Her Mafia Lord


Chapter Fifty Eight

Amore entered the living room, startling her. Bianca noticed the passive reaction on his face and wondered to herself, what she had done this time to earn this reaction from him.

“Whatsup babe?” She managed to ask.

“I need to know, did Romeo called you?” Bianca held a confused look on her face at the mention of Romeo.

“I thought you promised me; never to speak to any guy again” Amore ruffled his hair and approached the sofa, seating down and throwing his head upwards.

“What seems to be the matter babe, you look disturbed” Bianca indicated. Amore decided to swallow up all the nervousness he had and told her the truth.

“Romeo escaped from my hands”

“Hold up a minute, what do you mean escape” Bianca asked.

“Yes, I got to his location and took him into confinement” Bianca sighed; this was all her fault. Knowing Romeo had escaped from Amore, she was elated as she couldn’t live with the guilt of having to betray his trust.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“And now, the son of a bitch escaped” He slammed his hand on the Sofa. Bianca watched as he carried himself back up to his room.

“One thing is certain, I will find him, take what he stole from me and kill him” Those words from Amore sent shivers down to her spine.

“Uhmm….. Amore?” She called playing with her fingers.


“I need you to know that I will be going over to my dad’s place later on”

“And what am I to do about that?” She shut her mouth immediately.

“Nothing, just trying to tell you” Amore hissed and head back to his room. Once he was in, he closed the door, opened the fridge opposite his door and brought out a bottle of Vodka. He poured some of the content into an empty glass and gulped half Immediately. He had informed all his men to search around New York city and also informed his intels to block every route leading outside the city to search the bus. All the reports that he got were negative and he wondered where and how Romeo could possibly flee from his sight.

Amore’s phone began to ring and he picked up almost immediately, not minding who the contact was.


“It’s Brown speaking”

“What do you want” Amore asked gulping the remaining content of vodka.

“You aware of the fact that Giovanni was offered the opportunity to join the Skull gang” Amore almost spilled the content out of his mouth upon hearing the information.

“What did you just say”

“My Intel stated that they found Giovanni and Imade on the beach probably having a good time when Tevez the leader of the Skull gang came to meet up with Giovanni. According to what he told me, it seemed as though Tevez is trying to make an offer with Giovanni to join his gang” Brown explained on the phone.

“I doubt if that would happen; Giovanni would never betray the Elite. Despite the fact that I disbanded him from the table, he still remains loyal and so, I don’t think it’s a problem” Amore assured him

“Alright then, if you say so” Amore was about hanging up when Brown brought his attention to a particular issue.

“I also heard Tevez mentioned something like the Skull having a godmother” Brown indicated

“And how is that my concern?” Amore asked.

“Well it states that the godmother of the skull gang is someone so dear to you” Amore stiffened. He wondered who it could possibly be. His thought went on to Bianca but he shoved the idea off immediately. There was no way Bianca could possibly be the godmother of a deadly gang like the Skull gang. He thought of Priscilla, and wondered whether his mother had any dealings with the gang.

Amore was tired of having to think of various issues, he dropped the glass in the fridge and head back to go have a nap.


Evening came and Bianca was on her way to her grand parents home. It was an hour drive from Amore’s home to her grand parents home. When she arrived, she noticed the scenery of the entire house had changed. The presence of flowers were visible and Bianca could not think of any other person who had beautified the house with flower than her grand mom.

When her grand mother opened up the door, she was shocked to see Bianca was with a baby.

“Why didn’t you tell me” Her grand mom asked feeling hurt.

“Alot of things happening in my life grand mom, it didn’t occured to me that I needed to inform you about this” Bianca pointed out.

“Come in, your grand father has been waiting for you” Her mom paved way for her and the escort Amore had assigned to her.

When Bianca noticed her grandfather’s reaction, she simply felt emotional; it had been truly long she saw her old man. He had grown white hairs across the layers of his hair and Bianca could notice the wrinkles on his face.

“Grandfather” She said going down to hug him.

“You are with baby?” Of course those would certainly be the first world of his father.

“Uhmm…. Yea” She said shyly.

“I see your husband is treating you well?” His father asked noticing her bodily feature

“Indeed he is” Bianca had a way with sarcasm that nobody could figure out, not even her father. She slowly took her seat beside her father as her mom watched on as they bonded.

“So, what was it you needed to discuss with me?” Her grand mom asked folding her hands as she gazed intently on her daughter.

Bianca sighed, lifting up the clothe that covered her skin and showing her grandmom the cut once more on her wrist.

“Oh! Bianca, I thought I have told you this before, you cut yourself when you were young and have had that scar over the years”

“No mother, enough of this lies” Both parents stared at her in disbelief; this was the first time she would shout at her mom.

“Am sorry for raising my voice, but the truth remains that I am tired of having to hear the same lies over again. So mother, what happened to my wrist” Bianca watched as her mom sighed in defeat.

“When you were just a Kid, your aunty took you in as Nanny while Herman and I travelled, according to what she told me, her husband was the leader of a notorious gang known as the Skull gang”.


Theo rushed into the house startling Sarah who held Thelma in her hands.

“Il problema” (what is the problem) Sarah asked looking worries over the look of fear that her husband had on his face.

“per uscire da qui” (we need to get out of here immediately) Theo berated, getting his wide uo the couch.

“La Squadra della Morte è qui” (The death squad is here) Sarah gasped upon hearing what her husband had just mentioned.

“Che cosa stai Facendo?” (What do we do?) Sarah asked as she pat Bianca on her hands.

Before Theo could reply her, the Death squad burst into the house, holding up armours of various kinds. Sarah tried to pat Thelma as she kept on crying seeing the noisy scene before her.

“Sono io che vuoiNon fare del male a nessun altro” (It is me you want, don’t hurt anyone) Theo pleaded as he raised his arms up in surrender.

“Pensi davvero di poter scappare” (You really think you could run away from me?) The leader of the death squad approached Sarah, forcefully grabbing baby Bianca away from her hands.

“Per favore, lasciala andare” (Please let her go) Theo pleaded as Sarah held on to the leader’s leg.

“Bella ragazza” (Beautiful girl) the leader commented as he held on to Bianca.

“D’ora in poi Sarà la madrina della mia squadra” (From now onward, she shall be the godmother of my squad) the leader of the death squad brought out his knife

“Come simbolo di autorità le taglierò il polso” (As a symbol of authority, I shall cut her wrist) Before Sarah could scream, the leader had cut Bianca’s wrist carefully not to touch the artries.

“Rimarrà per sempre una parte di noi” (She will forever remain a part of us) He indicated, handing her over to Sarah.

“Sei fortunato che ho trovato questo bambino, Avrei ucciso te e tua moglie” (You are lucky I found this baby, I would have killed you and your wife) he said before eventually heading out of the house with his squad.

Flash back end

Once Bianca finished listening to the history revolving round her cut wrist, she was speechless. She could believe she had been part of a gang since a very tender age.

“And few years later, the leader of the death squad Carlos, died and now the new leader Tevez has been on the hunt to search for you”

“So the death squad’s name was changed to the Skull gang?” She asked looking up to her father. Herman had the same look of disbelief laced on his face. His wife had never informed him of the entire story revolving the cut wrist and now he is getting to know, he felt pissed.

“I am sorry I never told you darling, I couldn’t bring myself to telling you that our grand daughter was a godmother in one of he notorious gang” Bianca watched as tears rolled down on her mom’s cheek. She struggled to stand up and go meet her grand mother.

“I understand mother, I truly do” Bianca was confused herself, she might have claimed she understood, but in the real sense, it didn’t make sense to her.

“And now, Tevez knows that I am the mother of the child his former master had ordained as the godmother of the squad. Bianca, they need you to serve as a mother to them” Never in Bianca’s entire life could she had imagined being an authority in a gangstar fraternity.

“Mama, I want you to understand that nothing would ever happen to me. I may be an authority with the gangstar you just made mentioned to me, but I will never be with them, I choose to live my own life” Bianca turned to look at her grandfather.

“Papa, I want you to understand that it was never mother’s fault, same way I can never blame you for selling me off to Giovanni few years back. It all boils down to fate; i guess this is what fate has for” Bianca said with a defeated sigh.

While there was a momentarily silence for few minutes, Bianca suddenly received a call from her bodyguard standing outside waiting for her.


“Hello Bianca” A rather deep voice compared to what she had been expecting spoke.

“Who is this?”

“You know, I am hurt that you don’t recognize me” The voice chuckled.

“Please, who are you?”

“Hmmm, how do I put it now, oh.. yes! Greetings to the one and only godmother of the Skull gangstar, my name is Carlos Tevez, leader of the most powerful gangstar in all of New York” tThe moment he mentioned this, Thelma froze.

“We meet for the first time godmother”

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