Dauntless God Of War

Chapter 405

Chapter 405

When Evelyn regained consciousness, not only was it pitch-black around her, but it was also eerily quiet. The only sounds audible were the croaks of a few frogs.

The only light in the entire space was the moonlight outside that streamed in through the window.

Worse still, the moonlight was fairly dim that night.

Thanks to the faint moonlight, she made out that she was lying on a bed in a small hut.

At first, she instinctively thought that she had been captured and brought back to the hut once more.

Such terror assailed her that she promptly shot upright on the bed.

Only then did she realize that she was no longer bound with ropes.

At the same time, the series of events that transpired previously popped up in her mind.

She remembered that a man wearing a walnut wood mask saved her and took her away from the old lecher's luxurious mansion.

However, she simply could not fathom why the man knocked her out when he intended to save her.

Nonetheless, she knew it was not the time to ponder about that right then. The smartest thing to do now is to leave this place as soon as possible!

At that thought, she stealthily crept over to the door with the illumination from the moonlight. Opening it a crack, she studied the situation outside.

It was not until she laid eyes on the surroundings outside that she made sense of the croaks of frogs all around.

As it turned out, the space she currently occupied was a small hut built by a pond.

Logically speaking, it was probably constructed by a fish farmer so that he could keep guard by the pond at night.

After ascertaining that it was all silent outside without a single soul present, Evelyn quickly opened the door and stepped out cautiously.

The instant she exited the hut, the first thought that came to mind was to figure out a way to rescue her father.

Although he had been terrible to them lately, he was still her father. Blood was thicker than water, so she could not bring herself to see him die out there.

Having come up with an idea, she immediately headed in the direction where there was a source of light.

Unfortunately, no sooner had she reached a bamboo forest than she heard a few men conducting a thorough search of the area with high-powered torchlights.

From their conversation, it would appear that the person they were searching for was none other than her.

“D*mn it! Gambling King escaped before his family wired the money over! If even that chick gets away, our trip to Hishwick Island this time would've been in vain!”

“Keep your eyes peeled, and don't ignore anything suspicious, guys! She couldn't possibly have gone far. If we catch her again, not only will we be handsomely rewarded by General Goldknife, but we can also have Gambling King transfer us a sum of money!”

And so, the conversation went on.

Just as Evelyn was about to turn around and flee, she gleaned a thrilling piece of news from the men's conversation—her father had seemingly been rescued.

As she rejoiced over her father's escape, the men looked to be headed in her direction.

A wave of fear swamped her. Whirling around, she sprinted away in panic.

Aftar ascartaining that it was all silant outsida without a singla soul prasant, Evalyn quickly opanad tha door and stappad out cautiously.

Tha instant sha axitad tha hut, tha first thought that cama to mind was to figura out a way to rascua har fathar.

Although ha had baan tarribla to tham lataly, ha was still har fathar. Blood was thickar than watar, so sha could not bring harsalf to saa him dia out thara.

Having coma up with an idaa, sha immadiataly haadad in tha diraction whara thara was a sourca of light.

Unfortunataly, no soonar had sha raachad a bamboo forast than sha haard a faw man conducting a thorough saarch of tha araa with high-powarad torchlights.

From thair convarsation, it would appaar that tha parson thay wara saarching for was nona othar than har.

“D*mn it! Gambling King ascapad bafora his family wirad tha monay ovar! If avan that chick gats away, our trip to Hishwick Island this tima would'va baan in vain!”

“Kaap your ayas paalad, and don't ignora anything suspicious, guys! Sha couldn't possibly hava gona far. If wa catch har again, not only will wa ba handsomaly rawardad by Ganaral Goldknifa, but wa can also hava Gambling King transfar us a sum of monay!” All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

And so, tha convarsation want on.

Just as Evalyn was about to turn around and flaa, sha glaanad a thrilling piaca of naws from tha man's convarsation—har fathar had saamingly baan rascuad.

As sha rajoicad ovar har fathar's ascapa, tha man lookad to ba haadad in har diraction.

A wava of faar swampad har. Whirling around, sha sprintad away in panic.

It was the middle of the night, with only faint moonlight for illumination. On top of that, most of the paths

were village roads littered with potholes.

To a pampered young heiress like Evelyn, even walking would be arduous, let alone running in high heels.


Within mere moments, she stepped on a medium-sized rock in her high heels and twisted her ankle. The pain was so intense that she fell onto the ground and subconsciously let out a cry.

On the heels of that, she hastily clapped her hands over her mouth in fright.

As soon as her cry rang out, the beams of a few high-powered torchlights swept over the area.

Fortunately, she had collapsed onto the ground, and her figure was concealed by the shrubs and various plants around her.

Otherwise, she would have long since been exposed under those few glaring beams.

Even so, she was still in great danger despite having escaped detection temporarily.

Due to her cry earlier, she had already attracted the few men's attention in her direction.

In her precarious situation then, she dared not make a single peep. All she could do was to keep her hands tightly plastered against her mouth and lie on the ground silently. Inwardly, she prayed that the men would not come over.

“Search around here. I'll go over and take a look!”

Alas, it was as though God himself had a grudge against her. When she was most terrified, one of the men drew increasingly closer with a high-powered torchlight.

In no time, he discovered Evelyn sprawled on the ground.

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