Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 181

Tense silence remained for most of the day. Ryker barely acknowledged my existence and was still angry from breakfast. When his brothers came home from wherever they went they walked into his office with annoyed expressions on their faces.

Ryker looks at them. I watched their silent exchange and I could see they were doing that mind talking Ryker told me about. I had sat in the same position on the small chair all day watching him glare at his computer screen and the numerous papers on his desk.

Ryker suddenly stands up before realising I was in the room. “Get up, I need to sort something” He says and I hurriedly get to my feet, eager to be able to get off this damn chair that turned my bum numb.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“We can watch her?” Tyson says looking at me.

“I wouldn’t trust you to watch a goldfish” Ryker tells him. The boy growls at him and Ryker motions for me to follow with his hand when the other boy speaks up.

“We can watch her, you won’t run will you Reika?” Ace the other twin asks and I shake my head. Ryker looks at me before looking at them.

“Come on Ryker, she must be bored watching you read over pack business” Tyson chimes in and he was right. I had been sitting here for hours. It was like being in the cells again.

“You run from them or leave their sides I will chain you in a cage” He says and I nod, a smile breaking onto my face that I was allowed to leave the room.

“And you two, take her out of this house”-

“Yeah yeah we know you will skin us alive and hang us up like beef jerky” Tyson says and Ryker growls at him. He wouldn’t really skin his own brothers alive would he, I thought to myself.

“Fine I am trusting you with her, and you with them” He says looking at me.

“I won’t do anything, I promise” I tell him and he nods giving us one last look before walking out and leaving me with them. My wolf is stirring to life and peering through my eyes. Tyson and Ace staring at me with triumphant grins on their faces. Tyson looks out the office door before popping his head back in and closing the door.

“I thought we were leaving the room?” I ask them disappointed.

“Oh we are but first let’s rearrange his office” Tyson says and I see Ace’s eyes light up deviously. I huff annoyed sitting down. Both of them rummage through drawers before Tyson ducks out of the room before returning with a tube of something. They both start squeezing the tube’s contents on everything on Rykers desk before placing it carefully back.

“What are you doing?” I ask as I watch them.

“Supergluing everything” Ace answers

“Why?” Tyson looks over at me as he glues a stapler and all the papers together.

“So it doesn’t fall off” He says, making me bunch my brows together confused. When they are done Tyson drags me out of the room by my hand pulling me up the stairs.

“I don’t think Ryker is going to be happy about this?” My wolf states and I could feel her worry as I followed them in their room. It smelt strongly of their scents. Two beds across from each other and a huge TV sat on the wall with some machine with weird controllers. The boys grab another tube of something else before pulling me out of the room toward Rykers room.

I watch as they empty some green round tub of the contents before squirting the contents of the new tube into it and placing it back.

“What is that stuff” I ask as they put everything back.

“Well it was hair gel?” Ace beams at me.


“Yeah my brother loves his hair, so we thought we would remove it” Tyson says.


“Because he locked me in a boot for hours and I need revenge” Tyson says.

“But I like his hair,” I tell them.

“You dob, and he will be mad at you” Ace tells me.

“Why would he be mad, I didn’t do it”

“Because we will tell him you did, he doesn’t trust you so would believe us” Tyson says though I had a feeling he was lying his heart beat pumped erratically in his chest while he spoke.

“Oi hop out I am going to do an upper decker” Ace says.

“What’s an upper decker?”

“I am going to shit in the water tank up top so, shit comes out when he flushes” He says pointing to the top of the toilet.

“Disgusting, I am not taking the blame for that” My wolf tells me and I agree, these boys were gross. I walk out with Tyson and walk into Ryker’s wardrobe following Tyson.

“Now what are you doing?” I ask him.

“Looking, snooping” He shrugs before walking out. I watch as he goes over to the pillow and grabs it.

He laughs before farting in it. My face is heating up at what he did. That was disgusting. Ace walks out of the bathroom closing the door.

“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you, that was rank, oh and I wiped his toothbrush on my balls” He says and he and his brother race out of the room pulling me back to theirs. Tyson turns the TV on and hands me a controller. I stare at it, wondering what I am meant to do.

They explain it is a game, and what the buttons do. I tried a few times. It was hard my person kept spinning in circles looking at the roof. I gave up handing the controller to Tyson and him and his brother played while I watched. After another hour I heard the door downstairs open. Both Tyson and Ace laugh before Ace turns to me.

“Remember you dob, we pin it on you” He says and I nod. We don’t hear anything for a few minutes before I hear Ryker curse.

“Where are you little pricks?” I hear him scream from downstairs before hearing haste footsteps on the stairs. Both boys toss their controllers before darting under their beds.

“Get under the bed” Tyson says and I scrunch my face at his words. He would be able to smell us in here, their scent was strong so I don’t know why they are hiding. I remain seated on the floor in front of the TV. The door bursting open with so much force it smashes into the walls.

“You little fucking shits” He yells looking around for them. I point to the bed beside me. Ryker walks over before bending down and reaching under. I hear both boys start screaming as Ryker’s hand closes around on Tysons ankle jerking him out from under the bed. His hands clawing at the carpet as his brother drags him out.

“I am so done with you little bastards” Ryker growls at the kicking and screaming boy. Rykler undoes his belt buckle with one hand.

“What are you doing?” Tyson screams a panicked look on his face.

“Giving you the whooping mum won’t give you” He says before slamming the belt down on his ass. The sound echoing off the walls and I flinch at the noise. He smacks Tysons ass with the belt 5 times, the boy squealing and squirming while rykers foot was on his back.

“I’m telling Dad” The boy screams.

“Tell him and I will whip his ass for not whipping yours” Ryker screams at him. Ace tries to do a runner out from under the bed making a run for the door, While Tyson rubbed his now bright red ass.

Ryker grips the back of his shirt, jerking him back and whooping his ass too. Rykler stands his eyes pitch black as he glared at his brothers who were whining about their bruised egos and burning bums.

Ryker eyes fall on me and my breath hitches, my wolf whimpers in my head as he walks toward me. I scoot backwards afraid he was going to smack me with his belt.

Shuffling backwards on my hands getting away from him and I could feel my wolf become angry at my fear of him getting ready to jump into control. Ryker stops looking down at me and cocking his head to the side.

He holds his hand out to me and I look at it, before placing my trembling one in his. He pulls me to my feet. “You didn’t try to run” He states, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer.

He glares down at his brothers and growls. “Come, let them lick their wounds” He says, pulling me out of their room and towards the stairs.

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