Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


Aside from his jeans, a white t-shirt, socks and sneakers the important item of clothing Leffera brought to him the night before was his black hoodie. The sweater’s hood was large enough to cover his new headgear so he hoped to slip out of the hospital with some anonymity. When the lift opened to the lobby he was shocked to see a huge crowd waiting outside the front doors. He jammed the door close button and the elevator took him down one more level to the parking garage. He peeked around the door when it opened and saw Bal and Gee waiting to board. When they saw him they held the door open and gestured for him to exit.

He stepped cautiously out in the basement lobby and they each took an arm and led him to an armoured transport.

Only the three of them were in the back this time as the vehicle moved out.

He looked at the two females who were sitting stiffly on the opposite bench trying to avoid looking at him. He felt really bad about what happened when they tried to get him back to Altaria.

“Bal, Gee. I just wanted to tell you both how very sorry I am about how I behaved when we were last together,” he said gently. He saw their eyes dart to him and away.

“Apparently my body was going through some kind of transformation and it was throwing all kinds of pheromones out that caused a lot of unintended and uncontrolled behavior. I’m so sorry. I hold you two in utmost respect and I believe you are consummate professional who were placed in a really bad situation. Even with that you still got the job done. Thank you.”

He saw them both nod. He was getting a little over heated in his sweater. He unzipped it and as he was safe from prying eyes in the windowless vehicle he tossed the hood back and relaxed back against the seat.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Bal and Gee gasped simultaneously and stared wide eyed at his horns.

“Oh, yeah. This was the end result of the transformation. Crazy, huh?” he scowled then closed his eyes as he leaned his head back. He rested a while letting the gentle sway of the vehicle rock him into a calm state. After a bit he realized it was taking longer than normal to get back to his place. He felt it banking and wondered where they were going.

He heard a throat clear and opened his eyes. Gee and Bal were leaning forward. Gee was the one trying to get his attention. “Yes?”

“We’ve been ordered to bring you to the Security Ministry’s headquarters for a press conference. News of your… transformation hit the social network last night when a hospital volunteer overheard some nurses talking about you. She snuck into your room and took a picture of you sleeping and posted it. Your- Your horns are much more impressive in person. The photo did them no justice at all,” Gee said nervously.

Jack was mortified! Someone took a photo of him sleeping and posted it online? Suddenly he felt very, very angry. Bal and Gee saw his expression change and looked at each other nervously. “This… person was arrested?” he growled deeply.

They nodded wide eyed.

“I would like to… speak to her,” Jack stated, his voice dropping another octave.

“That’s not a good idea,” Gee said and he looked at her barely holding his rage in check.

The vehicle swooped down to land in the guarded lot behind the building. The rear door opened and Gee was first out. Jack was right at her back as she let the way into the building with Bal scrambling to keep up.

He hadn’t bothered pulling his hood back up so as they walked through the halls of the building the office workers stopped to stare at the imposing, angry man with the gorgeous horns. Gee brought him to Hellna’s office. Her secretary got up immediately and fumbled with the door knobs as she couldn’t tear her eyes from Jack. Once the door was open Gee and Jack walked in and Bal waited outside.

Hellna looked up and her eyes widened but she smiled. “That will be all Gee. Thank you.” She stood and walked around her desk to shake Jack’s hand as he had shaken hers. This gentle civil behavior calmed some of Jack’s ire. He took the chair she offered him. “Would you care for a beverage?” she asked calmly.

“Yes, water please.” He was beginning to feel a little better.

She turned to the door where her secretary stood transfixed. “Steffa, a bottle of water for Mr. Danner if you will.” At the sound of her name the secretary spun and rushed to get the bottle from the little fridge. She rushed back into the office to give the bottle to Jack but Hellna intercepted and gestured for Steffa to leave and close the door.

Hellna handed the water to Jack and took the seat next to him.

“I’m terribly sorry for the deeply personal invasion you have endured. The culprit has been detained and will stand trial. We will be seeking the maximum punishment for her actions. I’m afraid the image has also made its way into Earth’s social network as well. We are being contacted by the Earth Council demanding to speak with you. The best way to deal with this is through a press conference where you can present yourself and state your request for privacy for all to hear. There must be respect for your personal space. We are a civilized race. Some need to be reminded of this fact.”

Jack took a long drink of the cool water. Then he took several deep cleansing breaths. “Yes, I suppose that would be the best solution to this situation. When can we do this?” he sighed.

“The press is waiting for you downstairs in the main conference room. Every major network is there so everyone should be notified of your wishes in one broadcast. This will also be broadcast on Earth. I’m sorry if they don’t take the news as appreciatively as the Altarians will.”

Jack just hung his head and nodded.

He caught Hellna’s eyes swinging up to his horns.

“Would you like to touch them?” he asked with resignation.

“No! Uh, no, I wouldn’t want to offend you.” she stuttered, her eyes locked onto them.

“It’s OK. Go ahead,” he said leaning his head down for her. He realized that while the horns were heavy, his neck, shoulder, back and chest muscles had bulked up to compensate for their weight so the difference was negligible. He wondered how the extra mass was going to affect his running.

He felt her gentle touch as she ran the fingers of one hand over the ridges.

“They’re lovely!” she said with wonder in her voice.

“I’m sorry. I don’t understand the attraction. Humans don’t have horns. We’ve never had them. It’s not part of our cultural bias for beauty,” he said, gently pulling his head back. He recalled the evening before when Leffera brought him his clothes and the hoodie. She had been stunned to see his new headgear and had to be gently pushed from the room after visiting hours were over. If she’d stayed he was sure she would have been in his bed. He’d scented her intense interest and it took everything in him to resist the urge to grab her and fuck her senseless again. His drive was almost out of control.

“Are you ready?” Hellna asked, having composed herself again.

“As ready as I’ll ever be I suppose.” he sighed.

They stood and Hellna led them out of her office. Now that Jack had calmed he pulled his hoodie over his head to disguise himself on the walk there.

Bal and Gee fell into position with Bal leading and Gee taking up the rear.

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