Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


The doctor and Karrel were both looking at his cock so he pulled the sheet back to cover himself. “What the hell happened to me?” he yelled.

“It would take an in-depth study to truly pinpoint the exact cause but if I had to guess I would say it was a combination of things. Your… lifestyle exposed you to the musk of females in heat over an extended period of time. You also ingested potent fertilization hormones from the secretions of multiple ovulating females. These on their own couldn’t have done it but combined with your particular genetics you became receptive to a very rare but typically benign Altarian virus. For us the virus simply causes a dormant pigment gene to activate causing monochromatism, the genetic alteration of our fur and eye coloring to a single shade. Typically black or white. For you it bonded some dormant Altarian genes into your genetic sequence. Back at the dawn of our race all of our males once had proud and full horns like you now wear. The trait still remains in our genes but it is dormant. For you, they activated. Your horns are very attractive,” Jinnae said with a smile.

“Except I’m Human and we’ve never had horns. It’s going to be highly problematic for me to return to Earth looking like this. Can you remove them?”

The doctor looked shocked and appalled at the suggestion then shook her head. “No, they’re integral to the structural integrity of your skull now. It would leave your brain cavity vulnerable to damage if they were removed.”

“So, they’re permanent,” he groaned.

“Yes, but they really are very attractive,” she said and bit her lip. “Uh, if you have further questions I can be reached by calling the nurses station.” With that she fled the room in a cloud of musk.

Karrel moved closer and took his hand again as he was looking a little lost. “There is something else that’s changed for you. Well, two things really but I’ll let you know the second one tomorrow when you’ve had time to process this.”

He looked up at her with a worried expression.

“It’s a good thing,” she smiled. “You know females emit a musk which signals willingness to mate?” She smiled and nodded towards the doorway where the doctor just fled. “Males constantly emit a musk which broadcasts their suitability for mating. It’s like a… calling card, a report on the male’s health, strengths, and weaknesses. Females pick up this scent and if they find it agreeable it triggers them to emit their musk. Your glands have changed and now you emit this male musk. It is VERY agreeable.”

“Well that’s a good thing because I could never get a date for Friday nights,” he grumbled.

She understood that he was being sarcastic, not her favorite kind of humor. She saw him give himself a shake and a determined look passed over his face. She watched him with pride as he forced himself to adjust to this new state of being.

“OK, I can roll with this punch. Like she said, I’m healthy so it’s just a cosmetic change… mostly. I can deal with this. So I look a little different and I assume I smell a little different. It’s not offensive?” he asked quickly.

Karrel grinned and shook her head vigorously.

“Right. Altarians like it at least. Well… I can get used to these things. Are there sprays or perfumes one can wear to nullify the musk?” he asked.

She laughed delightfully thinking he was kidding then went wide eyed when she realized he was serious. “Why would you want to suppress your wonderful scent?” she gasped, reaching out absent mindedly to stroke one of his horns with a finger.

“You know, so I could actually get some work done in the office?” he groaned watching her fondle his horn.

He jolted as he suddenly remembered his promise to the Earth Council members. “How long have I been in the hospital?”

“About a month.”

“I told the Earth Council I’d only take a few days to recuperate!” he exclaimed.

“Not to worry. I’ve been in touch with them. They will wait for you to be ready,” she assured him.

“Can I go back to my apartment?” he asked.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I believe the doctor plans to discharge you from the hospital tomorrow morning,” Karrel replied.

He sighed and leaned back looking at Karrel with a smile. “I really did miss you! How was your visit with the Regency?”

“It was a very good visit! I hadn’t been back home in years!” she smiled in return.

Her words sunk in. “Home? You’re related to the ruling family?” he croaked.

“Yes, my mother is Queen,” she said factually.

“Princess Karrel?” he croaked again.

“We don’t use that honorific anymore. Only ‘Queen’ remains in use,” she smiled sweetly as her eyes and fingers returned to his horns.

“Karrel… Karrel? KARREL!”

“Hmmm?” she hummed as she looked back at his eyes. He plucked her hands off of his horns and gently set them by her side. She gave him a sweet little pout which he ignored.

“You said there was one more thing you were going to tell me about my changes. I think I’d like to hear it now. Get it all on one sitting,” he said, steeling himself.

She bent down and gave him a quick peck on the lips and spun around. “Tomorrow!” she said as she ducked out of the door. As the door closed some nurses were passing by and slammed to a halt as they caught sight of his horns. The door finally closed blocking their stares and he groaned in anticipation of his new celebrity.

For Altarian females the horns promoted him to stud muffin status. He had no idea what the Altarian males would make of him. He hadn’t spent too much time with any and the ones he had spoken with had all been self-absorbed flakes.

For humanity he was going to be the ‘Freak with Horns’. He recalled the raven haired beauty at the Gate Terminal on Earth… Diana, right. Well, he could forget about calling her any time soon. She’d likely run screaming.

He looked over at the table next to the bed and saw a phone. He picked it up and dialed a number. He was going to need Leffera to pick up a change of clothes for him from his apartment for tomorrow. He’d ask her to bring it by tonight.

The next morning the doctor came by to give him the good news. The latest test results indicated that his body had indeed stabilized. No more changes were expected. The factors that had altered his body chemistry, his very DNA, were now a part of him. They could no longer have any transformative effects on him. And wasn’t he a delicious looking specimen! She was practically salivating as she delivered her news. She signed his release forms and he was free to go.

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