Dear Contract Wife, You Are Mine

Chapter 23

Title: Mad at him

Maybelline Walter POV

I glared hard at Miles and scoffed silently for the umpteenth time. How could he act like nothing happened?

“I shouldn’t have come here in the first place,” I mumbled and rolled my eyes sarcastically. He was so engrossed in his computer like it meant the whole world to him. Wait! Miles really prioritized his work over every other thing, so it meant the whole world to him, apparently.

“Are you ok?” He asked when he looked in my direction and our eyes met.

“I’m fine,” I replied to him bluntly and turned my face away, and I heard him sigh.

“Is it about what happened earlier?” He asked as he turned his full attention to me this time.

“What? That? No… I’m fine,” I tried to be fine even though my tone was evidence that I was not fine.

“Hmm,” I had expected him to try to convince me to talk to him, but I was disappointed when he just nodded his head and turned back to what he was doing.

“You really expect too much from this guy. He is not that nice person. He is not nice!” My subconscious mind reminded me, and I briefly sighed. I suddenly felt suffocated being in the same office as him. I couldn’t stand the sight of him because my blood was boiling in rage whenever the thought of how he yelled at me earlier crossed my mind.

“Do you want to take a walk?” He asked out of the blue moon, his eyes never leaving his computer, and his fingers speeding away on the keyboard like he was a professional typist. Who knows, maybe he really was.

How did he know I was suffocating in here? I asked myself as I gave him a brief stare.

“You can go take a walk if you want to,” He gave his permission and I stood up wordlessly and headed toward the door.

“Don’t hurt yourself out there. And if anything goes wrong, give me a call,” He said to me, but I just rolled my eyes and stepped out of his office.

“Like you care,” I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

It was so good to be back here in the company after so many weeks of being away. The fresh air here was still the same, the fragrance of the company still gave me the same longing feelings. It was literally my first time touring the company since I was always busy and never had the time while I was working as Miles’s secretary.

I finally got to the rooftop, and damn! The air here was even more welcoming. I leaned over the rail and inhaled slowly, taking in as much fresh air as I could, and I could only admit that I enjoyed every bit of it.

“You must be happy that Mr. Miles fired me because of you,” Even though we just met today, I already recognized her voice and knew it was her when I heard the voice. Turning in that direction, I found the lady from earlier, standing and throwing me murderous glares like she could kill me if she had the chance to.

“Me?” It was so stupid of me to have asked her that question especially knowing that there was no other person here with us.

“What’s your relationship with Mr. Miles?” She asked as she walked elegantly toward me until she was standing in front of me. She was a bit taller than me, so I had to look up at her as she towered over me.

“You are too close,” I said awkwardly and stepped away from her.

“I ask again… What’s your relationship with Mr. Miles?” She asked for the second time.

“Oh… I’m his assistant,” I replied to her and bit my bottom lip.

“We have a boss-employee relationship. You can put it that way,” I further explained to her, and she scoffed as she crossed her arms on her chest.

“And do you think you are talking to a fool?” She rolled her eyes at me, and I raised my eyebrows.

“You are sleeping with Mr. Miles, aren’t you? You are not just his assistant, are you?” She asked me coldly, and I blinked my eyes a few times, not knowing what to say.

“Are you kidding me? Who said that I’m sleeping with him?” I scoffed nervously, my heart pounding hard against my chest. My chest contracted and I could barely breathe, so I cleared my throat.

“That’s not my problem. I don’t care how you are going to do it, but I just got hired here after searching for a job for so long, and I don’t want to lose this job. You need to do something,” She said threateningly, and I scoffed as I looked around.

“Are you threatening me or something?” I had to ask her because it couldn’t be me she was talking to in that manner. I may be cool and all that, but threatening me? Ugh! I hate that so much.

“Who said that I was threatening you? I only said you should do something,” She rolled her eyes at me sarcastically, and I breathed out.

“Fine! I will do something about it,” I gave her my words even though I wasn’t sure how I was going to go about it.

She stretched out her hand to me, and I looked at her cluelessly wondering what she wanted from me.

“Your cellphone,” She demanded, and I raised my eyebrows confusingly. What does she need it for?

“We need to have each other’s number so I can know the progress of it. I mean when you start helping me out,” As if she read my thoughts, she cleared my confusion, and I hesitantly handed her my phone. I watched as she typed in something and after a few seconds, I heard a phone ringing in her handbag.

“That’s my number. I will save yours and call you later. Make sure you tell me the progress of it. I’m really depending on you,” She said to me, and I nodded.

She gave me one last long stare before she finally left, and I breathed out.

Brushing all my thoughts away, I returned to the rail and leaned over it. Getting fresh air was the only thing I wanted at that moment, not until the sound of my ringing phone distracted me.

Seeing Miles’s name displayed on the screen as the caller, a dry scoff tore through my throat.

“Let’s have lunch together,” His voice sounded from the other end after I swiped the answer button, and I scoffed unbelievably. How could he be so rude with his words?

“I’m not hungry,” That was going to be my reply, but my grumbling stomach was quick enough to remind me that I was hungry, so I gave up.

“I’ll be there,” My voice came out in a mutter and the call disconnected.

“Ugh! Can’t you respect yourself?” I cursed at my stomach and was going to hit it when I realized that I had a baby in there, so I held back.Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“Mommy was just playing around with you, sweetheart. You know I would never hurt you,” I smiled excitedly as I rubbed my stomach gently. As much as I was looking forward to my stomach growing big, it was also a prayer point for me not to get noticed for the next two months and a few weeks and I would be married to Miles for. I would be doomed if he found out that I was pregnant.

Furthermore, I made my way back to his office, and the sweet aroma of the several meals on the center table in his office welcomed me. My stomach grumbled and my mouth salivated as I looked forward to devouring the meals.

“Come on… Let’s eat,” Miles smiled at me from the sofa where he was seated, and I rolled my eyes.

“Are you still mad at me?” He asked as I went to sit beside him on the sofa since there was only one in his office.

I ignored him and began eating.

“Are you seriously going to be like this, May? You’ve been giving me cold shoulders since morning. Can you please be nice to me?” He spoke up again, but I ignored him and continued eating.

“I know I was wrong for yelling at you, but I really didn’t mean it. I did that because I lost it… I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to,” He finally spilled the words I’d been waiting for and dying to hear all along, but fuck it! I wasn’t going to forgive him so easily.

“Forget it! You are mean, and I’m used to it. It’s not that I’ve not been working with you for so long…”

“Come on, wife. I’m saying that I’m sorry,” His voice was so soft that it melted my heart, and the way he called ‘wife’ made me want to hug him right away and tell him that I’d forgiven him.

“Wait! What is wrong with you, May? Why are you excited that he called you that?” I asked myself and cringed mentally. My brain must’ve squeezed and lacked blood for some seconds which was possibly why I couldn’t think of something sensible.

“You told me to stay out of it, and I’ve decided to stay out of your business already. What more do you want?” I dropped the cutleries I was using to eat, and slammed my hands on the center table angrily. Me? Stay out of it? Wow! He really got some guts.


“You know what? Just forget it!” I stood up from the sofa and dashed out of his office angrily. Why the fuck was I so angry? I asked myself.

“He is mean… He is not your style. He is not your kind of man,” I reminded myself as I sauntered down the walkway, going to God knows where. I just wanted to get away from him…

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