Her Mafia Lord


Chapter Fifty Nine

Three things one cannot escape; death, taxes and the fact that Bianca could pass out any moment from now due to fear.

The door suddenly burst opened, revealing a tall man; he was huge and Bianca could swear he was taller than most of Amore and Giovanni’s escort. Even Lucifer would shrink upon seeing his height. He had a cigarette laced on his mouth and an eye patch covering one of his eye. The skull tattoo graced his both arms evidently. He had scars at the other patch less eye and his teeth were definitely made of gold as he smiled at her.

“Just like my father had told me before passing out, you my dear are a beauty” He commented as he puffed his smoke into the air. He approached Bianca who hadn’t moved from the spot she was seated due to fear and her cheeks.

“Spotless and above all your eyes are like the fiery lioness who go hunting for her cubs” Bianca felt shivers ran down her spine as he pronounced every word.

“Uhmmm… Please sir….” Tevez shushed Herman before he could say anything

“Let me finish admiring her before you could say anything” He said before turning again to look at Bianca with a smile still placed on his lips.

“And like he said, there shall be two cuts on her wrist” He indicated, holding Bianca’s hands up for examination. “It may seem as though you have been avoiding us godmother”

Bianca felt weird being referred to as a godmother, she didn’t know how to reply to any of his statement and so remained mute.

“Anyways, my feelings don’t get hurt that easily. Oh! Apologies for having to knock out your escort, I figured out that he may become a nuisance at the end of the day” He said still trailing his hands on her scar.

“Okay, I can feel this tension in the air, why don’t you say something godmother” He said feeling exasperated by the silence that covered the entire room.

“I uhmm… I….. I don’t know what to say” Bianca found her voice.

“Don’t worry, you don’t need to talk too much” He said. Tevez eyes went down to her belly, noticing how heavy she was pregnant.

“Whose baby is this” He said trying to touch her stomach but Bianca found herself shoving her hands off her stomach.

“My husband’s” She replied holding her stomach up defensively.

“Marco Amore?” He asked with a scowl on his face.

“Yes. Any problem with that?” she asked raising one eye up to stare at him.

“Well, nothing much. It’s just that recently, Amore and the gang have been in a field of war and knowing that our godmother is his wife will certainly hurt the boys” Bianca couldn’t still wrap her hands over the fact that she was named a ‘godmother’ to the most dangerous gang in all of New York.

“Anyway, I just came to pay homage to you and to let you know that in due time, the gang will come and pay homage too” He pointed out as he stood to his feet.

“One more thing before I leave, if by any chance Amore tries to touch you, do not hesitate to call on us, we will be there for you” He indicated before taking his leave.


It had been three weeks since Romeo had been staying with Doris and she couldn’t be more thankful for having to let him stay. Romeo has been far entertaining and had brought smiles to her face on numerous occasions that she had suddenly began to feel the chemistry between both of them.

“You know, if they ever told me that there is an underground world where people control our city, I would not believe it” Doris stated on a beautiful Friday evening.

“Well, there is obviously more to what New York city holds than you could ever expect” Romeo replied as they watch a serie on Netflix.

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door and both stared at each other as though asking if they were expecting anyone.

“I will go get the door” Doris indicated as she stood up from the couch. Romeo had a bad feeling about and so . o ed up the stairs hastily to go hide in one of the four room in the apartment.

When Doris opened the door, she was surprised to see a group of men dressed in all black with dark shades on their face.

“Excuse me? How may I help you” They simply shoved her away and entered into her apartment

“This is trespass and i could call the police on you” she indicated as she followed them in, trying to get their attention.

The men searched everywhere across the living room and they spread out to the various rooms to go and search.

“What are you looking for” Doris asked but her question was simply ignored. After few minutes of searching, they all came back.

“Madam, do you by any chance harbour this man” one of them asked, bringing out a passport of Romeo.

“I don’t know what you are talking about” Doris replied trying to find her courage even though she was scared.

“That doesn’t transcend into a valid answer ma’am. I ask again, do you by any chance know this man?”

“I haven’t seen him before, I know Romeo from school but there is no way I could have him in my house. Precise, you just finished checking” She replied with a shrug.

The men stared at themselves and nodded their heads in unison before heading out of her apartment.

“If you by any chance see him, here is our card, don’t hesitate to call us. And one more thing, we don’t hate liars and we certainly do home that you are not one hell of a liar” Doris simply nodded her head and watched as they left her apartment.

“What just happened?” She asked herself as she peeped through her window to see they were gone.


Viola and Lucifer’s relationship had been going strong, they went to places together and infact did things that couples usually do.

“I have never felt this bliss before” She said as they sat by the beach watching the moon from afar. They both had cigarettes in their hands as they puffed up smokes into the air.

“Yea. Look at that star over there? It flows brighter than the rest of the other stars. That is a representation of you. You glow Viola” And for the first time, Viola blushed to a comment from Lucifer.

While they sat in silence smoking and watching up the rivers flow in it’s grace, Viola’s phone suddenly beeped and she checked to see a message

Dear Viola

Thank you for all the pain you have cost me, I thought we could go through this life together and live as one but it turns out, you have already made your choice. I don’t have anything to live for Viola, you are all I ever had and it will remain that way but I guess, loving people brings out their your weakness. Anyways, I am writing this message because after this, I would be gone forever, I would no longer be in your live again. You can have Giovanni to yourself and I do hope he cares for you like you pointed out. Till we meet by the other side.


“Shit” Viola sprang up to her feet, puffing out a smoke and throwing the remaining tray of cigarettes on the floor

“What is happened?” Lucifer asked confused at her sudden reaction.

“We need to go now! Dave might have fucked himself up” Lucifer eyes widened in shock. He stood up to his feet, dusting off the dusts off his trousers and throwing away his own cigarettes and followed Viola as they rushed towards his bike.

“What did you saw?” Lucifer asked, giving Viola the second helmet as she hopped into the back.

“Something like a suicide note” She commented as Lucifer stepped on the bike, bringing it to life and speeding away.

When they arrived at their apartment, they were shocked to see medics already at their apartment.

“Are you Miss Viola?” One of the medic team asked and she nodded in affirmative.

“We need you to sign this” They handed her a document which had an autopsy report indicated at the top.

“Why do I need to sign this?”

“Because Mr. Dave happened to have stayed at your apartment while he died. It will serve as a credibility for you as he had committed suicide” The man explained. After she was done signing, they both hurried into her apartment but before she could enter, the medics had already covered the body in white clothing as they catered it away into the ambulance.

“This is all my fault” Viola said as she became emotional watching the ambulance drive off the apartment.

“Pull yourself together, I can understand that you had spoken harsh words to him on that faithful day but I need you to understand that you were drunk” Lucifer said hugging her as she cried.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“It’s all my fault”

“All will be well” He said patting her back

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