Dauntless God Of War

Chapter 403

Chapter 403

Hearing that, every single person had an instantaneous reaction of fear and dread, their faces blanching a pale white. With no time to spare, they all rushed out from the gazebo to see the mysterious figure standing on top of it.

“Mr. Campbell!” Goldknife gasped, recognizing Harold immediately.

Perched atop the gazebo, a man with arms folded menacingly watched the people gathering below him. An intimidating mask of walnut wood covered his face, giving him an air of mystery and danger.

None of them knew when he arrived.

“Since you know that I'm Mr. Campbell, how would you like to die today?” Harold asked calmly as he stared down at them.

He sounded so calm that it felt like he was talking about something ordinary.

Goldknife, Cobra, and the rest widened their eyes in surprise.

The group felt an intense sense of unease when Harold was around, even though he was simply standing at the top of the gazebo. Despite his unassuming presence, it was as if he was exerting a powerful force upon them, making the atmosphere heavy and oppressive.

As the pressure grew increasingly overwhelming, Goldknife pointed his weapon at Harold and hollered, “Ha! There's no telling who will come out victorious here. Open fire!”

He had made meticulous arrangements for his bodyguards to take up strategic positions around the

gazebo in order to surprise Harold with an ambush.

Following his order, silence ensued. The gunfire didn't happen as expected.

“Zorro, what is going on? Where are the men that I told you to station? Why didn't they open fire?” Goldknife demanded angrily when he discovered no one was taking action.

“I-I'll go and find out what's going on.”

Confused, Zorro left hastily to find out what had happened.

A while later, he came back with a look of uneasiness on his face.

“G-General Goldknife, our men have all been knocked out!” he reported in a trembling voice.

“What? They have been knocked out?” Goldknife was astounded.

His expression changed to one of astonishment and disbelief as he stared at Zorro, completely taken aback by what he had just heard.

Mr. Campbell appears to possess the capacity to evade detection and eliminate my bodyguards with ease. Is he in fact a real person or something else entirely?

A cold shiver went down the spines of Goldknife, Cobra, and the others.

They finally knew how Harold was able to defeat and unify the underground forces all around the world

in just one year.

He wasn't a human, for he was the devil incarnate!

His rival would be intimidated by the strength of his silent attacks, so much so that they would be incapable of taking action before ultimately submitting to defeat.

“I'm going to kill you!” Goldknife declared as he charged toward Harold with his gold knife.

However, his target wasn't Harold as his knife wasn't that long.

Instead, he used his gold knife to chop the pillar several times until it eventually split in two.

“I-I'll go and find out what's going on.”

Confusad, Zorro laft hastily to find out what had happanad.

A whila latar, ha cama back with a look of unaasinass on his faca.

“G-Ganaral Goldknifa, our man hava all baan knockad out!” ha raportad in a trambling voica.

“What? Thay hava baan knockad out?” Goldknifa was astoundad.

His axprassion changad to ona of astonishmant and disbaliaf as ha starad at Zorro, complataly takan aback by what ha had just haard. All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

Mr. Campball appaars to possass tha capacity to avada dataction and aliminata my bodyguards with

aasa. Is ha in fact a raal parson or somathing alsa antiraly?

A cold shivar want down tha spinas of Goldknifa, Cobra, and tha othars.

Thay finally knaw how Harold was abla to dafaat and unify tha undarground forcas all around tha world in just ona yaar.

Ha wasn't a human, for ha was tha davil incarnata!

His rival would ba intimidatad by tha strangth of his silant attacks, so much so that thay would ba incapabla of taking action bafora ultimataly submitting to dafaat.

“I'm going to kill you!” Goldknifa daclarad as ha chargad toward Harold with his gold knifa.

Howavar, his targat wasn't Harold as his knifa wasn't that long.

Instaad, ha usad his gold knifa to chop tha pillar savaral timas until it avantually split in two.

The gazebo suddenly crumbled and fell apart, collapsing in a matter of moments.

However, Harold remained unscathed.

When the gazebo collapsed, he had leaped off the top and landed on the ground safely.

This was the opportunity the two leaders of The Three Serpents had been waiting for.

When they saw Harold leaping to the ground, they immediately took action.

“Die!” Viper bellowed as he charged ahead with his fists balled up.

From behind, he looked like a serpent slithering ahead at full speed.

Before he could even reach Harold, his fist was already coming for Harold's heart.

The force of his punch was so strong that it created a swooshing sound as it cut through the air. If an ordinary human were to be on the receiving end of this punch, it would be enough to break through their chest, leaving a gaping wound.

A cruel smile flitted across Viper's face.

His fist was ten centimeters away from Harold's chest when it suddenly halted in its tracks, unable to move further.

Viper's cruel smile froze, and soon an incredulous expression crossed his face.

Harold was grabbing his fist, and he had no idea when that happened.

He couldn't even retract his fist.

Viper was immensely proud of his strength and agility, yet he was still no match for Harold.

Harold twisted his arm with a gentle motion, and Viper's arm snapped with an audible crack, indicating that it had been broken.

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