Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 180

He stops at a door opening it. I look inside. “Main bathroom” He says, showing me inside before tugging me to another door near the end of the long hallway before the corner turns.

“My office, if you can’t find me. I am usually in here, but until you can be trusted you remain with me” He says looking down at me. He tugs me around the corner leading onto another hall, the house seemed neverending. He stops at a glass door before pushing it open. “Infirmary” He says, showing me inside. My heart skips a beat when I see the steel table in the middle of the room, jars of different liquid on the shelves reminding me of the table they would strap us to before injecting multiple things into us or removing things from us. Adrenaline hitting me as my heart races. My wolf lurching forward a growl escaping me as she presses forward ready to attack when he stops trying to pull me in the room. Instead looking down at me.

He closes the door and I feel my wolf relax and my body. He pulls me down a flight of stairs and I can see the front door. He points down one side of the stairs. “Down there are mainly conference rooms, and more offices, over here” He told me, pulling me toward the other side of the stairs. “Living room, through that door is, dining room and kitchen” He says. I nod and follow him to the kitchen where the other boy was sitting at the table eating.

“I know, I know training I heard you tell Tyson” The boy says looking at Ryker.

“Go sit, I will make you something to eat” He says and I sit next to the boy who was staring at me, he smiles cheekily.

“So are you keeping this one?” He asks his brother.

“Ace enough” Ryker says to him and he quiets down going back to eating his mushy food.

“You’re a mutation?” The boy asks me and I see Ryker look at me out of the corner of my eye.

“You have a wolf?” The boy asks. I nod to him.

“Do you know what sort of mutation you are?” He asks.

“Hybrid, they said”

“So you drink blood and have a wolf?” He asks.

“Only hybrid blood” I tell him and he moves his chair over. I see Ryker’s lips tug up. While the boy looks at me scared.

“You’re like Ryker, you have a wolf. I can sense it” I tell him and he cocks his head to the side watching me.

“Why don;t you drink human blood?” He asks.

“We only were allowed to drink each other’s,” I tell him and I could feel my wolf becoming nervous at me answering his questions.

“Why and who are the others?” He asks.

“They are like me, humans didn’t like us drinking human blood”

“Have you drunk human blood?” The boy asks. I shake my head.

“Smells funny” I tell him.

“Do you drink blood?” I ask him. He shakes his head.

“My wolf likes animal blood”

“What colour is your wolf?” He asks.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“White” Ryker tells him.

“Completely white?” His brother asks, confusing me. Ryker nods.

“Is that bad?” I ask and the boy shakes his head.

“No, just different, usually they have colour somewhere, when did you shift?”

“Ace leave her alone, I don’t want you talking to her”

“I don’t mind” I tell him and he seems annoyed.

“You wouldn’t answer me when I asked questions” Ryker says walking over and putting a plate in front of me. It smelt nice, I picked up a piece of meat. The boy snags a piece off my plate. Ryker growls at him but I move the plate over letting him share what’s on it and the boy sticks his tongue out at him.

Ryker sits down and starts eating his. I sniff the piece of meat. It smelt better than the toast Lana gave me.

“It’s a sausage, were you born on another planet, how do you not know that?”

“They only gave us oatmeal and each other’s blood,” I tell him.

“Have you never eaten real food?”

“I ate a bear when they let me out,” I told him.

“Will you stop telling them things?” My wolf growls at me.

“But I like him , he seems nice,” I tell her.

“That doesn’t matter we are going to have to kill him and leave soon, don’t forget what’s at stake if we don’t do what we agreed to” I nod pressing my lips in a line. I wanted friends but my wolf wouldn’t allow it and she was right, no point making friends when I would have to kill them soon.

“What’s wrong?’ The boy asks. I shake my head.

‘What did your wolf just say to you?” Ryker asks me, making me look at him.

“You can tell?”

“Yes your eyes glaze over when you speak to her, what did she say?” He asks. I shake my head not wanting to answer.

“Nothing” I tell him. But he growls at me.

“You’re lying now tell me” He commands.

“Ryker she is your mate” The boy says defending me.

“Yes, one I don’t trust, now tell me” He says his alpha aura rolling over me and I feel my wolf trying to fight against it.

“That I shouldn’t tell you things” I blurt out as pain ripples through my stomach and up my spine.

He leans back in his chair and I feel sweat run down the side of my face.

“What’s wrong with you, haven’t you learned anything after Danika. You kill this one dad won’t forgive you” The boy says getting up from his seat and walking to the kitchen.

“Dad doesn’t know about her and you speak a word of it to them and I may just kill you, brother or not mind your own business Ace, she is not your concern” Ryker snaps at him. The boy flicks his hair out of his eyes dumping his plate in the sink before walking off. Ryker sighs annoyed before looking at me. “Eat” He says and I look back down while eating my food.

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