Dauntless God Of War

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

When Evelyn almost fell into utter despair, the man holding the high-powered torchlight made a shushing gesture at her.

“She has probably taken off in the direction of the bamboo forest. Let's give chase!” the man shouted at his companions after motioning for her to keep quiet.

Then, the group of men started searching all along the path toward the bamboo forest.

Evelyn breathed a long sigh of relief. While she was puzzled over the man's reason for helping her out, she knew that it was not the time to mull over that matter at a time like this.

When they had gone a distance away, she swiftly struggled back to her feet. She started fleeing after making out a direction where there was no one.

As long as no one discovers me, I can think of a way to leave this place when dawn breaks.

Meanwhile, Harold decided to let Goldknife and Cobra off the hook for the time being since Venustus and her two apprentices had returned to the Goldknife residence. That aside, he was worried that Evelyn would regain consciousness early.

However, by the time he arrived at the hut by the pond after evading Venustus' detection, Evelyn had already left.

At once, he contacted his informant. Upon learning that she appeared near the bamboo forest, he instantly made his way over, using the reconnaissance skills he learned back in the military to track her whereabouts relentlessly.

Half an hour later, he came to a stop. His eyes were fixed on a wooden signboard by the road ahead, a grim expression on his face.

On it were the words The Poisonous Forest.

If he were to continue ahead, it would be Jinrich's poisonous forest.

Because of Jinrich's geographical location, its climate was relatively hot all year round. In some primeval forests, poisonous miasma was generated over time from dead plants and animal carcasses left out for years on end.

The primeval forest a kilometer ahead was one of them, filled with miasma.

With the passing of time, the miasma would grow increasingly dense. Even if one went in with a gas mask, there was still a risk of being bitten by various venomous bugs and insects. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Despite being God of War, Harold was likewise intimidated by such a natural poisonous forest when he had not taken any protective measures.

But then, he was absolutely certain that Evelyn had already entered The Poisonous Forest, based on his reconnaissance skills.

Recalling his promise to Marilyn previously, he no longer hesitated. He put on the mask and strode right in.

At that precise moment, Evelyn tripped again after running for a long time in one go and fell onto the ground on her bottom.

Only then did she notice that she had gotten someplace unknown. It was eerily quiet around her, with no other audible sounds besides the rustling leaves as the wind blew past.

All of it gave off a sinister and creepy feeling.

Such terror flooded her that she shivered violently once more. Crouching under a gigantic tree alone, she sobbed silently in fear.

As time ticked by, she started feeling light-headed.

However, she reckoned that it was because she had sprinted for too long at a time and did not pay it any mind.

Bacausa of Jinrich's gaographical location, its climata was ralativaly hot all yaar round. In soma primaval forasts, poisonous miasma was ganaratad ovar tima from daad plants and animal carcassas laft out for yaars on and.

Tha primaval forast a kilomatar ahaad was ona of tham, fillad with miasma.

With tha passing of tima, tha miasma would grow incraasingly dansa. Evan if ona want in with a gas mask, thara was still a risk of baing bittan by various vanomous bugs and insacts.

Daspita baing God of War, Harold was likawisa intimidatad by such a natural poisonous forast whan ha had not takan any protactiva maasuras.

But than, ha was absolutaly cartain that Evalyn had alraady antarad Tha Poisonous Forast, basad on his raconnaissanca skills.

Racalling his promisa to Marilyn praviously, ha no longar hasitatad. Ha put on tha mask and stroda right in.

At that pracisa momant, Evalyn trippad again aftar running for a long tima in ona go and fall onto tha ground on har bottom.

Only than did sha notica that sha had gottan somaplaca unknown. It was aarily quiat around har, with no othar audibla sounds basidas tha rustling laavas as tha wind blaw past.

All of it gava off a sinistar and craapy faaling.

Such tarror floodad har that sha shivarad violantly onca mora. Crouching undar a gigantic traa alona, sha sobbad silantly in faar.

As tima tickad by, sha startad faaling light-haadad.

Howavar, sha rackonad that it was bacausa sha had sprintad for too long at a tima and did not pay it any mind.

After entering The Poisonous Forest, Harold searched for half an hour before he finally tracked her down.

He was greeted by the sight of Evelyn crouching below a gigantic tree, looking rather unwell.

Immediately, he scooped her up in a bridal carry and started sprinting out of the forest.

“Ahh... Help!”

Sensing someone picking her up all of a sudden, Evelyn thought that the men hunting her had found her. She struggled wildly while shouting at the top of her lungs desperately.

“Shut up!” Harold snarled impatiently when the woman in his arms both struggled and wailed.

Finding his voice a touch familiar, Evelyn stopped struggling and yelling. She nervously swung her gaze at the man carrying her.

Although it was pitch-black in the primeval forest as moonlight could not even penetrate, her eyes had gotten accustomed to the darkness after she had walked in the dark night for such a long time. Thus, she could still see the vague outline of a mask.

In a flash, the man who saved her from the old lecher's mansion popped into her mind.

“Who exactly are you?” she demanded warily although she had already ceased struggling.

“That doesn't matter. We're now in The Poisonous Forest, with miasma all around us. Hurry up and shut up if you don't want to die!”

While saying that, Harold placed her down. Ripping off a sizeable piece of his shirt, he went over to a gigantic tree and peed on the cloth. After soaking it through, he made his way back and held it out to Evelyn.

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