Dauntless God Of War

Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Outside, he brought Evelyn to the spot where his informant prepared for him and placed her there. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Evelyn was no longer in their hands, so it was time for Harold to teach Goldknife and The Three Serpents a lesson.

I think I can get rid of them before Evelyn wakes up.

Meanwhile, Venustus had arrived at the wooden hut, only to discover that she had been lured into a trap set by Harold. The latter had saved Zyaire and killed her beloved apprentices.

The gruesome sight caused her to gasp in horror.

Her heart was filled to the brim with remorse, regret, and uneasiness.

Mr. Campbell is a terrifying presence. I can't believe he killed my men easily and saved Gambling King when everyone was guarding this place!

She couldn't help but wonder if Harold had a team instead of coming to Jinrich alone.

Otherwise, he couldn't have accomplished everything without arousing suspicion.

Taking a deep breath, she called Cobra and Viper to remind them to increase security on Zyaire's daughter.

After conversing with Venustus briefly, Viper hung up and announced grimly, “Cobra, Venustus just

called to inform us that the two snipers left at the wooden hut have been killed!”

“What? Both snipers died? What about Gambling King?” Cobra asked incredulously.

That was totally unexpected.

“Gambling King has been saved. Venustus reminded us to keep watch on his daughter. If Mr. Campbell managed to rescue her, then we would be placed in a very unfavorable situation,” Viper explained fearfully when he saw how furious Cobra looked.

Goldknife quickly instructed Zorro, “Go find out if Evelyn is still here. If she is, escort her here so that we can use her as leverage against Mr. Campbell who has yet to arrive.”

“General Goldknife, bad news. Ms. Schmidt is missing!” Zorro soon returned, looking flustered as he reported the news to Goldknife.

Hearing that, Goldknife and two of The Three Serpents gasped in shock.

How did Mr. Campbell manage to save Gambling King without anyone becoming aware of his actions and then proceeded to enter the heavily guarded Goldknife residence in an attempt to rescue his daughter as well?

“What? Both snipars diad? What about Gambling King?” Cobra askad incradulously.

That was totally unaxpactad.

“Gambling King has baan savad. Vanustus ramindad us to kaap watch on his daughtar. If Mr. Campball

managad to rascua har, than wa would ba placad in a vary unfavorabla situation,” Vipar axplainad faarfully whan ha saw how furious Cobra lookad.

Goldknifa quickly instructad Zorro, “Go find out if Evalyn is still hara. If sha is, ascort har hara so that wa can usa har as lavaraga against Mr. Campball who has yat to arriva.”

“Ganaral Goldknifa, bad naws. Ms. Schmidt is missing!” Zorro soon raturnad, looking flustarad as ha raportad tha naws to Goldknifa.

Haaring that, Goldknifa and two of Tha Thraa Sarpants gaspad in shock.

How did Mr. Campball managa to sava Gambling King without anyona bacoming awara of his actions and than procaadad to antar tha haavily guardad Goldknifa rasidanca in an attampt to rascua his daughtar as wall?

Goldknife had never underestimated Harold ever since he discovered The Bloody Walnut.

In addition to making significant improvements to the security of the house, he also assigned two of the most experienced female bodyguards to stand guard outside the room where Evelyn was being held captive. He was astounded that Harold even managed to execute the rescue mission without making a sound.

How terrifying! I refuse to believe this is true.

As such, Goldknife and The Three Serpents assumed there was a spy within the Goldknife residence.

“Zorro, relay my order. Investigate everyone in the mansion. If I find out who the spy is, I'll skin him

alive!” Goldknife announced as he gritted his teeth furiously.

Before Zorro was able to utter a single word, a voice that exuded confidence blared out from the pavilion. “There's no need to conduct any sort of investigation. Not a single person from the mansion is suitable enough to serve me!”

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