who showed up were having a much tougher time with their questioning. The four douchebags kept pointing over my way, raising their voices and carrying on. More than once, one of the officers speaking to them had to raise his voice for them to shut up.

“Well it looks pretty cut and dry,” the officer said when I was done. “Let me talk to my partner and I’ll get back to you. You can wait by your vehicle, but don’t leave until I say so.”

I nodded and headed back to the girls just as the female officer was done. She passed me, giving me a smile and nod.

She really was quite attractive.

“So what happened? Are we in trouble? Can we go?” the girls all spoke at once and I had to raise my hand to silence them. I picked through the questions I could make out before answering.

“I’ve given my statement, the true one. We just have to wait to see what they say,” I said to the group of beautiful women.

They all nodded, although Vicky looked a little pissed off. I approached my blonde-haired lover and hugged her.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked.

“I’m fine,” she replied, hugging me back. “But you and Liz shouldn’t be in trouble for this, it’s not fair.”

I could tell she was blaming herself for the situation, so I just stroked her hair and assured my lover that it wasn’t her fault and that we wouldn’t be in trouble. I just wasn’t sure I believed my own words.

After another ten minutes passed, all the officers had gathered, and they looked to have shared all the statements. The male officer I spoke with approached me with his partner while the other two went back to the douchebag group. They started looking over the piece of shit car.

“We’ve checked your statements against one another’s and the CCTV along with the clerks,” the officer said to me. “Now, you understand you initiated the fight?”

“I do,” I answered.

“Good,” he replied. “But given the circumstances and the surveillance footage as proof, I’m not going to be taking you in.”

I breathed a sigh of relief at his word and looked back to the girls to see them smiling.

“Look after these girls, you hear me?” he said.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I will, that’s why I’m here,” I replied.

The female officer didn’t say anything, but she had an odd smile on her face as her partner spoke and I swear I caught her wink at me as they turned to leave.

“Oh, I nearly forgot,” the female officer turned back and looked at Liz. “Great kick.”

I looked at Liz to see her smiling, her cheeks a little flushed.

The officers allowed us to leave but waited around while the other two went over the piece of crap car. I suspected it wasn’t road worthy and by the looks the four were giving me, I was right, and that thing would have to get towed.

Another forty-five minutes of driving and we were pulling into the driveway of my parents coast house. It was a two-story home with a long, steep driveway. The top floor was mostly glass sliding doors and windows with a long balcony running along the front. Exterior stairs ran down the side of the house giving people access upstairs without going in through the smaller living area on the bottom floor.

The bottom floor itself wasn’t much more than a double car garage-half was turned into a gym-and a small living area with two bedrooms and a bathroom.

I pressed the remote for the garage door and pulled the SUV in.

“Well that was one hell of a pit stop,” I said.

“You can say that again,” Tori replied.

The others all voiced their own thoughts on today’s events at the petrol station.

I unlocked the connecting door from the garage to the downstairs living room and started helping the girls with their bags. None of my girls were overly high maintenance, but they were still girls. While I’d brought two bags-one for clothes and one for my laptop-the girls had brought enough luggage between them to support a number twice as large as theirs. I never understood why these girls needed so many bags when their clothes were always so skimpy.

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