Mafia Desire (Erotica)


My mother was only in her mid-forties and spent about as much time on her image and body as any of my lovers. The result was she still had a smoking hot body, and even though they were implants, her tits looked amazing.

I ogled her body for a few seconds before shaking my head.

“Mum, we can’t,” I repeated.

“But dear, it could be amazing,” she crossed the distance between us and I felt her hand rubbing against the bulge in my shorts. I was still worked up from Tori earlier and then Vicky, and even though I had no interest in fucking my mother, her body was still amazing to look at.

Things had been really great with Dad and me lately, and even though the idea of incest wasn’t horrible to me, I didn’t want to help my mother cheat on my father. After all, incest or not, I loved Tori, and it’s because I loved her so much that I was able to get past the barrier of fucking a family member. I held love for my mother, but it wasn’t the same.

“I’m sorry Mum,” I took her wrist in my hand and firmly removed it from my body. “I love Tori, I don’t love you that way.”

I looked my mother in the eyes as I spoke, and saw the moment she realized she wasn’t getting what she wanted.

My mother could have an anger problem; she was spoilt by her father and then in her younger years by my own father. She rarely had to deal with someone saying no to her, especially her own son.

“Then I guess your father will have to know about this shameful family secret,” she said in a scornful tone.

I snapped. This woman was threatening to expose her own children if I didn’t have sex with her. She wanted what her own daughter had, that happiness, or she wanted it gone. I wasn’t going to have any of that.

The change in my mood must have shown on my face, because my mother took a step back. I took one forward.

“You selfish cunt,” I growled. “You care so much about what YOU want that you’d risk breaking up this family.”

“Jas-” she started, but I cut her off.

“Shut up!” I barked. “You’re going to delete that video and keep your mouth shut, because you love your family. Because you love your daughter.”

She backed up until her legs hit the couch and she fell backwards. She was still naked, but I never took my eyes from hers.

“I love Tori,” I leaned down to look her in the eyes. “I’ll never love you that way, no matter what you do or say. Just know, if you show that to Dad, or tell him about Tori and me, you’ll never see either of us again.”

I straightened, grabbed my towel, and left the apartment.

The feelings I had when dealing with my mother that day were still alien to me. I’d never really been very assertive, but something snapped in me that day, something that knew I needed to protect Tori.

It seemed to have worked, my father hadn’t confronted me about the video and I’d seen my mother plenty of times after that and she hadn’t said a word about the encounter, nor the video of Tori and me. Although, she did look down whenever our eyes met in private.

I didn’t want to scare my mother, but that was the only way I could see to make her back off. I thought about my threat to leave. I knew I’d have to; if my father had found out he would definitely disown me and kick me out. I’d take Tori with me; she was old enough to be out on her own now. It would be tough, but we could do it.

I was just glad that the threat of us leaving was enough to make my mother back off.

I was still surprised she came onto me like she did. I had feelings that my mother had been checking me out since I’d been home, but nothing solid. I could only take a guess that she saw what was happening amongst Tori and her friends and wanted in. Maybe incest was a genetic trait and she’d always had that inside her.

I decided I’d spent far too much of this trip mulling over that encounter and why my mother had backed off, or why she’d even pursued me anyway. It was time to enjoy the weekend with my girls.

I’d planned a trip down to the south coast of New South Wales for the girls and myself. Whilst we had great beaches in Sydney, the south coast really was a magical place to visit. Our parents had a holiday house in a small coastal town of Malua Bay, a place we’d been to many times when we were children.

The weather would be nice and hot, and the girls would be in bikinis or less all weekend. I was really looking forward to it.

“Pit stop,” I announced to the car.

The girls stopped for a second, then continued their chattering. They’d become a lot better at just being themselves in my company and I was starting to feel really comfortable with my little harem. They were all friends and my lovers, they all knew about Tori and me-plus Liz and Vicky-and no one ever got jealous.

I knew it was mostly up to me to make sure I gave each girl the attention she deserved, but so far I’d been doing a pretty good job of it. Plus, the more sex I had, the more I wanted.

I pulled the big SUV into the petrol station and parked beside one of the pumps. Lucy’s father had offered to let us borrow the seven-seater when he overheard us planning the trip. I had planned on renting one or asking my father to borrow one from the work vehicles, but this worked out great.

Our parents knew I had relations with Hayley and Vicky-possibly Lucy-and that the girls were happy with sharing, so me being on this trip wasn’t to abnormal. Lucy’s father knew I’d taken her on a date and her brother knew about Hayley and me too, but he didn’t seem to care. But both my father and Lucy’s father had said they were glad I was going with the girls, since I’d be driving them, and I’d be able to keep an eye on them.

I’d be keeping my eyes on the girls alright.

The girls piled out of the SUV and headed into the petrol station; Tori gave me a quick kiss before following her friends. It was nice to be able to kiss my sister in public without fear of someone we knew seeing it, to anyone around here we were just two lovers who didn’t mind openly expressing ourselves.

I popped the fuel cap and started filling the tank, watching the dollars tick up on the pump. This thing was a beast and used a lot of fuel, but I had to make sure I returned it with a full tank. It was the courteous thing to do when borrowing someone’s vehicle. Unlike that time I let my housemate borrow my car and he brought it back with the fuel light on.

As I stood there waiting for the tank to fill up, I watched the girls through the glass walls of the petrol station. Vicky and Tori were trying on cheap sunglasses and making silly faces in the mirror while Lucy and Liz were picking out some snacks and Hayley was using the ATM. Just as the pump shut off-signalling that the tank was nice and full-a car pulled up and four guys climbed out. The car was a piece of shit that I was sure wasn’t road worthy, since it rattled and the brakes ground when they abruptly stopped.

But it wasn’t the car that held my attention, it was the guys getting out of the small two door hatchback like it was a clown car.

The driver was insanely tall, lanky and really tanned with short blonde hair. He wore oversized sunglasses and had a stupid, open mouthed look on his face.

The front seat passenger was quite a bit shorter, and rounder. He had a shaved head and a scruffy unkempt beard growing in patches across his rounded jaw. He too wore sunglasses, although these were as stupidly large as the driver.

The two who climbed out of the backseat could have been brothers, although one was clearly younger.

Both had brown unkempt hair that hung about their shoulders and short stubble. I doubted any girl would find them attractive, even just passable. They too were lightly tanned and the older one had an arrogant look about him, walking with a slight swagger.

All four of the group were shirtless and even at first glance, I had a bad feeling about these guys.

I returned the pumped and tightened the petrol cap before locking the car and heading into the petrol station. The girls were still hanging about inside, Hayley, Liz and Lucy were at the counter buying drinks and snacks for the group whilst Vicky and Tori hung about the sunglass stand near the entrance.

Three of the four guys had entered before me, the tall lanky one staying back at the car to fill it up. The shorter stocky guy headed for the snacks after giving my two lovers the eye up and down. But the two I thought were brothers stopped to have a chat.

I didn’t want to butt in and make a scene and I knew my sister and her best friend could handle a couple of guys creeping on them, so I headed for the counter to pay for the fuel.

Liz was in front of me as I walked up and I got a great view of her taut ass through her skin-tight leggings.

She looked over her shoulder and gave me a wink before stepping forward to place her items down.

Lucy and Hayley stepped back once they were done and stood by me.

“Who are those guys?” Hayley asked, nodding over my shoulder.

“No idea,” I replied.

I looked over my shoulder for a second to see the older of the two giving Vicky a wide smile while leaning much to close for my liking. The blonde bombshell didn’t seem phased by how close he was, but I knew Vicky was an expert at dealing with guys she wasn’t interested in. Whilst Hayley would give the cold shoulder and flash her resting bitch face, Vicky would say all the right things to keep the guy in a good mood, without giving anything away. Making him feel like he was the player in control.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

My sister on the other hand, she wasn’t so capable with random guys. She’d dated before, but she just wasn’t as well versed in dealing with men as her best friend was.

“You think I should intervene?” I asked my lovers.

“No, that would only escalate things,” Hayley replied.

Just then the shorter guy came to the counter with an arm load of snacks, Liz stepped away since she’d paid for her items and I stepped forward to pay for the fuel.

Once I was done I stepped away from the counter with my three lovers and we made our way over to Vicky and Tori.

“Hey Tori, we’re all done,” I called out to my sister when we approached the entrance.

Tori smiled gratefully and went to step passed the two who’d been talking to them, but the older one put his arm out to block her path.

“We’re just talking here,” the older of the brothers said with a cocky grin.

“Talks over, we gotta hit the road,” I replied, meeting his stare.

The younger of the two hadn’t spoken a word, but he did stare daggers at me, probably thought I was trying to steal his date away.

I was getting ready to square up for a fight with these two, knowing full well the other two were nearby. I guessed I could take each one of them on their own, the older of the brothers was the only one who looked to have any muscle on him, though the stocky guy could probably hit pretty hard. I didn’t like my chances of taking all four.

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